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AF Daily - Tuesday March 3, 2009

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    AF Daily - Tuesday March 3, 2009

    marking! I messed up my first attempt and forgot to edit the title before I saved!

    Can't blame a hangover though! Just not fully awake. Enjoying a cup of Peet's coffee and listening to the oatmeal bubbling away. It's 16F degrees this morning. About 15 degrees below average. I just want to be average again. Don't mind the winter but this is MARCH. We should be warming a little.

    I look forward to another AF day. AL thoughts are dropping off greatly, execept Friday, and I just want to thank all of you again for the team work here.

    I go to dog agility class tonight! We haven't been in 7 weeks because I accidentally stepped on the pup's foot and he had soft tissue injury. But we're going back tonight.

    AFM - I hope you had a good visit with Dad and he didn't bring up the past too much. Check in with us.

    To all the new folks - this is going to be your best week ever! It's going to be AF.

    Mame - a massage sounds like a real treat. I just bought myself a pair of Felco hand pruners for gardening. They have a model for small hands and I decided after 3 weeks AF I'd saved enough not buying AL to buy a pair. So treat yourself for having the blood work done.

    Have great day!

    AF Daily - Tuesday March 3, 2009

    Good morning and thank you speedster for kicking this off for us today. Your doggy is so cute and I bet he will be excited to get back to agility tonight! Does he do funny things when he thinks it's time to go to training? Mr. Doggy's Schutzhund dog gets really goofy when he thinks it's The Day.

    I really enjoyed all the dog piccys and the kitty and WOW Deter on those Eagles! Yes - we need a "Caption This" contest to guess what they are saying!

    AFM - I hope your meeting with your Dad went OK last night. I was thinking of you - things like that are difficult before they even get started. Looking forward to your check in.

    Mame I'm glad you are getting the blood work done. It really is a good thing to find out if there are any problems so you can address them. I've never had anything waxed. I keep thinking I should try something small like maybe eyebrows at least once in this life to see what the buzz is all about. (pedicures are cool and I'm glad I finally tried that!!)

    Some very strange things from my childhood have started rolling around in my head. Not sure I'm too happy about that. Not sure what to do with it either. Oh well - I think that srot of thing is part of the sobriety journey so will have to deal with it.

    Gotta get a move on - have a great AF day everyone!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily - Tuesday March 3, 2009

      Morning abberers!

      I loved the pics yesterday! Deter I have a Canon AE1 with a 200 zoom lens and took a photo class to encourage usage but I swear the math involved is a hinderance. By the time I figured out the setting, the photo op was over. I'll try again sometime.

      Little doggie wanted to chase kitty last night and I spoke sharply to her at the same time I was trying to swallow and I think I sprained my adam's apple or something. Ouch! Still hurts. Errands today with a high of 38. I'll have to wrap the apple in a warm scarf. :H

      Speedster, I have a pair of those and desperately need to use them but seems weekends are either too cold or wet. I can feel yourAF determination!

      DG, just MHO, but I wonder if those thoughts rolling around are there as opportunities for soul healing via forgiveness. Sounds like it could be an opportunity for emotional freedom.

      Carry on!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily - Tuesday March 3, 2009

        Good morning all and hope everyone is off to a wonderful start today.

        Was just reflecting this morning on how lucky I am that I found a program and made it work like so many of you have. Yesterday the dryer stopped heating, so after a fun day at work I headed to the parts store, then home and started working on it. Took a break and made my son dinner, then helped with some homework, then back to the dyer and finished it up, then off to Cub Scouts with my son.

        What a perfectly normal day it was - and isn't that amazing considering where we have come from? Never a thought of being too stressed, or wishing I didn't have to do it, and the thought of a drink was not even remotely close to the back of my mind. Sometimes I take all that for granted.....

        Anyway, looking forward to warmer weather on Thursday (60's) - I am so over Winter!
        Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


          AF Daily - Tuesday March 3, 2009

          As far as taking it (sobriety?) for granted: I've done that when I've had long AF stretches. For now, I have to thank God for each & every day of sobriety that I have.

          Childhood stuff coming up: Since beginning to work the steps of AA, I too have been thinking about my origins a lot...where my automatic reactions started. I have faith that it will be sorted out. I came from a home where there was a lot of drinking (daily).

          I hope all is well. I'm doing fine.

          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            AF Daily - Tuesday March 3, 2009

            Good morning, all. I had a melancholy day yesterday, one in which I was continually reminded of the fact that not drinking is not going to make my life wonderful, all by itself. I recognized the emotional state as one that often created an excuse for my drinking, but now (and I am so grateful for this) it remains obvious to me, even when I feel like crap, that drinking will only make me feel much, much worse.

            Sounds like everyone here is doing great! Greenie, I hope that weird injury clears up fast! And the childhood stuff... yeah, that stuff has a way of cycling through our minds, I think. For me, just reading about someone (for example, AFM, most recently) working on a relationship with a difficult elderly parent is enough to bring it more to the forefront of my mind... but of course I am immersed in it all the time, anyhow, because of my mother's condition. Big sigh. Onward!

            AFM I do hope it went well and that you are feeling good today about how you handled it, whatever may have happened...


              AF Daily - Tuesday March 3, 2009

              Hello - just a quick check in before bed.

              DG- I have hobbit feet, the only thing get waxed is my toes!

              AA -I'm so with you on 'normal' days. I can't believe the things I didn't do pre being AF!

              Am trying very hard to feel bad for those of you still having Winter - I really really miss the Seasons. Of course the novelty would wear off I'm sure. Our weather is the same all year round. Hot, humid and rainy! Not good for curly hair Lol!


              Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                AF Daily - Tuesday March 3, 2009

                Good morning friends. Just a quick check into say hello. I'm trying to not let this upper resp virus or whatever it is get the best of me. I just feel so drained all of the time.
                I got my new books from Amazon yesterday: Emotional Alchemy and The Shack-both recommended here at MWO. I'm hoping to get some badly needed housework done today and do some reading tonight.

                Have a great day all! :h
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  AF Daily - Tuesday March 3, 2009

                  Another AF day for me, I seem to be in a different frame of mind this time, I have had urges, but I say to myself "I choose not to drink, that is MY choice", and so far it seems to help. One major test came about last Friday, I had a heated discussion with my husband, when, in a very mature way(?!!!):H, I said "I don't want to talk anymore, I am going to the supermarket", and stormed out(sooo grown up!!!!!):H. Of course, my husband was expecting me to come back with at least 2 bottles of wine, imagine his surprise when I walked in with a packet of M & Ms, and a couple of bottles of tonic water. Imagine MY surprise when I got through the evening without resorting to the bottle even though I was feeling all badly done to(I am not really, my husband has to put up with so much). I know it's early days, but it felt great to be strong for a change.

                  Hope you all have a good morning/afternoon/evening.



                    AF Daily - Tuesday March 3, 2009

                    Just a quickie for me at the moment.

                    My visit went very well yesterday. No talk of the past although he did note that I have changed. Changed by the way I speak.... everything is more positive. I felt the same way with him. He looks VERY good for coming out of a massive operation to have the tumour removed. His description was hard to take as they sliced him up the front, down the back and on the side. They had to open up his rib cage. That is all I will say because I had a hard time hearing about all of the tubes, and details.

                    So all is good! I am glad that he & his wife noticed a positive change in me. Only because I guess I didn't notice the way I spoke about things since being sober. I guess my therapy is doing wonders as well.

                    Gotta run. Must have my coffee. It is hard to get my fingers to type or a thought out before one. It has just finished brewing.

                    Have a good day!

                    Hailey had a blast.


                      AF Daily - Tuesday March 3, 2009

                      May You Be Blessed Movie - MIAM

                      Just wanted to share this.

                      (Good job, Madi--looks like you and I have a lot in common!)

                      AFM-happy to hear you had a positive visit!
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                        AF Daily - Tuesday March 3, 2009

                        LVT - I've also got Emotional Alchemy on order, let me know what you think.

                        Mame - good for you!! Massive pampering is in order.

                        AFM - that's great news! I don't know how many times I've read that 'we can only change ourselves' and that the change is reflected in our relationships. How nice that your dad was able to recognise that and give you validation. And of course, that he's coped so well with the surgery.

                        As for childhood and continuing parental issues, well, all I can say is it doesn't end but it does change with the death of your parents. Today is 6 months exactly from when my dad passed away. I feel relieved that I'm halfway thru the first year of adjustment. The issues are with me all the time, but I'm more capable of being analytical now and chipping away at them gradually. Greenie, in my case it's slow going, but let the emotional crap decrease and the emotional freedom increase - I totally agree. Ditto WIP, not drinking, by itself, is not going to solve this one. But it sure helps to have access to your faculties!

                        Betty - LOL on the seasons. I may have an Asia trip coming up, can I PM you for advice?


                          AF Daily - Tuesday March 3, 2009

                          Just a quick check in. A lot of work to do today. Good luck to all.



                            AF Daily - Tuesday March 3, 2009

                            AFM: Great job yesterday. It's amazing how much of a trigger our parents can be.

                            I'm doing well, though still working at putting the past behind me...especially those awful drinking incidents. I know obsessing about them doesn't help at all. Trying to stay in the present seems a good tool.

                            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                            October 3, 2012


                              AF Daily - Tuesday March 3, 2009

                              Hey everyone, we had a big dump of heavy wet snow last night. Roads are brutal! I drove about 7 kids to school this am and I felt great- because I was not hungover and the kids were safe.

                              LVT hang in there. I had this sore throat thing for a week, I finally feel better.

                              I went to AA last night and it was really good. You can learn alot at the meetings for sure.
                              I went to the meeting with my friend who was beating herself up about not being 'worthy' and all this stuff. Someone said to her that maybe she was using that as an excuse to make her self feel bad. This frame of mind is what made her abuse alcohol/drugs- sort of what AWIP was talking about.

                              Wow- deep stuff!


                              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                              AF April 12, 2014

