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AF daily - Wednesday March 25th

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    AF daily - Wednesday March 25th

    Hi again! Probably my last post of the day as the figure skating is getting to the good parts.

    Mary, I wonder if that's some of the "all or nothing" thinking? If I can't be PERFECT then I'll just get drunk... ??? That fun pondering aside, I am with you in starting to feel that a life without AL is really going to happen. And I'm happy about that - not as scared as I used to feel. And not mourning the loss of AL either. Somebody recently told me about their mother who started a painting business well into her 60's. That was her passion and she is now in her late 70's and climbs all over scafolding painting artsy things on walls and ceilings. There IS life to be lived out there!

    TG - for me it took a LOT longer than 17 days to get over the moodiness, etc. I did find that either L-Tryptophan or GABA helped a bit with that. I also found that I just needed to take some time out to be with myself for a little while most days. "Me" timed seemed to help. Hang in there! It does get better but it takes time. Alcohol does some major major things to our brains.

    Deter and hula, I too am confused. I like Cable Guy's way of putting it: "If guns cause murder then pencils cause spelling errors." I don't know what's going on in the world around us but it's scarin' me.

    Southernbelle it's AWESOME to see you here on the Daily AF thread!! Love to hear you sounding so positive and energetic. Positive energy rocks.

    Well, back to Men's figure skating and Sweden's Adrian Schutltheiss's white blond mohawk and aqua colored gloves.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF daily - Wednesday March 25th

      Hi everyone!

      Not much to add today, but I would like to thank everyone who contributes to this forum. Every post is pure love and wisdom. This is a real support group; like family. :h

      I would like to offer a warning about a new engineered, artificial sweetener from Pepsi / Tropicana called PureVia, which is derived from the stevia plant. It's in a new lower calorie "orange beverage" called Trop 50, that is marketed as a "better" orange juice. It was on sale and I had a coupon for a dollar off, so I tried it. I had a glass yesterday morning with breakfast; it had an odd taste but not awful, and the price was right. The rest of the day was normal, but I awoke from a sound sleep at midnight with shivers and severe diarrhea that lasted about three hours; just awful! Upon doing some research today, I found several similar stories on the net, even though the product is brand new. The rest of the carton is going straight down the drain. This sounds a lot like the engineered fat Olestra, which caused similarly unpleasent reactions. From what I read today, I think I will swear off all artificial/engineered sweeteners, fats, etc.

      "Modern life may be toxic; use with caution."


        AF daily - Wednesday March 25th

        i stopped using artificial sweeteners as's agave nectar and honey for me.
        funny, i've always been a very healthy eater and careful about what i put in my body, exerciser, yoga practitioner etc...that's why i was a is "good for you" long as you don't drink 2 bottles a day!!!


          AF daily - Wednesday March 25th

          Tom - weird coincidence - I NEVER buy Tropicana because I've always thought it tasted slightly funny and it's much more expensive than other brands here, but I went to buy juice today and fancied the pineapple & passionfruit Tropicana, so bought that. I haven't had any yet - just been to the fridge to check the ingredients and it says it's just juice and nothing else. I'll "test" it tomorrow :H

          Hope you're feeling better!
          AF since December 22nd 2008
          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


            AF daily - Wednesday March 25th

            white blond mohawk and aqua colored gloves.

            thanks for that DG, I feel a bit more comfortable with my fashion disorder hahahahaha.

            Tom, thanks for the sitrep on the new sweetener. stevia is supposed to be healthy but I wouldn't be surprised if they modified it somehow or if it's just part of the real ingredient list.

            Peacenic, I did the same thing....I was convinced the more wine i drank the stronger I would become! LOL. oh well.
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              AF daily - Wednesday March 25th

              I am a fan of Stevia but am leery of the patented blends coming out now by Big Food. Truvia and now Purevia. I did a google of Purvia and found a list of ingredients which includes Isomalt. It is derived from plants much like sugar alcohols are. And like some sugar alcohols (malitol is notorious) it causes "digestive issues" for some. It is unlikely that your issues were caused by the Stevia or Ethyritol (another sugar alcohol - I happen to like this one). Isomalt on the other hand.....

              If anyone has used Diabetesweet products and had "digestive issues" it's most likely the same culprit.

              Yes Tom - IMO isomalt and malitol in particular go in that same category as the fat blocker stuff you mentioned. YUK!!!!!

              Peacenik I can relate. I am slowly but surely ridding my life of Aspartame (the worst IMO) and Sucralose (Splenda). I've been starting to use a little bit of honey now and then but am still a little leery of the sugar / carb content. Maybe I'll get over it. Otherwise it's Stevia and Erythritol for me. (but I don't use the Truvia blend - they HAD to do something to it to get a patent and I don't know for sure what they did and don't trust Big Food in that regard)

              Just a couple tidbits from my research FWIW...

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                AF daily - Wednesday March 25th

                retteacher;579856 wrote: Hmmm...To drink or not to drink. I think that the longer I go wo/a drink, the more possible life wo/AL seems. All those slips, relapses, awful incidents, etc. were a warm-up for life wo/any mood-altering substances. Mary
                Love this, Mary!

                I am doing very well! I was engulfed in an insanely busy and trying day. All is good, though. I went for my first run this morning.. It was so pathetic that I wore a disguise.. :H

                But I did my first mile without stopping.. Yippee!

                Anyway, keeping myself busy and getting ready to watch American Idol with DD. I have planned out my nights for the next week, doing something each night (movie, meditation group, etc.). I know about this first week, so I am preparing myself. I guess that is one good thing about doing this dance more than once, you know what to expect. NOT THAT I RECOMMEND IT, mind you!

                Of course, all alcohol is out of the house!

                OK, sorry for the quick check in tonight. I will have more time tomorrow morning..


                Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                  AF daily - Wednesday March 25th

                  You know, I wonder how you guys do all this sharing. Me, I have had to use everything that I have to stay sober... everything. I can barely share it with myself.. the crap and unhappiness let alone share it with you.
                  But here I am still sober. I kind of feel the fog lifting.
                  I read here some days and am in awe of you. I know I dont say much but I am here and I am sober.


                    AF daily - Wednesday March 25th

                    Hi granny. Keep checking in. Glad you're here and don't feel any pressure to share personal stuff. Some do and some don't. Just happy to hear that you have another day sober. Stick with us!


                      AF daily - Wednesday March 25th

                      good for you granny...stay around and when you are ready (if you are) we will be here!

                      on another note...stevia gives me gas like nothing else ever, and that is saying alot because i'm vegan and if you know any vegans, you know we are a gassy group!!!!


                        AF daily - Wednesday March 25th

                        i've been trying to drink my tea sans any sweetener, but sometimes a girl just needs a little sugar (or agave or honey)!
                        adding cinnamon to cereal or tea makes it seem sweet to me...


                          AF daily - Wednesday March 25th

                          :yougo: Cheers and hello to you Knittinggranny!!!:yougo:

                          I am so happy to see your post and to hear (with my eyes) that you are quietly with us and sober. Never feel pressured to share anything if you don't feel like it. Our number 1 priority is to get and stay sober so just do whatever it takes (and don't do what it doesn't take!) to get there.

                          More on today's thread...

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.

