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AF Daily - Thursday March 5, 2009

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    AF Daily - Thursday March 5, 2009

    Good morning everyone,

    Thank you all for your feedback and suggestions. Running short on time right now, but I'll have time this weekend to focus on this next step in recovery and re-growth.
    :thanks: You guys are great! Where else could I find this kind of wisdom and support?

    AF Daily - Thursday March 5, 2009

    Good morning all!

    Good to hear the energy Tom - also on the run now (life and the great outdoors call - that plus I've found an IPOD I can borrow for my run!) so will check in later. Wishing you all a great Thursday :l
    :rays: Arial

    Last first day - 15th April 2012
    Days 1-7 DONE
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      AF Daily - Thursday March 5, 2009

      Good morning everyone! Thank you Tom for getting us started today. I agree with you about the terrific support from this group! Ariel, the "call of the great outdoors" sounds awesome and just keeps me thinking about spring. It's going to be warmer today but windy. However tomorrow the forcast is for sunny and in the low 60's!!!! YEAH!! Hope you had fun on your run with your ipod.

      I feel like I've been posting in such a rush that there are WAY too many posts that I have not even acknowledged. I will try to do better with that today! Deter I forgot to mention how gorgeous your view is. WOW. And what a nice picture of it too. So is your home near other houses or are you in the "country" so to speak?

      I have ended up being pretty rushed every morning this week so far. I was up early today and am ready to go plush already some accounting work done, and a little time to spare. That feels nice. My goal for today is to stay calm and not let myself stress over things outside my control. Easy to say, not always easy to do. It's a blessing to just start recognizing when I'm doing it though!

      Today is pedicure day so how could anything go wrong today????

      Have a great AF day everyone!

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily - Thursday March 5, 2009

        Good AF Morning to all!

        I too am having a busy week and will catch up later. Our weather is warming up over the next few days and it will be refreshing to not bundle up.



          AF Daily - Thursday March 5, 2009

          Good morning again,

          Through some universal coincidence, I found this affirmation just after I posted earlier.

          Daily Motivator
          March 4, 2009

          Experience life
          The worst thing that can happen is nothing. Though there is a risk of failure in any undertaking, there is a certainty of failure when you never even make the attempt.

          Each time you get hurt, each time you fall short of the mark, you add another excuse to your arsenal. But excuses won't bring anything of value to your life. They only make you more skilled at avoiding the abundant goodness that life has to offer.

          Forget the excuses. Stop worrying about failure. Life is yours to be lived. You'll gain nothing by hiding from it. The cold wind on your face may sting a little bit, yet it lets you know you're alive.

          Fill each moment with new experiences. Fill each day with effort directed toward a meaningful purpose. It sure beats hiding in the corner. Though you'll occasionally stumble, you'll be stumbling forward, and enjoying the abundant experience of being alive.

          Copyright Ralph S. Marston, Jr. Used by permission. From The Daily Motivator? at Motivation & Inspiration from The Daily Motivator?

          Then when I get to work, my right-hand man called in sick, so all my big plans for the day are jumbled. Oh well, at least I've got stuff to be jumbled. :H


            AF Daily - Thursday March 5, 2009

            Everyone: I too don't have much time. My g-son is coming soon, & I have to call my spons. Busyness has been a problem for me in the past, as I've used the downtime as an excuse to drink. I try not to get too frenzied, because that tends to be one of my triggers.

            I'm working away on my program of recovery. I'm finding that it doesn't just unfold. In the past I thought all I had to do is stop drinking & all would be solved. I'm finding out that sobriety is more than being dry.

            Take care everyone. I'll try to check back later. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              AF Daily - Thursday March 5, 2009

              Good morning!

              I, too am running a little behind today. LOL. Seems a lot of us are short on time this morning.

              I am feeling sooooooo much better today. I am out of my funk.

              I went to a LifeRing meeting last night. It was very good. These meetings are very small and intimate. I didn't say much of anything last week but, this week I shared and cried.... There is a woman there whom I am developing a bit of a bond with. She is my age. She is doing well for herself; newish to recovery. A positive person.

              Then I went for coffee and got home after 10pm. I am not use to these late nights. By the time I get to bed it is after midnight. So a wee bit tired.

              I am taking this afternoon off today. I have my weekly counseling appointment today and then I am meeting a 'blind date' for a late lunch at 2. hahahaha...... This cracks me up.

              Must run! Have a great day everyone.


                AF Daily - Thursday March 5, 2009

                AWESOME, TOM!!!


                  AF Daily - Thursday March 5, 2009

                  Hi. Another hangover free day. I also had a very good nights sleep. Coffee's good. It's sunny and a nice day.

                  Look out world!!! :H


                    AF Daily - Thursday March 5, 2009

                    Way to go Tom.
                    I had some friends over for dinner last night and they had wine along with my hubby, I drank cranberry juice and soda and it was NO Problem! I watched them when they drank and I knew that if I was drinking It would be so hard to stop. I would expend so much energy just trying not to drink too much, it was a relief not to have to worry about how much I was drinking and if I could stop PLUS I feel great this am. (even though it is -25C windchill here...aaargh!).
                    Nice to read your posts Accountable, well seasoned, mary, speed., Tom, Mary, DG, Ariel, everyone!


                    Have a great day

                    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                    AF April 12, 2014


                      AF Daily - Thursday March 5, 2009

                      Happy Thursday ABtrain!

                      nice to see you all and yes, super busy here as well. DG, we live in a quiet area and the picture is the back yard which is nice and private. we have neighbors within slingshot range but they behave themselves pretty well.

                      sorry not a lot to add today, I'm pretty distracted with work and suppliers are driving me bonkers...arh!

                      I'm going to work off my frustration by going to 2 back-to-back gym classes tonight....that ought to do something.

                      Keep up the great AF work everyone!

                      be well
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF Daily - Thursday March 5, 2009

                        Hello friends,

                        I just got back from AA. I needed to get to a meeting today even though it was midday.

                        We talked about something that really applies to Tom's post. It was from a lady who has been sober about a year. She wanted to know how everyone else got through life's fire storms sober and what they did to deal with life.

                        Pretty much, the answer was the same. Do the next right thing. Period.

                        One person put it so well. He was quoting someone. "Principles before comfort."

                        I like simple ideas like that. I can remember them. :-)

                        Love to all,
                        AF April 9, 2016


                          AF Daily - Thursday March 5, 2009

                          did it. Had the blood tests done. Got my reward in early and bought the wet suit that I cant really afford, but which will keep me swimming in the sea through winter!

                          Now just have to get through the next week waiting for results ....feeling a bit braver now! Also feeling a bit skinnier as I've managed to lose 2kg in the last 3 days (this comes as a reward for patiently sitting out the 2 weeks it took me to lose 100g!!)
                          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                          Harriet Beecher Stowe


                            AF Daily - Thursday March 5, 2009

                            I like the simple concepts too. I know from my readings that we have to get through the hard times & come out the other side. There are no shortcuts (i.e. drinking). In fact, as I think more deeply about this, drinking just impedes the process. I'm feeling very strong & going to many meetings per week. However, I know that at some point, I'll come off this cloud, & that's when the real work will begin. There are no guarantees in life. I'm not going to have a bump-free life.

                            "Do the next right thing."
                            "Principles before comfort."

                            Such truth in such simple words. Comfort was always what I was looking for in a drink. I was always looking for a way to take away friction that might occur. Even though I still cringe when I think about it, that awful incident of last month was a real bottom for me. It dispelled all my illusions about drinking. As far as my life is concerned, there is nothing positive it can offer me.

                            Take care one & all.

                            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                            October 3, 2012

