Hello again everyone! I have to make this fast but AFM - I'm really glad the visit was a good one overall. I bet that is a big relief. It's funny - as I was reading your post I thought about how this past Christmas, the day with the in laws wasn't nearly as bad as I remember past ones (not sober of course). I got to thinking after the get together this year that a lot of the "problem" was me and not them. They are not perfect mind you, and they do things sometimes that can be mighty irritating. But now that I'm in a better place, things overall just go better with them and me. Imagine that.... (duh) Anyway.....I'm just glad for you!
Greenie, I appreciate your comment and I think you are right. I really thought I had forgiven my folks for some childhood stuff a long time ago, but I think there is more gunk in the bottom of the well that I need to clean out. It's not stuff I want to concern them with - hell they are 76 years old this year and nothing good would come of opening up childhood crap. (I would regret that the second my mother started balling, which would be about 2 words into that conversation!! :upset

A guy made a comment last Sunday about always having felt he had a hole inside - something missing - that he filled up with alcohol. I didn't think much of that remark at the time, but I was reading in "Drinking, A Love Story" last night and some stuff in that book + the comment sort of brought on a rush of thoughts if that makes any sense.
I sure appreciate having you guys here to communicate with. Sometimes it helps clarify things just to type it out. Then it's a bonus if even one other person can relate or offer some input. You guys are the best!