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Tues., March 17, Daily Thread

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    Tues., March 17, Daily Thread

    Hi Everyone:

    Since nobody has come forward to start this thread, I thought I would. I hope all is well...I'm fine but must keep this short, as I have go out soon.

    I have to admit (w/o betraying any confidences) that I'm very happy that this particular thread is so supportive & positive. I think everyone's path is different, & it's not our place to judge each other. All we can do is say what has worked or not worked for us. I've limited myself to this thread & the AA thread so that I can stay above the fray (if there is one out there). Enough said.

    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Tues., March 17, Daily Thread

    I got confused this morning (nothing new here) when I posted to an AF Daily thread started by Greenie and then didn't see it in Monthly Abs.

    She posted it in General. I am sure by mistake.

    Anyhow, I stick close to my friends, too, Mary and simply stay out of frays. I can't get involved in emotional upheavals right now. I have enough internal upheavals of my own and staying sober is so darned important to me. Life or death, actually.

    So, I am sticking here with you guys and am grateful for the love and support of my friends here.

    I hope I also give some love and support in return to any who need it. We are all in this together.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Tues., March 17, Daily Thread

      Oh oops. Oh well. I dont' know how to fix it. Gaahhh. I feel like I'm going downhill fast. No, it's just anxiety rising. Poo.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        Tues., March 17, Daily Thread


        Hang in there. That anxiety will go away when you take your positive steps towards finishing what you need to finish. It will. I absolutely promise!!

        Of course, there is always peppermint ice cream to help, too. :l

        We are here for you, too. :l:l

        AF April 9, 2016


          Tues., March 17, Daily Thread

          Happy hangover free Tuesday. I made page one again

          Should be a busy day, but I must remember to get outside and get some fresh air. It will be time to start hiking soon.



            Tues., March 17, Daily Thread

            Hi everyone
            The start of another fabulous day. My winter depression is melting away with the snow. I look good in jeans again!!! You know, I am taking in less calories. Everyone sounds good, late congrats Greeeneyes, and I have to hand it to you, staying sober during a divorce - wow! Cindi, good for you! Stay strong!
            Everyone else, have a great day, sending you all love today!


              Tues., March 17, Daily Thread

              Happy St Patty's ABerooooooos!

              wow, page 1 for me as well.

              having a small party at the house, all drinkers but that's ok by me (finally). I definitely wouldn't jeopardize my sobriety if I had any doubts.

              Mary, I can totally relate. this is my 'productive' part of MWO. I like many aspects for fun and research but this is my ballast. thanks to you all for that

              be well everyone and be wary of green drinks! danger!!!
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                Tues., March 17, Daily Thread

                Looks a little slow here today so I will post this info which I posted in the research thread. I was looking for information on Pancreatitus and found this website:

                Causes of pancreatitis

                Anywhere the word Alcohol or alcohol abuse comes up, it links to an ad selling alcohol. For some reason I found this funny.



                  Tues., March 17, Daily Thread

                  I'm back. I volunteer in my g-son's kindergarten class, & the little kids are so cute! I'm doing well w/MWO & AA combined. I still can't wait to log on here every AM. I love reading about all your progress out there. Mary
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    Tues., March 17, Daily Thread

                    Happy St. Patty's day!

                    I will not be missing the green beer and tequila shots - that is for sure!

                    My little one is having a party at school. We made fruit and marshmallow skewers this morning. We even food coloured the pineapples green. She made a special skewer for herself. It was full of marshmallows! Kids this age are so much fun.

                    It is almost lunchtime so I must make something to eat. I am starved. Have a great day!


                      Tues., March 17, Daily Thread

                      Hi everyone and Mary, thanks for getting us started today. I too am happy that we have this AF Daily thread and I feel very connected to all of you in our mutual quest for sobriety.

                      I think I mentioned a while back that I am involved with a newly formed local organization that promotes "Buy Local" in our community. The founder and President is often asked to speak at various functions as there is a lot of interest (LOL and some rebellion) about our group and our mission. I got a call yesterday afternoon that the President "double booked himself" (he would be lost without his assistant!) and could I "stand in" and give a presentation about our group to one of the local city council meetings. Last night.

                      That was pretty cool even though it threw me for a loop. Prior to shutting down my professional life (for the most part) due to my alcoholism, I used to give a lot of presentations and I really enjoyed doing that. So I was nervous but also excited to go out and do that again last night. Of course in the old days, I drank through and around everything so there were "triggers" as well. In the old days I probably would have had one or two before the presentation -even though I would have promised myself not to. And of course after the presentation I would have been headed straight for the nearest bar and Katie bar the door.

                      I didn't enjoy the thoughts of AL, but I also realize that I have to "practice" the things I enjoy doing WITHOUT alcohol over and over to get comfortable with the AF way of doing things. Just like cooking without the ever present drink nearby, I will get used to doing lots of things that way. It will just take time, and willingness to get through a few practice sessions the "new" way.

                      Anyway...that's what pulled me away from my normal routine over the last 24 hours or so, and I'm kind of glad I missed whatever I missed. I'm sad that people got hurt.


                      AFM that story about your DD's "special" skewer with just marshmellows is precious!

                      Mary I'm with you that MWO and AA is working for me right now. We've shared too much of this journey together to stop now!

                      Deter I look up to you "down path" and look forward to a day when I don't have to be quite as focused on the "serious" part of this journey and can spend more time goofing off! You are showing us it's possible to reach that point while remaining very firm in the need to keep AL totally out of the picture. Congratulations on reaching a point where you can comfortably entertain drinking guests in your home. I too hope to reach a point someday where it doesn't matter at all to me what other people are doing or not doing AL wise.

                      Mo, thanks for that link. I need to keep the health risks of excessive alcohol consumption close to the front of my mind. Sobriety for me is about so much more than "missing a party." I never want to forget that.

                      Lila, now lookin' good in your jeans ROCKS. Congratulations on that! And glad to hear that your spirits are lifing with the coming of spring. It's been more like summer (NICE summer - not the super duper hot parts) here the last couple of days. Now I'm spoiled but I know the temperatures will go down before they stay up. Oh well - I'll take what I can get!

                      Hi Greenie. I'm a bit behind on things - I assume the anxiety is divorce related? I feel for ya - not easy at all. How soon will that whole thing be in the rear view mirror? Soon I hope. And may there be an ample supply of peppermint ice cream to see you through!!

                      Cindi - ITA with all you said about staying out of emotional upheaval. In fact one of the things I'm working on is NOT trying to control everything and everyone around me. Some things are my business and most things are not my business. Trying to "control the uncontrollable" is part of what gets me in trouble with other aspects of life, not just AL. To have peace, I think I have to learn how to...well....implement the serenity prayer.

                      (just in case anyone reading this doesn't know the words to The Serenity Prayer I tend to come up short sometimes in the "wisdom" department.

                      Tomorrow I go for an ultrasound of my parathyroid glands - this has to do with that high blood calcium reading, and the subsequent high parathyroid hormone reading. Of course there isn't any risk associated with an ultrasound procedure unless they mix me up with someone getting a boob job or something!! (but if that were to happen, I'm wishing for perky ones...) The biggest challenge from all I have read is just finding the stinkin' glands - I guess they are pretty small. Some of the doctors who have to find the glands perfer some sort of test involving some radiation which I guess is easier than an ultrasound for locating the glands. But my wonderful miracle doc is VERY anti radiation unless there is absolutely no alternative, so we shall see how this goes. If you want to send a vibe, send one for those glands to be right where they belong and close to the surface, with any tumors facing an easy to see direction. And perky boobs just in case of a mix up.

                      So tomorrow will be a busy one as well. Will check in in the AM if I can. Mean time, Happy St. Patty's day. Seeing this holiday through AF eyes makes me wonder why anyone would want to drink anything that is putrid green anyway.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        Tues., March 17, Daily Thread

                        hey guys: had alot to deal with today, been talking to my fiance about some stuff from when i was very young that has been causing me problems for years. Still sober, but having a really tough time in some ways and a really good time in others. Weather has been wonderful, am all set to go to a festival in the summer, but my health's been very mixed lately so am worried about that - I'm not afraid to admit I'm a very paranoid person however and constantly worry something will happen to me. Anyway, hope everybody's enjoyed their days

                        The way I change the past is by not repeating it
                        -James Hetfield, Metallica


                          Tues., March 17, Daily Thread

                          I am trying to enjoy today. My youngest will not stop whining or crying about the dumbest things. ^&%$#*)( !!!!
                          Where is wip today? Has anyone heard from her?


                            Tues., March 17, Daily Thread

                            ThatGirl;574698 wrote: hey guys: had alot to deal with today, been talking to my fiance about some stuff from when i was very young that has been causing me problems for years. Still sober, but having a really tough time in some ways and a really good time in others. Weather has been wonderful, am all set to go to a festival in the summer, but my health's been very mixed lately so am worried about that - I'm not afraid to admit I'm a very paranoid person however and constantly worry something will happen to me. Anyway, hope everybody's enjoyed their days

                            I think you are doing great. Keep checking in every day. :goodjob: I think we all wonder about our health after drinking the way we did. I'm sure you are fine.



                              Tues., March 17, Daily Thread

                              Lila;574725 wrote: I am trying to enjoy today. My youngest will not stop whining or crying about the dumbest things. ^&%$#*)( !!!!
                              Where is wip today? Has anyone heard from her?
                              I believe WIP has left the building and will not be returning. I think something happened yesterday or today on another thread between her and some other members which upset her. I encouraged her to take a break and come back. I hope she does.


