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TOPA or Supps...

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    TOPA or Supps...

    I have given this a lot of thought today.

    I have a prescription for TOPA from my doc and have it sitting on the counter.

    I also have all the supplement I need.. my personal favorites being a great multi-vitamin (AllOne), L-Tryp, L-Glut and Kudzu (however, the Kudzu I have never given a fair go).

    Topa - Makes me feel like I am taking something because I am sick.. Now, one could argue that alcoholism is a sickness, and I am aware of the similarities. I also agree with some of these arguments. However, a daily reminder is not something I want right now.. is this wrong? I also don't want to feel dependent on a medication this time around. I want to sit with my cravings, urges and uncomfortableness. That may sound crazy but as TOPA-DOPA was a problem for me, It does make me kind of zone-out. On the other hand, I am thinking I could use it for the first month, or so to help me get through the rough patches.

    Supps - I know they work, not quite as quick a fix as the TOPA, but with time and exercise they do work for me. I quit all my supps about 8 months ago. I don't believe for a second that that is what caused my relapse, but I am sure that depriving my self of proper nutrition did not help the cause. I think with supplements I can do this naturally and this is something that I can implement for a lifetime.

    I am already exercising. I work out with a trainer 3x per week and starting this week she is going to make me a runner.. my request.. This alone helps me tremendously!

    Well, I think I just wanted to type this out for myself. It was probably completely boring to most readers, but I think it helped me to make my decision.. Supps and exercise it is.. . If I feel like it is not working then I will revisit TOPA..

    sorry for the snoozer....... It helps me process when I write

    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.

    TOPA or Supps...

    supps and exercise is my way out!!!

    i'm running now

    good luck this time mm



      TOPA or Supps...

      thanks, peacenik! Nice pig! Makes me want bacon, though... sorry, that is my cleanse talking...
      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


        TOPA or Supps...

        MM, I'm with you and Peacenik on the supps and exercise. Rock those runnin' shoes and skip the meds - especially since you WANT to be in touch with the feelings, urges, etc. you will be experiencing as you detox.

        I guess I should say that I have nothing AT ALL against folks who choose the prescription route - WHATEVER WORKS. I can't imagine any of these drugs being more dangerous and/or damaging than alcohol. But if you are on the fence anyway, why not give it a go without and see how you do.

        2 cents and that ain't much!

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          TOPA or Supps...

          Starting my L-Tryp and Melatonin tonight. I know I will need the Melatonin for a few nights. I have Ambien, but all the meds are going in the cupboard! I had so many surgeries last year (which didn't help my cause cuz Vicodin has always been a precursor to drinking for me), so I don't want anything that is not natural now. I can do this.. I know how, I just need to do it! I have to say it does scare me to let go of my crutches, but I'm ok with that. It's not like someone is threatening to bomb my house, get over it MM!! it's only in my mind..

          I AM NOT MY MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!
          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


            TOPA or Supps...

            Hi MM and welcome back!!

            I took Topa (as well as all the recommended supps) for a month and for me it really helped to curb the cravings and get me through the first 4 weeks after which I then had the confidence to carry on without it.
            Everyone is different and their reactions/side effects to the Topa vary, I was lucky in that the side effects were minimal and far out weighed the benefits for me.
            Wishing you all the best.
            "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


              TOPA or Supps...

              Hi MM,
              For me I took the supps Lglut and Kudzu, they worked brilliantly for the cravings..I also took Gaba and True calm for anxiety and all one for an overall nutrition programme...
              Good luck!
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                TOPA or Supps...

                MM ,

                I had good results with one 500 mg L-Tryptophan around noon for the first two months. It seemed to level-out my mood in the afternoon and helped me sleep. Luckily, I didn't have to deal with cravings too much; I was "scared sober".

                And...exercise; it's good for your body, mind, and being. Good luck!


                  TOPA or Supps...

                  meditation mama;579268 wrote: thanks, peacenik! Nice pig! Makes me want bacon, though... sorry, that is my cleanse talking...
                  the heart shaped spots don't make you want to go vegetarian!!??



                    TOPA or Supps...

                    Nope, Peacenik.. jus tmakes me want to make a heart-shaped sausage patty!
                    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                      TOPA or Supps...

                      On a diffeent note.. Can anyone remind me of the dosage for L-Glute and Kudzu for the evening?


                      Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                        TOPA or Supps...

                        meditation mama;580044 wrote: On a diffeent note.. Can anyone remind me of the dosage for L-Glute and Kudzu for the evening?


                        I used to take 1,000mg capsules of L-Glut 3X per day. I think you could even safely go higher too. Make sure to get input from Deter as IIRC he did some homework and took quite a bit of L-Glut for cravings without any trouble.

                        This is just me, but I stopped using the Kudzu as I felt I was seeing a different with L-Glut (and it was doing the trick) whereas with Kudzu I wasn't as sure. FWIW. YMMV. DYKWATITSF? (do you know what all these initial thingys stand for?) :H

                        Have a good one. The US National Men's Champion Jeremy Abbott had a rough skate in the short program. He probably got bad carma from his costume which was purple velvet with some....something scarfy hanging off of one thigh. It was described perfectly as the covering from a 70's lounge sofa. I don't think it's possible to have good carma wearing that. A rhinestone headband on the other hand....there seems to be a lot of power in those.

                        No, I haven't lost my mind. Yet.

                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          TOPA or Supps...

                          meditation mama;580043 wrote: Nope, Peacenik.. jus tmakes me want to make a heart-shaped sausage patty!

                          :H poor wilbur!


                            TOPA or Supps...

                            Doggygirl;580046 wrote: FWIW. YMMV. DYKWATITSF? (do you know what all these initial thingys stand for?) :H
                            NOT A FRICKIN' CLUE!!!:H
                            Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                              TOPA or Supps...

                              :HPeacenik, you are so cute, I love bacon, but .....OH, you make me think of Wilber! :HDoggiegirl, Where are you finding all those weird skaters....the only thing on my TV are all the blasted basketball games....NCAA championships.....I love football, basketball, but I have just about watched all the bouncing balls I can for awhile .....time to be outside, plant stuff.....Meditation Mama, keep up the good work.....but don't eat the porker!!!!:goodjob:

