Happy July 2!
Dieann, sounds like you have some good strategy's going, Congratulations on day one!
Welcome Mary! Congrats to you on your first day of abs! How did it go?
Anni - day 1 for you too right? Go get em girl!
Barb, congrats on 2 days!
Hi Gina, congrats on 5 days! Great to see you!
Wynot. Welcome! Day one for you too!!!? That's great! Keep us all posted.
Stick close to the boards, it really helps keep perspective when you think you want to drink. It helped me so much to come here and read even if I didn't post sometimes. Definitely a wonderful support tool!
Hey Kim, great t see you! I haven't had a chance to say Hi to you lately. Hi!
I want to clarify something about my post yesterday. I didn't mean to imply that I was bored, or that feeling blah had anything whatsoever to do with being abs.
In reading the posts yesterday, I came to see that it's a fear that some people have about being abs - that it's not going to be an exciting time, that somehow alcohol brings excitement into our lives. I think it was a fear of mine before I jumped in. But the reality is just the opposite. I was soooooooo bored when I was drinking! I was in a hole as some of you might remember, and believe me it was not exciting! I drank myself into that hole little by little over many years, and just as gradually I lost a big percentage of my interest in living. That was the epitome of boredom.
I just want to make sure that you all don't think I'm saying abs and boredom go hand in hand - to me drinking & boredom do. Abs is freedom for me, freedom to do things I haven't done in years because of the restraints that alcohol and it's side effects had on me. One of those side effects was that my hormones were thrown out of balance, hence the pms, hence the blah days.
Yes I do have days that I'm not thrilled with life, especially work days. But in my drinking life I was soooo not thrilled with life EVERY DAY. I was tired and blah EVERY DAY. I was sad, depressed, suicidal, fat, toxic, bloated, full of fear and loathing EVERY DAY. And it was getting harder & harder to pretend I wasn't all that bad, and it was even harder to pretend that drinking was still exciting. I was bored out of my mind, yet I clung to that bottle as if it would dispel the boredom. Come to find out it was the cause.
Hope you all have a beautiful day... with ample climate control!

:h Deirdre
Some succeed because they are destined to, but most succeed because they are determined to.
-Henry Van Dyke