Happy Birthday, DG!! :bday7:
And really well done with the calm approach to your surgery. I'm sure it will be fine. Do keep us posted. Don't worry about the 'all about me', we all need that at crucial junctures.
I got back yesterday from another trip devoted to dad-related paperwork. Two middle-aged women sat next to me on the plane giggling away the entire journey. They had 3 (small) wine bottles each, and I suspect they'd started before boarding. They both acted as though they were 13 and startled the entire plane when one of them popped the cork loudly and sent it flying across several rows of seats. All I can say is, I'm glad I'm in the process of growing up sober, finally.
We're waiting for a new internet service provider which means I'm not hooked up at home at the mo. Even though I'm not on as often, I still think of you all daily. Be well everybody :l