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AF Daily - March 19, 2009

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    AF Daily - March 19, 2009

    Marking!! Running!!

    Today is the 22nd anniversary of my 29th birthday so I'm glad to start the thread! No shopping days left. (oops - here I go with "all about me" again today...)

    I'm so happy to have come so far with sobriety and also the other health improvements over the last year. I felt like a really old woman one year ago and today I feel YOUNGER by probably 10 years anyway. I am determined to keep alcohol out of my life which for me, opens the doors to such a wonderful array of other things in life that I'm only beginning to explore.

    One new thing coming up Saturday is the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) co-op getting going for the year. The one I joined required WORK and this Saturday, weather permitting we will be doing field clean up to prepare for planting. I'm looking forward to learning a lot in addition to having lots (hopefully!) of fresh organic produce all summer / fall. YEAH! I think this will also lead by necessity to learning more about canning/freezing later on!

    Well, I gotta run but mainly wanted to THANK YOU GUYS for all of your support yesterday with the doc report. You help me stay tough - you have no idea. I'm grateful to be sober today, that is for DANG sure.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - March 19, 2009

    DG and all to come,

    Did I read correctly? This is your birthday? Congratulations on another 22nd!! You are right behind me... so you are still a baby like me.

    Of course you know, we are all thinking of you and your health. I am glad they found it and now you can get it taken care of.

    Well, on to me. LOL

    I have been having lots of compulsions in the evenings BUT not giving in to them. I am glad. I have woken up with my cluster headache the last two days and it is great to know they are not caused by AL. Additionally, I keep playing the tapes over and over when they hit. I know that if I were to give in, it would end up miserably. I love my life sober and I simply can't have it as a drunk. I want my sober life!!

    If I have to pay a price for my sober life, so be it. The price is pretty small, actually, just dealing with the "I would love... but I can't."

    Anyway, enough about me.

    I hope all to come today have a wonder, happy, serene alcohol free day.

    Much love,
    AF April 9, 2016


      AF Daily - March 19, 2009

      DG: Happy Birthday. You deserve all the happiness in the world. You're such a great contributer to this thread. I can't imagine it wo/you. I hope someone will make a fuss over you today. It wouldn't hurt to eat a little sugar for a change (i.e. birthday cake).

      I did say the St. Jude prayer for you last night. I KNOW everything will turn out OK, but for now, you might have to just feel your feelings. Accept all the support everyone offers. You don't have to be totally strong all the time.

      Cindi: Glad to see your post. I've been reading "Living Sober" which is AA approved literature. There's nothing new in it, but reading it helps me deal w/the urges.

      All to come: Hello

      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        AF Daily - March 19, 2009

        Morning DG and Cindi
        Well if, I too, read it correctly.....Happy Birthday DG!!!....Looks like us "youngins' " are the early risers and first posters!!!

        Cindi, you are doing what we all our doing....taking it day by day, doing what you can to stay one step ahead of those compulsions, hope you are feeling proud of yourself as your days accumulate. IMO when it comes right down to it....we just have to tell ourselves that we cannot pick up that first drink.

        I still (and always will, I am resigned to that) occasionally think about drinking and that wonderful "ah" moment. I am not willing to pay the price for that brief moment..the aftermath scares me..

        Hope everyone to follow has a great day...
        sobriety date 11-04-07


          AF Daily - March 19, 2009

          Good morning.....another member of our 29 and holding club!!!
          sobriety date 11-04-07


            AF Daily - March 19, 2009

            Happy birthday, DG!!

            Celebrate yourself, celebrate your life! :h
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              AF Daily - March 19, 2009


              Happy birthday, DG! Enjoy your no-sugar, no-wheat, no-dairy yummy cake
              AF since December 22nd 2008
              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                AF Daily - March 19, 2009

                Char: I've done 29 twice & then some. EEK! Mary
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  AF Daily - March 19, 2009

                  HAPPY BIRTHDAY DG!!!:bday3::bday1::day4:
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily - March 19, 2009

                    Happy Buuuuuuuuurthday DG!


                    Isn't it funny how we are all 29? That is tres cool!


                      AF Daily - March 19, 2009

                      Hmmmm..wonder what the average age of the "regulars" on this thread are?....Did we all fall apart at the same time!!!!
                      sobriety date 11-04-07


                        AF Daily - March 19, 2009

                        Happy Birthday, DG!!!
                        Nice sunny day. I am going to do some productive, proactive things today!
                        have a great day everyone


                          AF Daily - March 19, 2009

                          Happy birthday DG.

                          Another great day.

                          Well, it's not my birthday, but I do feel older some times. We went to the movies last night and I had a large pop (soda? for the yanks). That got me up in the middle of the night. I tip toed to the bathroom so as not to wake up the dog (who would want to play). Well, my knees are cracking and popping and so is my back. I made quite a bit of noise, although the dog never woke up (maybe I scared him).

                          Have a good day.



                            AF Daily - March 19, 2009

                            Thank you all for the birthday wishes. Mary, my brain which is just as addicted to sugar as alcohol is one step ahead of you trying to convince me that a cake (a "real" aka sugar one) would be mighty good and of course "we" (aka me) would ONLY eat one piece. It's my birthday afterall. But of COURSE we need to buy a whole large cake because Mr. Doggy should have a piece too, and he doesn't get much sugar around here so the leftovers would NOT be for me, they would be for him........ does this sound familiar? I must give a name to AL's twin who lives in my bad neighborhood of a mind pushing sugar.

                            Mo that is very funny about the bones!!!

                            Charlee, I think it's very obvious that the average age here - at least among the women of AF Daily - is 28. (That Girl brings our average down from 29)

                            AFM, I haven't had a chance to mention that I'm really happy for you with your upcoming return to school and a career change. You sound very excited about it and that is a GREAT attitude. You found the pony in the pile of shit!!!

                            Hi to all who have posted and all yet to come.

                            It's a great day to be SOBER!!!

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              AF Daily - March 19, 2009

                              It is a great day to be sober, DG.
                              I think, I really really think sugar is a drug. It hurts our health, and our mood. And it is so addictive.

