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AF Daily - March 19, 2009

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    AF Daily - March 19, 2009

    Happy Birthday, DG!! :bday7:

    And really well done with the calm approach to your surgery. I'm sure it will be fine. Do keep us posted. Don't worry about the 'all about me', we all need that at crucial junctures.

    I got back yesterday from another trip devoted to dad-related paperwork. Two middle-aged women sat next to me on the plane giggling away the entire journey. They had 3 (small) wine bottles each, and I suspect they'd started before boarding. They both acted as though they were 13 and startled the entire plane when one of them popped the cork loudly and sent it flying across several rows of seats. All I can say is, I'm glad I'm in the process of growing up sober, finally.

    We're waiting for a new internet service provider which means I'm not hooked up at home at the mo. Even though I'm not on as often, I still think of you all daily. Be well everybody :l


      AF Daily - March 19, 2009

      Hi again. Lila I agree about sugar being some sort of drug! My sugar demon has a name now and it's The Cookie Monster. So the committee trying to run my bad neighborhood of a brain into the ground is Nic, Al, and The Cookie Monster. So far today I'm winning.

      Pamina it is wonderful to see you. More paperwork? just goes on and on, doesn't it. I think I might find myself wishing that I didn't have to deal with any of the formalities and realities...dealing with my emotions and grief would be MORE than enough. I admire your strength through the loss of your Dad and YES - you are growing up and out of AL-Land as a very wonderful, intelligent, compassionate woman.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily - March 19, 2009

        I am eating way too much these days and gaining weight. Replacing one addiction with another.

        Right now I am not going to worry about it. I am still struggling so much with the AF time that being chubby is not on my radar.

        I will pay for those words. I know.

        AF April 9, 2016


          AF Daily - March 19, 2009

          DG, I just saw your post on my effect on the average age on here and I absolutely died laughing xD

          Happy Birthday! also

          Not much for me to say on my day, have been havign a lazy time but really enjoying my life being sober now, 11 days is a personal record for me since the tender age of thirteen, pretty amazing to look back on. Everybody have a nice day!

          The way I change the past is by not repeating it
          -James Hetfield, Metallica


            AF Daily - March 19, 2009

            TG, CONGRATULATIONS on 11 Days. You are doing awesome. And I'm so glad to hear that you are finding lots to love about being sober. For me, beyond a VERY brief time early in the buzz, drinking just takes me to a horrid place where there is really nothing about life worth loving. Sober living may not have the big "highs" but it doesn't have the horrible lows either. I'm really proud of you. 13. Wow. That is so young. But the silver lining is that you figured out YOUNG that drinking is not healthy for you. Good for you tackling this at a young age. Your life will be a WHOLE lot better for it.

            Cindi, I agree one thing at a time. LOL my current "thing" is coffee. I'm sure my caffeine count is WAY overboard for any level considered moderate or healthy. (Guess I have another committee member living in my head that I will have to find a name for) I'm just not ready to "give up" another vice at the moment. So I will carry on running all over town with a travel mug appearing stuck to my hand. At least I'm "all over town" instead of a drunken prisoner in my own home.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF Daily - March 19, 2009

              I like that: "drunken prisoner." I never thought of it that way. I too love coffee but must limit myself to AM morning coffee only as I'm a completely defective sleeper. Mary
              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                AF Daily - March 19, 2009

                good grief, is it still thursday? barely!
                another long, but gratefully AF day.

                Happy Birfdy Doggy Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woooooo doggie! I'd have baked you some garlic cup cakes if I had a kitchen handy.

                home tomorrow....yeah!

                everyone be well

                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  AF Daily - March 19, 2009

                  Happy Birthday DG! We celebrated tonight in my adult school class with a potluck. it is the last class before a two week break. Four of my students arrived with the news that they past their test! For those of you not in the U.S. this is the GED. It is the High School Equivalency Exam for a High School Diploma. So, if I had been here earlier, I would have known to sing Happy Birthday too! G'nite all. Talk to ya tomorrow.


                    AF Daily - March 19, 2009

                    Det, sorry to hear you had a really long day. Thankfully it's an AF one. I remember really long drinking days back in the corporate life and THAT was TORTURE. I'm thinking of days such as airport travel days where drinking started early in the airport bar, and then flights get delayed and connecting flights are missed and the day just gets endlessly long and I would be hopelessly drunk and tired and cranky.....YIKES. Give me an AF day with some annoying cravings any day over that. I appreciate the thought of garlic cup cakes...I think? Maybe not. You eat one first and I'll watch, OK?

                    Hi hula! That's great news about your students who passed the test. That must be a really good rewarding feeling about your work. I'm sure there are disappointing times, but seeing your students do well hopefully makes it all worthwhile? Will you have some time off for spring break or do you have to work on class plans, etc.?

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      AF Daily - March 19, 2009


                      Hope you had a fantastic day DG!

                      Love and Happiness
                      "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                      Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                        AF Daily - March 19, 2009

                        Good morning and happy birthday and it is so amazing that there are so many 29er's out there, runnin around, AF, enjoying a new lease on life.
                        Hope you have a wonderful day.


                          AF Daily - March 19, 2009

                          Hippie THANK YOU For the little black puppy. I wish I could take him home with me. He actually looks like a puppy that Mr. Doggy and I found running around in the middle of a busy 2 lane country road a few years ago. Poor thing was full of ticks. It was a Sunday when we found him so no shelters open - at least not in the small town we were staying in in KY. Mr Doggy said "please tell me this puppy's name is not "Five." (we have 4 dogs already) We couldn't bring him in the hotel room because of all the ticks and fleas and our own dogs. So we went next door to an all night truck mechanic place and made arrangements to keep him on a long leash with some food and water outside their place in a semi-fenced little area. By morning one of the night mechanics adopted him. So that picture brings back fond memories of finding "Five" a new home and saving him from running around in the middle of a road where he would have eventually been hit.

                          Spedtech, 29 is SUCH a wonderful age. Are you 29 yet? Or are you also bringing our average age down like TG?

                          Thank you to everyone for the very nice birthday wishes.

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.


                            AF Daily - March 19, 2009

                            I love a story with a happy ending!! Thanks for that DG brought a real smile to my face.

                            "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                            Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                              AF Daily - March 19, 2009

                              Glad to bring a smile to your face Hippie. I also meant to add to my post above that I love the serenity prayer. Great avatar.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

