I am feeling 'stabby' as I can't seem to get to sleep early enough these last few days. I even took 2 melatonin's. I managed to fall asleep while watching one of my shows - of course I missed the end of it. :H Once I shut the TV off, I was wide awake again. **sigh**
I am taking today off of work. There is nothing to do, and besides my little one doesn't have preschool on Wednesday's until next week. Thankfully she is finally in 5 days a week now. Saves a lot of headaches for me in regards to care, etc.
So today, I am going to take her around town on a Double Decker Bus! We are going to do some sight seeing. I am totally excited! She is too.
Well, I guess I shall go and lie down again. I JUST KNOW that she will be up earlier than normal because I am up late. Murphy's Law!

Talk to ya all later. Have a great day!