Thanks, Deirdre, for your wonderful (as always!) leadership this week! Take a bow, girlfriend, you deserve it!
And :w Tessa--good to have you here!
Congratulations, Peggy, on Day 51! It's a beautiful thing....
Janet, good to see you here again--missed you! Mackeral! Great to be on the OTHER SIDE, innit?! Bet THAT gave you a bit of satisfaction, eh? And Diane, what a great gift you gave yourself when you tossed the rest of the wine! Great going, girl!
Barb, you so totally have my sympathies with the sleeping thing...the last decent night's sleep I had was back in April...I still remember it with longing.... Melatonin makes me super depressed, so that's out...oh, I sleep walk's a ghastly image: 50 y/o woman sleepwalking... (And congrats--Day 6 now!)
Mary, Dieann, Anni--day 5!!! YES!! Be gentle with yourselves this weekend! Glasses of water always at the ready! Thanks, Gabby! It works for me....
Lori--enjoy the camping--and what IS it with all the camping this weekend!! I seem to remember that at least 2 of y'all are headed out this weekend--have fun!
Kathy, you rock! And I remember a couple of weeks ago when you were concerned that this abs thing wasn't for you! See that!?!
BTW, the MRI was a totally weird and somehow SPIRITUAL experience...I know, I know...HOW could it be spiritual, you ask... Well, as I was laying there, completely unable to move, inside this ghastly tube-like thing and being bombarded with this unbelievably LOUD sound coming all around me (for, like, 20-25 mins!)--I suddenly found myself feeling completely calm...the noise was so loud and so enveloping that I found myself going INTO the sound and finding this still, silent place inside was like the audio equivalent of the eye of a hurricane...I was in the middle of the sound and yet somehow it was silent....just like the stillness at the center of a storm... It was truly wonderful.... Now, if I'd been hungover, or thinking of my next bottle of wine, I would totally have missed that experience!
Okay, bedtime for me....gotta drive up to Vermont tomorrow and we've got new toys to play with--a new picnic table, a mesh, tent-like thing so we can sit outside and not get bitten to death...can't wait!
Now, if I've missed anyone--it's not at all personal, it's just me getting completely bleary-eyed!
Love ya's all!
:h susan
"Ring around the rosie, and no one falls down!" (Gabby)