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AF Daily - Tuesday March 3, 2009

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    AF Daily - Tuesday March 3, 2009

    Hello again everyone! I have to make this fast but AFM - I'm really glad the visit was a good one overall. I bet that is a big relief. It's funny - as I was reading your post I thought about how this past Christmas, the day with the in laws wasn't nearly as bad as I remember past ones (not sober of course). I got to thinking after the get together this year that a lot of the "problem" was me and not them. They are not perfect mind you, and they do things sometimes that can be mighty irritating. But now that I'm in a better place, things overall just go better with them and me. Imagine that.... (duh) Anyway.....I'm just glad for you!

    Greenie, I appreciate your comment and I think you are right. I really thought I had forgiven my folks for some childhood stuff a long time ago, but I think there is more gunk in the bottom of the well that I need to clean out. It's not stuff I want to concern them with - hell they are 76 years old this year and nothing good would come of opening up childhood crap. (I would regret that the second my mother started balling, which would be about 2 words into that conversation!! :upset But *I* need to let some stuff go that I think is still lurking.

    A guy made a comment last Sunday about always having felt he had a hole inside - something missing - that he filled up with alcohol. I didn't think much of that remark at the time, but I was reading in "Drinking, A Love Story" last night and some stuff in that book + the comment sort of brought on a rush of thoughts if that makes any sense.

    I sure appreciate having you guys here to communicate with. Sometimes it helps clarify things just to type it out. Then it's a bonus if even one other person can relate or offer some input. You guys are the best!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily - Tuesday March 3, 2009

      I want to post more but work and LVT's link have both made me unable to.

      I am sitting here crying.

      Thank you LVT.

      The heck with you, work.

      I actually said to myself, "I am a blessed child??"

      Thank you LVT.

      AF April 9, 2016


        AF Daily - Tuesday March 3, 2009

        I'm going to say goodnight, & I really am grateful to all of you here. Mary
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          AF Daily - Tuesday March 3, 2009

          Really am grateful for all these posts - I can relate to each of you in my own experiences - issues with family - finding more time in my AF day - childhood memories (does anyone else dream more AF? I am dreaming every night - probably because I am not numbing my poor brain with alcohol and it is free to wander as I sleep!!). I am drinking more coffee - exercising on my treadmill every day. Life feels more normal AF - for sure!! My husband has been such a support - even on my worst days before this AF period. I think a large part of staying the course - at least for me - is just getting pissed off about it and deciding I was going to fight back - that I was not going to let alcohol control my actions and ruin my life. It was hard to admit that I was allowing this to happen - but once I did - I was pretty mad at myself for being so stupid. Some of the posts here about alcohol refer to the relationship like a bad love affair - such a good comparison.
          Have a great AF evening, all, and a great AF night's sleep!


            AF Daily - Tuesday March 3, 2009

            Hi folks,

            It's four months AF today but I'm feeling kinda' grumpy. I am coming to terms with the fact that just "not drinking" is not enough. When I drank, I was the "Hollow Man" with grand plans but never living up to my own expectations. All I had to do was (A) stop drinking and then (B) everything would work out fine. Well...not yet. Even with all my positive, smiling, good will, sometimes life still kicks me in the ass! (Insert relapse here.) No, not gonna' do that! I'll keep working on the attitude.

            In addition to numbing the pain, alcohol provides a good excuse for one's failures. Without alcohol, the responsibility is all mine. :upset:


              AF Daily - Tuesday March 3, 2009

              whew! late checkin for Mr Garlic. thanks for the blastoff Speedster!

              AFM, so glad for the good news.

              Greeneyes, I sold my canon AE1 years ago and really miss it! oh well, I really do dig digital now.

              Tom, nice to see you...grumpy comes and goes eh? I found that by about month 7 I was pretty darn mellow in my moodswings etc.

              drinking dreams again last night...ugh! woke up feeling exhausted and icky.

              off to check that link from LVT

              be well my friends!
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                AF Daily - Tuesday March 3, 2009

                Oh Boy - there is a Wednesday thread already (it being Wednesday afternoon here) ! I was so excited I posted on there instead!!

                Hi to all .... nothing to report except that I'm making a meal out of planning when I will get those blood tests done ..... thanks for everyone's suggestions of how I can treat myself afterwards!
                Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                Harriet Beecher Stowe


                  AF Daily - Tuesday March 3, 2009

                  Wellseasoned, Tom, those are wonderful posts... or at least, they certainly resonate with my own experience. First, WS, I too derived my determination out of anger (and humiliation) and channeled it somehow into a fierce refusal to let the bullshit continue. I don't know how, in terms of nuts and bolts, that I will manage to hold onto that sense of urgency (or if "urgency" is necessary over the long haul) for the rest of my life... but that's my project: to do whatever it takes to never go back there again.

                  Tom: exactly right. We wake up and realize that now we have a lot of things that must be done in order to create the good life that we only daydreamed about while we were drinking. But that's the same for everyone, I keep reminding myself. It's just that we were putting ourselves in handcuffs for so long...


                    AF Daily - Tuesday March 3, 2009

                    Morning all
                    Great responses ….Sobriety did not make everything “all better”, and life still throws me a kick in the ass every now and then. I just move forward, one day at a time. Startingover used two words that are key for me….attitude and expectations..I am adding gratitude. I will always be working on something, and greatful to be able to do so…..
                    Everyone have a great day
                    sobriety date 11-04-07

