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AF daily - Wednesday March 18th

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    AF daily - Wednesday March 18th

    Hello everyone!

    Another beautiful sunny morning here. I'm taking the opportunity to take my exercise out of the gym and into the fresh air - this was my bike ride to work yesterday. Exercise has been such a huge help with my sobriety, definitely in the top three things that have helped me.

    DG - I hope your ultrasound goes OK.

    Wip - you've got my e-mail address - please USE IT if you want to...

    Have a great day everyone!
    AF since December 22nd 2008
    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman

    AF daily - Wednesday March 18th

    Good morning and thank you Marshy for starting us off today. I TOTALLY LOVE these bike pictures!!! Wonder where the MWO bikes will show up next. That is a beautiful street.

    Thatgirl, you are doing great. It sounds like you are doing some soul searching that is difficult. I applaud you for staying sober and tackling the difficult stuff. That is more work than saying "F" it and getting drunk. But the rewards will be there by working through the issues. I'm proud of you!

    Lila, I hope today is a better day with little one. I admire every parent on the earth. Some days I can't even stand my own dogs! Yesterday they were all whiney too. Have no idea why except maybe it's spring fever. There is nothing louder and more annoying in the doggy world than a whining beagle! May the human and four legged children have a quiet day today!

    Thanks Cinders and hula. This medical situation has given me a good opportunity to recognize and work on my propensity for drama. It's always a little scary to have something wrong. But in the old drinking days, this would have been just one more BIG excuse to drink, and I would have been exagerating the nature of the problem and looking for HUGE attention and sympathy from Mr. Doggy and anybody else who would listen. I am working at keeping the correct and factual perspective and just taking care of business. It is very, very unlikely to be a big deal so long as I have experienced people working on me. University of Chicago is a good hospital so hopefully that base is covered.

    LOL I suppose what made me think of perky boobs was my hair dresser who totally cracks me up and I got my hair done yesterday. (and here you thought I was naturally grayless) She went all over Chicago getting "free consultations" over a frown line on her forhead that she ended up getting botox'd. She was mainly price shopping. As she went from place to place she figured out that whoever was manning the front desk and escorting patients / prospects to the little rooms was sort of an "advertisement" for that doctor. She described one place where everything about the girl was EXTREME. HUGE lips (made me think of Goldie in First Wives Club), stiff and expressionless face skin and boobs that were practically up at her neck. We were dying laughing. I would never want my boobs to be quite THAT perky.

    Anyway...I'm off to an AA meeting and then to Curves. Later my friends! And hello to WIP. If you get to a point where you feel like returning, I sure would love your wisdom here on Daily AF and of course on AA.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF daily - Wednesday March 18th

      Good Morning!!

      Marshy, thank you for starting us off. I am happy for you that the weather is nice and you can bike to work. I guess I am going to have to listen to all of you and really do some exercise myself. I keep hearing how helpful it is to sobriety.

      DG, Good luck with the whole scan thing. Please let us know how it turns out. I will be thinking of you and sending prayers your way. The visual of the receptionist is a hoot. Hubby would love for the boobs to be that big!! (No way hoser!!)

      Hubby took the day off and I have this feeling he is going to drive me crazy today while I try to work. When you work from home, people think you have all this free time to do things.

      Hope all before and to come have a wonderful, AF day.

      WIP, thinking of you.

      AF April 9, 2016


        AF daily - Wednesday March 18th

        Hi Everyone: We too are finally getting some reasonable weather here in New England, though we still have plenty of snow on the ground.

        Cindi: Since I've been going to AA meetings, my husband has been on his own much more. Consequently, he's been going to his Alanon meetings & often going out w/a friend afterward. This is something he would not do if I'd been tagging along. It makes me feel good to see the change in our relationship...he's not depending on me for everything, including social contact. Today he'll be meeting a young guy for coffee. I think he'll probably sponsor him in Alanon.

        Whenever something changes in a relationship (even a 37 year relationship), it shifts.

        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          AF daily - Wednesday March 18th

          Marshy, thanks for getting the thread started...
          DG and WIP will keep you in my thoughts today.

          Cindi, I hear ya with the hubby thing. The golf course has FINALLY opened!!!....Yipee...this has been a long winter with hubby hanging around. I am thrilled to finally get him out of my space!!

          Our new treadmill is being delivered today, the old one is biting the dust, slowly...Mandatory up hill and if the speed goes over 3 mph the darn thing just stops.....There goes my excuse for my on again, off again workout in the morning......we shall see....

          Hope everyone has a great day....
          sobriety date 11-04-07


            AF daily - Wednesday March 18th

            Hi Mary!!!!
            sobriety date 11-04-07


              AF daily - Wednesday March 18th

              Hi, Charlee!!

              btw, one thing hubby is going to do today is put together the Nordic Track someone gave us for free.

              I guess I'll have to jump on it at least once. :H

              AF April 9, 2016


                AF daily - Wednesday March 18th

                Hi Char! Mary
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  AF daily - Wednesday March 18th

                  hi all
                  I don't know if I should still be on this thread - I drank last night - I let stress get to me - &^%$##@
                  Today is a new day - I am going to drink a lot of water and journal about my feelings about all this.


                    AF daily - Wednesday March 18th

                    Lila: If your goal is abs, then you belong here. I can't count the number of times I slipped. However, I always knew in my heart that I need to be abs. Do what you said you were going to do: water & journal. When the time is right, you'll get sober (& so will I). Good luck, Mary
                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012


                      AF daily - Wednesday March 18th

                      Good morning friends.

                      Not much to say, just wanted to say hello. Busy day ahead.

                      Have a great day all!:h
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                        AF daily - Wednesday March 18th


                        Mary and I both have slipped many times but keep sticking it out. We will both be AF for good at some point and neither of us will ever quit trying to quit.

                        You belong here. Trust me.

                        Stress is one of the biggest triggers. I understand. It is very positive of you to think about the cause and figure out how to avoid that trigger in the future.

                        AF April 9, 2016


                          AF daily - Wednesday March 18th

                          Good morning!

                          I slept weird last night and I am very achy from head to toe. I actually feel a tad bit hungover although I didn't drink at all! Gotta love that - NOT!

                          I am going to the College today to sign up for my course. I am excited!

                          Must run......... this horrid weather makes it hard to get motivated!

                          Have a great day!


                            AF daily - Wednesday March 18th

                            Good morning. Hangover free again today. Sorry to hear about your slip Lila. As Mary said, we have all had our slips before on this long journey. Pick yourself up and het back on the horse. And you are welcome here. :welcome:

                            Off to put the garbage out. The truck comes earlier and earlier each week.



                              AF daily - Wednesday March 18th

                              thanks you all! I was even afraid to post what I did...anyways I feel like I embarrassed myself a teeny bit, probably not, &&^^%%$##!!!!
                              today is another day, yes, journal time, water, and just refocus on my life.

