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AF Daily - Tuesday March 24, 2009

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    AF Daily - Tuesday March 24, 2009

    Good morning everyone.
    Sorry about your puppy LVT. DG- hang in there with your doctor visits.

    I went to an AA meeting last night and it was really good. I was able to brag about not drinking on my I just have to keep that up! Day by day right? Usually I don't feel like drinking but there are the odd times where my mind starts playing tricks on me. I start to think about the taste of wine with my supper or the feeling it gives me- and then I think "ok, just one"
    I know where that is headed so I have to give my head a shake and just try and get over the feeling. So far so good.
    Anyway, happy sober Tuesday everyone!


    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

    AF April 12, 2014


      AF Daily - Tuesday March 24, 2009

      Narilly: Great job! Don't forget the AA thread. I love hearing about the meetings.

      I'm doing well...moving forward. I think that the more open I am the better I progress. Mary
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        AF Daily - Tuesday March 24, 2009

        Hello, my dearest friends!

        It will definately take me some time to catch up, but I am so happy to be back. I can feel the love, support and friendship welling up inside of me already. I have had a time of it the past 6 months, or so, and am glad to have my head back on straight (well, sort of).

        I will try and catch up on your lives, and share mine as well.

        Love to you all,

        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


          AF Daily - Tuesday March 24, 2009

          Hey everyone,

          DG - it's good you've got a supportive doc and trust her by the sound of it. Does she think there might be a link between the tumour and drinking? Or is it something that happened after you quit? Tell me to mind my own business if you want to!

          LVT - sorry to hear about your dog, what a horrible shock.

          MM- welcome back.

          I was in the pool at the gym today and suddenly started thinking about swimming in the sea. So I feel a holiday coming on... I was thinking I could hop down to the Med for at least a few days without missing too much work (I'm freelance, so always feel I should be available to anyone who wants me at the drop of a hat!), but I've just checked my calendar and I'm very booked up next month. Good for my finances, not so good for lazing about in the Med! Maybe May or June...
          AF since December 22nd 2008
          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


            AF Daily - Tuesday March 24, 2009

            Hi again.

            MM!!!!! :yougo::yougo::yougo: Welcome back our friend. Can't wait to hear what you've been up to. I'm really happy to see you - so happy I give you 1/2 my smilie rations for this post. (OK - more than 1/2)

            LVT - If your hubby doesn't have the time or interest in really TRAINING a hunting dog then I hope he does not get one. Dogs that are bred for that type of work really do need a "job" (training if not working) every day or they get into trouble. It would be oh so much better if he doesn't have the time to just let you and the kids adopt a nice pet dog from the shelter and give that dog a wonderful home. :upset: I just hope you and your kids are OK. I know it's a very sad time.

            AFM - you DO sound really good. I remember when Greenie went through that exact same transformation. HEY - are you wearing Greenie's BGP????? (Big Girl Pants)

            Greenie... Oops - smilie rations all used up now.

            Narilly I know those thoughts all too well. I can "hear" WIP with my eyeballs saying "it's only a thought - change the channel."

            Mo & Ruby, hangover free mornings just rock. They really do. And sometimes I forget to stop and appreciate them. Will someone smack me for that please?

            Mary, when you say "the more open I am...." do you mean open like honest?

            Hey Marshy. Doc didn't say a link between drinking and the tumor. BUT...she said that in her opinion, ALL illnesses are related to imbalances in the body. If the body has everything it needs, AND is not a toxic waste dump, she believes we don't get sick in the first place or a fully functioning healthy body can heal itself. (eta: point being that I don't think alcohol would contribute anything positive - I suspect it's more of a contributor to toxic waste dump status....)

            She is not stopping me from going forward with the surgery, and I may end up doing that even after the upcoming tests and consult with Dr. Rogers. But the more I think about it the more it seems wise to try to find the CAUSE which is probably related to one or more deficiencies or toxicities or a combination of those.

            For the alternative medically curious, the Cardio ION test on this site Metametrix Clinical Laboratory - Metabolic and Nutritional Testing is the baseline test she wants me to have before our consultation. The sample reports are interesting. (well, to me. They might also cure insomnia for some.)

            OK - I have to find out what's going on in the figure skating world so I can get my mind off of stuff. Yeah.

            You guys are the best. I love our little AF Daily thing here.

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF Daily - Tuesday March 24, 2009

              DG -- very interesting. I have a friend using a doctor like yours. I will be very interested with your experience. I see my DR next week, we'll see what her reaction is to alternative tests.

              LVT - thanks for the message. I responded as well.

              To everyone else, I think the change is seasons has been positive for most except maybe for Mame who's headed for winter. I feel on top of the world now that it's sunny and warmer.

              I'm off to agility class. Jump! Tunnel! Teeter! :-)


                AF Daily - Tuesday March 24, 2009

                only checking in quick coz I am a busy lady today, but am still sober, day 16, hope all is well with you all

                The way I change the past is by not repeating it
                -James Hetfield, Metallica


                  AF Daily - Tuesday March 24, 2009

                  Speedster, you and Speedpup have fun at agility!

                  TG - good for you on staying busy and congrats on Day 16.

                  If anyone is interested, this Metametrix Clinical Laboratory - Metabolic and Nutritional Testing is the lab where some tests will be done. The Cardio ION test is what Dr. Rogers likes to start with. My own doc will be the one to order up the test. If you find the info on that test on the site, there is a sample report showing what info the test drums up and how it's presented along with recommendations. I didn't know you could have vitamins compounded with exact qtys of stuff. This will all be interesting for the Holistic section once the madness gets underway.

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    AF Daily - Tuesday March 24, 2009

                    Hey guys, just posting again to say I've made the pretty major decision to really sort myself out, before my basic plans ahve always centred on drinking, trying drugs - just alot of negative stuff. Lately I've been doing alot of thinking and I've just decided to just turn all that around, try n be a better, healthier person, try n see the world a bit differently and a load of stuff like that. In the end my priorities now are my music, my writing, my art and my fiance, plus the standard stuff an 18 year old girl wants - education, family, friends. It sounds obvious, but I've neglected alot of what makes me me because I just couldn't keep up with it when I was drinking every night, so it's time to start over. I just wanted to tell somebody, figured after all the help n inspiration you guys have given me, you should know. Thanks,

                    The way I change the past is by not repeating it
                    -James Hetfield, Metallica


                      AF Daily - Tuesday March 24, 2009

                      happy fashionably-late Tuesday ABeroooooos!

                      whew! my first day home to really catch up on paperwork.

                      Meditation Mama!!!!! it's been ages hon. you owe us 5 stories, 11 jokes and a couple recipes. and an hour in chat for good measure!

                      DG, very interested in what you learn on your alternative medicine journey, sounds like a great way to go.

                      ThatGirl, you are only 18yo? and you are taking your drinking this seriously...I'm VERY impressed and amazed at your level of maturity. at 18 I thought I was Mr Knowitall and nobody could tell me what to do about my drinking.

                      oh crap, there was more I was going to add but apparently my caffeine levels have dropped dangerously low.....hmmmmmm.

                      be well friends,
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF Daily - Tuesday March 24, 2009

                        Aloha and Good night All! So good to see everyone appreciating their sobriety. Hey rock!!! The sooner in life you get this straightened out the more successful you will be in all your involvements. Education, employment, health, relationships with family, friends....It took all us way too long to reach this point in our lives.
                        DG... good luck with the medical issues. It will interesting to learn more about this.

                        MM..welcome back. I don't think we got to know each other before but I remember you. We'll have plenty of opportunity to become cyber friends here.

                        Mahalo everyone for sharing!

