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AF Daily - Sat. March 7th

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    AF Daily - Sat. March 7th

    and............ I am going on date #2 with a guy tonight. Dinner and then a hockey game.

    The one thing that totally gets me is that this guy rarely drinks, if ever! He would rather be doing something productive and 'fun' sober than to sit in a bar or a pub. Talk about a change in the man scenery! I am quite impressed.

    I haven't told him that I am an alcoholic/problem drinker.... and really do not feel it is necessary at all. The time we went out before; neither one of us ordered a drink. I wouldn't have, but he didn't.... That is too cool.

    I had a conversation the other day with my Uncle. We were talking about being sober and it is possible to have 'fun'. He said he has dramatically reduced his drinking on weekends, been going out fishing and stuff with his friends, and this was all done sober. All of them sober!

    There is life outside of the bottle after all. I actually didn't feel uncomfortable at all either being sober and meeting someone new. It was a good kind of weird.



      AF Daily - Sat. March 7th

      Thanks AFM, you are absolutely right... and I hope you have a wonderful time with this guy tonight!

      Everyone... hope you are having good weekends!


        AF Daily - Sat. March 7th

        I posted here on a day when I had had enough. Since then I have not had a drink. Very hrad to do.. I am still weak and scared but I am not going backwards. I read here some days..
        I dont know the days but it is over a week now.


          AF Daily - Sat. March 7th

          Hey, knittinggranny, I was wondering about you. Glad you are doing well... why don't you come around more often? The support from others who are also getting over alcohol problems, and sometimes feeling "weak and scared" can be incredibly helpful!


            AF Daily - Sat. March 7th

            Hi Granny. I think we've all had that day (some more than one) when we've "had enough". Please keep reading and checking in with us. We are always here.


              AF Daily - Sat. March 7th

              Hello knittinggranny. Carry on reading here and post more if you want to. You will read about many experiences and feelings that I'm sure you will relate to. Hope it comforts you. Take care x
              AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic


                AF Daily - Sat. March 7th

                Arial you are very inspiring and uplifting. Have only just read you opening post but it made me feel good.

                Hello WIP; oh how well I can relate to the mother who is 'bitterly complaining' issue. Mine still knows how to pull my strings but after much therapy and many years, the grip has loosened considerably. I've started to experience what you describe in the evenings at my usual time but am having some success in riding it out and waiting for it to pass. It was a valuable lesson for me to learn how cravings do in fact lessen and abate and will not necessarily escalate. It was a similar lesson for me in managing anxiety and panic attacks. When you realise they are thoughts and feelings that will pass off, their power over you is lessened and you can regain control.
                AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic


                  AF Daily - Sat. March 7th

                  Joanna: exactly! We truly can ride them out, and let them pass...


                    AF Daily - Sat. March 7th

                    Hi everyone!

                    Well, the rough work-week ended well Friday; I finally landed the biggest order ever after several weeks of quotes, revisions, and more quotes - and the customer is even happy! Then I managed to re-negotiate our business property lease at a lower rate. And finally spent some quality time helping a friend cope with his problems. (Imagine that!) The day ended early, zonked-out in the recliner at 7:30.

                    Spent today totally "in the moment", busy - but no schedule, no rush, no stress. It is a beautiful day!

                    Thinking back to my mid-week rant, I believe I got a bit lazy nutrition-wise; too much caffiene and sugar, and not enough water, fruit, veggies and walnuts.

                    Have a great weekend all!!


                      AF Daily - Sat. March 7th

                      thanks workinprogreess and joanna
                      i've spent too much of my life talking about stuff.. and many forums are all talk and not much action. i'm determined that this will be action moment. I expected it to be hard, which it is but I'll get there.. and I'll be back to let you know what my actions are!


                        AF Daily - Sat. March 7th

                        Hi KG and :welcome: on board! - Many congratulations on theses first steps to reclaiming your life - this is a great place to come for support, friendship, understanding or just somewhere to vent or spend time other than drink! SO great to see you here and look forward to getting to know you.

                        WIP - well done for getting through trials with mum - I think sometimes families should come with a government health warning - they certainly seem more than largely responsible for anxiety, stress, upset, therapy! I do wonder how I've managed to mess things up for my own daughters - I'm sure it will all come to light later as they leave home and come to realise things. I know they're both very anti alcohol at the moment and are aware of the genetic connections so will hopefully be on guard against the problems as they find their own ways in life.

                        Joanna, thank you for the visual of the 'letting the thoughts pass'. It makes more sense to me now I can pin it on to an example.

                        Tom, what a wonderful day! To be enough in control to be helping others is really great (along with the other successes!). Deter, too - I think you could sign me up for the two garlic a day - particularly roast garlic when it absorbs the juice/fats from the meat! Forget the apple-a-day...

                        Hula, it's great to see you 'catch up' - I'll make sure now to read the end of the previous days as well to make sure not to miss you!

                        Here it's Sunday now, so I'll look forward to catching everyone today on the new thread probably!
                        :rays: Arial

                        Last first day - 15th April 2012
                        Days 1-7 DONE
                        Days 8-14 DONE
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