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March 09 Abbercisers

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    March 09 Abbercisers

    decastille, you inspired me...i went out for 3+ more miles for a grand total of 7.8 today...i am aiming for 10 tomorrow...feels good!


      March 09 Abbercisers

      6 miles so far today...will go out again after dinner...


        March 09 Abbercisers

        6 miles today
        yoga later


          March 09 Abbercisers

          An hours brisk walk this morning, and a yoga class. I LOVE my Yoga. I'm sure its why I felt so good at the end of my 30 days. Am going to try a class that is not labelled 'beginners' tomorrow - keep your fingers crossed!

          Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



            March 09 Abbercisers

            Good morning!

            I'm reading but not doing! Arrrgh! Monday through Friday is just non-stop stuff, 5:00 am to 8:00 pm. I know, I know..."If you're too busy to be healthy, you're too busy!" I'll try to make up for my sloth this weekend; I hope I don't over-do it. :upset:


              March 09 Abbercisers

              walk/ran 6 miles outside


                March 09 Abbercisers

                :b&d::sofa: WOO HOO PEACENIK and ALL ABBERCISERS!!

                It's been a busy week and I HAVE been exercising even though I haven't been posting along the way here.

                I did five Curves and three boot camps (a little extra work at Curves) this week. My yoga fell totally by the wayside. Since I've added AA meetings to my schedule I haven't "settled in" to a level of efficiency yet. And I don't set the alarm, so have not adjusted yet for daylight savings time. (getting up between 4 and 5 instead of 3 and 4, and going to sleep an hour later) I REALLY need to get out the alarm clock and just make myself adjust because that will get me my yoga time back. I can of course do it later in the day but I just...don't. I'd rather figure out how to get 'er done early.

                I should have done 6X at Curves this week but I blew it off on my birthday. Then I felt guilty about that. LOL - I spent so much time debating and himming and hawing about going, then feeling guilty when I didn't - it would have been 674967 times easier just to go work out!

                This coming week the World Championships are on for figure skating, so I'm not even going to kid myself with an ambitious set of goals. Minimum 5X at Curves and Minimum 2 boot camps. There might be no yoga and if not that's OK for this week.

                The following week? :b&d:

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  March 09 Abbercisers

                  just as well - the following week will be April ( ... come she will .....) :H

                  I let my "drop down the exercise level" fade virtually into non-activity. Went to the gym, but pretty much sat on the bike reading magazines and went on to the the elliptical trainer, without breaking a sweat! Promise to sweat tomorrow!
                  Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                  Harriet Beecher Stowe


                    March 09 Abbercisers

                    Well, I managed two sessions on the gym-bike and of course some yard work. The knee seems to be getting stronger and less painful. Big news is that the dirt bike (trail motorcycle) is repaired and runnin' sweet! Now, I really have to shape-up!!! :thumbs::


                      March 09 Abbercisers

                      dg, aunty and tom!!!
                      good to see you all again...feels good to move, eh!

                      i walked 4 miles outside (today is a light day)...we are expecting a spring blizzard tomorrow, so i'll be on the treadmill or indoor bike trainer.



                        March 09 Abbercisers

                        Excellent gym'n'swim today - and the swimming pool was totally empty. I love it when that happens. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it - same day, same time next week it might well be packed.
                        AF since December 22nd 2008
                        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                          March 09 Abbercisers

                          day off due to a freak blizzard!!!!


                            March 09 Abbercisers

                            Light run tonight, but had a beautiful long, slow run on sunday, and felt like i could've ran forever. Need to build up for the longer run's firstly though. but body (knees) feels fine.
                            Bravo all!..............G.

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              March 09 Abbercisers

                              Am off to pick up new orthotics from the Podiatrist tomorrow. He did the 'sharp intake of breath and scratching his chin' thing when he saw me walking on the treadmill. Apparently I'm ''knock kneed and really rotate'' woo hoo. It is interesting though as both my Dad and Paternal Grandma had their hips replaced before they were 60. My oldest boy has a bigger issue, but nothing they can do to correct, just took baseline x-rays and will review if he has problems.

                              Anyhoo, that was a very long winded way to say that it's back 'on' with the couch to 5k from Thursday.

                              Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                                March 09 Abbercisers

                                sounds familiar betty, my podiatrist said something to the effect of "oh wow" when i was fitted for my i wear them? no!

                                i ran 2 miles and walked 2.5 on the's still snowing here...

