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AF Daily - March 30, 2009

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    AF Daily - March 30, 2009

    Hi All,

    Nice to catch up for a brief moment before bed - hope all's good for you all and AL keeping away from the door! DG, you sound very positive and upbeat so I hope the health issue isn't big - I'll have to go back and read some previous threads - but hoping all goes well with everything.

    AL keeping clear of this door at the moment - just about a month and am just so glad drinking is just not an issue at the moment. However, barbecue season round the corner so will have to find some good drinks apart from beer and wine to complete the whole bbq 'atmosphere' or 'ambiance'. I have discovered that my drinking is very linked to food preparation - NOT waiting till the food is ready, but during the preparation - weird, but interesting to recognise a trigger. Maybe it has something to do with the time as well - 6pm 'drinking time' is also usually when I would be making a meal... Oh well, just ponderings...

    Take care everyone, and will check in soon.
    :rays: Arial

    Last first day - 15th April 2012
    Days 1-7 DONE
    Days 8-14 DONE
    Days 15-21 DONE
    30 days DONE
    60 days
    100 days


      AF Daily - March 30, 2009

      Hello to people here.
      You know I am still sober and I am facing the awful ness that got me to this place. It is still taking everything that I have.. it is like a chemical detox and an emotional purge at the same time. Totally exhausting. It is like that sound on the chalk board when someone scrapes down it.. that awful sound is my life right now.
      But I know I am doing the right thing.


        AF Daily - March 30, 2009

        Good afternooon all Abbers and Abbettes! (and Aloha as long as were in alliteration). Sounds like you all are keeping positive despite the triggers, the stressors and the weather. Went for a bike ride today with hubby today and I just took it all in. We have a bike trail along the coast. It is so beautiful and around every turn is a more breathtaking vista. I just love, love the beautiful outdoors. I had a little disappointment with the scale yesterday. Hoping to loose a few pounds last week and actually 5 lbs over the break of two weeks I weighed in 2 lbs heavier. One more week to go. I'm really going to have to stop eating those cookies aren't I?
        DG, you know that your pup was just getting perfumed up. The stinkyer they get the more attractive they feel. Looks like you are really doing your homework on your medical issue. The more you learn the more in control you will feel with your decisions.
        Hey Det, still can't quite get the idea of shooting as a work out but if you say so....
        (Our daughter was on the air riflery team and represented her H.S. at state competition.)
        Happy Monday all. Talk to you tomorrow and there will be NO cookies tonight. Oh yeah, after the bike ride we went to the drive through cause hubby is a skinny and needs to eat fast food. Which is fine with me because I make his breakfast, lunch and dinner EVERY day and we had been talking about chocolate shakes and then I decided that I wasn't going to have one (kind of felt like choosing not to have a beer) but then at the drive through it was crowded, couldn't understand the person at the other end of the speaker, couldn't find apple or orange juice on the menu so just ordered two shakes. And yes, it was delicious.


          AF Daily - March 30, 2009

          good evening.. quick check in from MM!

          Arial - I am in the same boat as you when it comes to cooking / preparing food and having a glass of wine. There is a sort of glamor around it for me. It is my relaxation time. You know what works for me is to eat something before I even get started and have a bottle of sparkling water. Those two things seem to curb that craving.

          Knittingrranny - Have you looked in to L-Tryp? There are a lot of threads on here for that. I tell you, without that in the early days here I would be climbing the walls. It has worked very well for me and many others here. Let me know if you have any questions. If you are interested, PM me and I can give you more info. It really relaxes you. There is also Valerian Tea and Calmes Forte for the nerves.. Please let us know how you are feeling..

          Sorry for the fly-by, but tonight is my Mother - Daughter night. Tomorrow she goes to Dad's for three days and I'll have more time to catch up.

          Have a fabulous AF night everyone - I know I will..


          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


            AF Daily - March 30, 2009

            MedMama, how did you get so many smilies on your first post? when I try it says I'm using too

            Knitting Granny, how many days AF now? ditto what MMama said, additionally I'd recommend a very high quality general nutrition regiment with extra B1 (thiamine) L Glutamine, Inositol and magnesium. that will help with the physical part. for the mental part of the game I've found it necessary to replace what AL was supposed to do for us, with a truly healthy set of coping skills. it may be picking up an old hobby, getting back in touch with an old friend, going for walks every day or whatever works for you. and most importantly....huge congrats on the progress!!

            well folks, I'm home and happy and have garlic breath had a super fantastic weekend and am trying to take notes so I don't forget all I learned.

            off to chat......
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)

