I spent a lot of time yesterday doing internet hunting and reading related to the medical decisions I'm faced with. Last night I talked things over with Mr. Doggy and I made a couple of final decisions. I AM going to get the surgery to have the tumor removed. Mean time, I am going to proceed with the Metametrix comprehensive test so I know where I am with regard to any nutritional deficiencies or any high levels of environmental toxins and make a "go forward" game plan from there. There is so much information out there that seems very extreme to me. I don't think I'm quite ready for extreme. Mean time, I got a link to this web site from a woman I have a great deal of respect for - I only know her from "on line" (like we know each other here) but she is a credentialed Holistic Nutritional Counselor & Educator. I found several practical tips on that web site that I will be implementing in addition to changes I've made since finally giving up the booze. (no more tanning bed and I'm going to cut WAAAYYY back on the use of microwave as a couple examples). It feels good to be sober, clear headed, and UnHung while making these important decisions.
So...on to something more fun. Cleopatra got into something horribly stinky out in our yard. Then she managed to get in the house and went straight to the bed. Wait. THAT wasn't FUN!! IT WAS STINKY!! She must have rolled in a dead animal or something. Yuk.
OK - surely someone has some REAL fun to post about!