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AF Daily - March 28, 2009
AF Daily - March 28, 2009
OK - sorry that picture is so huge but it's a picture I took of a bee last spring and I can't wait for spring to fully arrive here. So there you have it - a large picture of many leaves (it's a blackberry bush) and one very small bee.
Yesterday's thread was rockin' - it is so great to see all the old and new timers as R2C mentioned.
:yougo: Congratulations Hula on 3 months AF!!!!!!:yougo:
:yougo: Congratulations Madi on 30 days AF!!!!:yougo:
Narilly, I'm SO GLAD you did not drink. Whew. I can't imagine starting this all over. And while one drink is NOTHING to Mr. Doggy, it would be all kinds of trouble for me. Been there done that. If I hadn't fallen for the "now I can have one" BS back in the early fall of 2007, I would be getting ready to celebrate a 2 year anni around the same time as July. When "just one" took me back to the black hole for 8 or 9 months, I continued to damage myself body and soul. Not worth it - not at all.
They have a couple or one and don't even think about it. Their WHOLE night does not revolve around the stupid drink or how bad we want more OR God forbid the wine bottle is going empty and i have to get a glass before someone else finishes it!
Mary I hope your dinner party went fabulous!
I hope everyone else had a great day too!
I fell asleep last night before the Free Dance even started. I am still "unspoiled" and haven't peeked at who won. I hope I can find an archived video feed - I'm not sure if Universal Sports carried the feed last night or not. RTR Sport from Russia might have though. The Ladies Free Skate is tonight and that ends another year of figure skating. Don't forget to support your figure skating sponsors by trying out some Smucker's Uncrustables whatever-they-are-and-we-hope-its-not-undies.
I've been a little stressed out deep inside about this medical stuff going on (parathyroid adenoma for anyone who missed it). I can tell by the huge desire to eat eat eat. I've gained a few pounds despite working out as usual and the last thing I need is to pile on some weight gain stress. Eating for me is a lot like drinking for me. If I get started on sugar or other processed or high carb stuff, "one" is never enough and I pay a huge price for some momentary pleasure that I'm not even sure qualifies as "pleasure." (well, brain chemistry wise it does but still......) I don't need that. So it's time to start cracking down and planning out my meals for the week and planning ahead for appropriate snacks to be sitting in the fridge waiting for me, etc. At least I haven't had Big Drinking Thoughts and I consider that to be a positive!!
I will be off to an AA meeting soon and then it will be another figure skating day.
Ciao everyone!
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.
AF Daily - March 28, 2009
DG: Yes, the dinner party went well. I didn't feel any cravings at all. After everyone left, I poured the leftover wine down the sink. It always amazes me how little normal people drink. Half a bottle of white, half a small bottle of red, & 1 beer...wine left in folks glasses as well. That's the amount for 5 people. When I see that I KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that not drinking was the best thing for me. I would have been drunk & obsessed & would have consumed all the leftover wine...resulting in a hangover today.
I'm missing my meetings yesterday & today, but I have one tomorrow evening. Frankly I can't wait until I can go to one. I also meet w/my sponsor tomorrow. I think I'll be starting the writing on the 4th step soon.
MaryWisdom, Courage, Strength
October 3, 2012
AF Daily - March 28, 2009
happy Saturday ABeroooos!
DG I'll join you in some disciplined healthy snacking, I need to do some work in that area myself.
Sante, welcome and congrats on day one! if you don't mind I'll wish you strength instead of luckyou CAN do this!
well I'm off to go have fun.
be well my friends.nosce te ipsum
(Know Thyself)
AF Daily - March 28, 2009
gees doglady the more you write it sounds like me,mind ya im a guy never really ever got to big from eating 215lbs back in 1999 started having panic attacks didn't know what the ,,,, was going on,make a long story short stress,life,lots of pills.prescription,and balloted from 157 to 215 in 5months,zombie man,years of understanding my condition more well go figure,took 10 years,read,read read,until recently,never that id go in and talk to a pharmacist and a doctor and they'd tell what i said made sense,wouldnt hurt to try it,my way,so i did,like you said,we or i like to MUCH,just learning theres some things if i touch i could get burnt,Genesism,communism,socialism,alcoholism,some one once said ism is not good for ya,hahahah have a wonderful weekend with mr dog
AF Daily - March 28, 2009
Good morning DG, Det, & Mari! I woke up & immediately took the dog for a 4-mi walk before it starts raining again. Felt great to be hangover free!
Sante - welcome, this is a marvelous group. Be strong as Det says.
Narilly - good for you for not drinking. I can deal with big group settings but have so far avoided the small gathering and that will be tough. But the AF days will make me strong
AFM - I hope your daughter is better today. I had a 24-hr bug last week and it was cruel, but short.
Charlee - thanks for sharing your visualization. My 'continue' button works for those fleeting AL thoughts, but I'll use your idea of shifting to the morning after for moments when it the AL thoughts are more intense.
Madi and Hula -- Congrats on your milestones! Way to go!
TG -- way to go on Day 19! You sound calmer and proud.
Gotta go do chores. I'll check in later.
AF Daily - March 28, 2009
Happy Sober Saturday all ya abberonies!! Gonna be a nice warm one here today, can't wait. We've been having some howling cool winds, but I'm not complaining!
Feels so good to wake up early on a Saturday without a hangover. I cannot believe how drinking absolutely kills my body (and my soul) at this juncture in my life. It is definately trying to tell me something, and I need to listen.
Off to farmers market here soon then for a bike ride and some good ole house cleaning.
Everyone have a wonderful, happy day.
R2COur greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius
AF Daily - March 28, 2009
Good morning!
Yes, thank you... my little one seems to be OK this morning. Yesterday was a real treatI can handle poop but I can't handle barf! Every time she started to throw up which was about an hour after attempting to eat something; I couldn't get to the pail fast enough and was catching it with my hands.... EWE! I gave her absolutely NO milk products because we all know what curddled milk smells like. I would have barfed!
Today the little one is going to a birthday party. A bouncy castle at the rec center. This will be so much fun for her. Like I say a happy kid makes for a happy day!
I had a some red wine to drink last night.... Why? I have NO idea as to why. I wanted it, I guess. All it did was make me tired anyway. I feel like I didn't drink last night - so that is good. I do love my AF life; and will continue to be AF. I have to be very vigilant if I do indulge every few weeks or more. I am just going with the flow. Very dangerous grounds; but honestly I didn't miss it.
That is all from me. Have a great day everyone! Time to make some breaky!
AF Daily - March 28, 2009
Hi Abbers! I don't get to check in too often, but wanted to swing by today to say hi and to pat myself on the back... yesterday was 3 months AF for me! I can't imagine ever drinking again. Last week I had a bit of a breakdown and not even that got me tempted.
Wishing a wonderful weekend to all!
MOWFINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!
AF Daily - March 28, 2009
Hangover free here too and hope to be that way all weekend!!!!Growth means change and change involves risk, stepping from the know to the unknown."
Author Unknown :h
AF - Sept 4, 2012
10 days - Sept 13, 2012
2 weeks - Sept 17, 2012
Slip on the weekend but tried too moderate!
AF - Sept 24, 2012 (get back on the headaches not worth it)
Slippery slope Oct 1 ..... Trying to not give up!
AF Daily - March 28, 2009
Hi again everyone! Just coming back to say hello since I missed so much yesterday.
Especially with some stress last week. Good for you.
Welcome Sante and bouchard. Welcome to AF Daily! This is a great group of folks to get and stay sober with. Sending you positive and STRONG vibes for Day 1 Sante, and STRENGTH for a hangover free weekend.
Deter is right about choosing our words carefully. The words we say or write or think influence what we do. AL will be very busy trying to sneak into your mind. Using words like "hope I stay hangover free" or "wish for an AF day" is not as strong as "I've decided I will have an AF day" or "I will NOT drink this weekend so I can be hangover free this weekend." (I think of the Wipper every time I think of that advice!!)
Thatgirl I neglected to congratulate you this morning on your Day 19 post from yesterday. Day 20 today, right? I hope you are really thinking about whether the risks of drinking with a goal of moderation are worth the potential rewards. What is so great about alcohol anyway? I like the SMART Recovery writing exercise called CBA - Cost Benefit Analysis. You truthfully write about your perceived benefits and costs of drinking, and benefits and costs of NOT drinking. And this should be from YOUR perception, not whatever "society" around you thinks. I think that's a great exercise to help put things in perspective, and also help us to answer that question "what's so great about alcohol?" for ourselves (not anyone else's answer to that question). Just a suggestion. How are you coming along with all of your interests you are starting to explore? I hope you are having fun trying new things or researching new things.
Det - here's to the STOP THE CRAZY SNACKING club. I'm about so have a salad and I also cut up some celery, boiled some eggs, and got some hormone free cheese today. Hope you are having fun on your outing with non-drinking buddy! (how refreshing!)
AFM - glad to hear the little one is feelng better. For me, I'm so done even trying to "have one drink" with the belief that somehow something has changed. Easier just not to do it for me.
Mo - happy hangover free painting day! Is "No" helping????? (I'm laughing just thinking about that!)
R2C - I am mighty jealous that you are going to the farmers market. I was so looking forward to being in the CSA this year - we had a work day last Saturday to get the field ready. The woman who runs it rents the property and has done this CSA for 5 years now. Her landlord called her on Monday saying she can't do it anymore due to liability concerns. :upset: So now I REALLY need to get busy and start reading and following that gardening thread!
speedster!! 4 miles with Doggy between the raindrops is a great start to the weekend!
Hi Gyco! Always enjoy seeing you post here. My next step in reading is health related stuff. The book I am still waiting for is "Detoxify or Die" by Sherry Rogers MD. The books that came today are by Kushi on Macrobiotic eating. This is all in preparation for some decisions about this health crap. Should be interesting - none of it is "mainstream" doctoring that's for sure.
Mary I'm so glad you felt good about not drinking at the party. I don't know how you do it. I sure know what you mean about how little the normal people really do drink. A case of beer lasts Mr. Doggy about 2 or 3 years.
The weather has turned back to winter today and they say we are to get some snow tonight. :upset: If it's going to snow I hope we get enough where it sticks so it will be a white world instead of a gray world in the morning. And I can wear my argyle colored plastic boots one more time.
Well - it's off to figure skating for me. Then tomorrow I need to get organized to get back to life as usual. Did I mention I will be giving blood and whatever other samples required for the Metametrix Cardio ION text next Friday? Expensive :egad: but will tell a WHOLE lot about where I am at physically. I'm looking forward to getting the reports and then figuring out where to go from there. I probably mentioned that like 4965957 times. It's a lot of what I'm thinking about right now.
Have a happy hangover free day everyone!!
HEY!! Where are Satori and MM? Satori is probably on some self torture thing or other related to those triathlons. MM is probably just running running and running morphing herself into that runner.
DGSobriety Date = 5/22/08
Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07
One day at a time.