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AF Daily Thread, Tuesday, March 31, 2009

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    AF Daily Thread, Tuesday, March 31, 2009


    I assume I can start the daily thread too? It's great to log on here for the first time in quite a while and see all the old familiar faces! Satori, I had given up on hoping that you would come back - so good to see you. Hi to DG, MM, Cindi, Mary, oh, the list goes on....

    I will check in back later - hope everybody has a truly GREAT day!
    The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

    AF Daily Thread, Tuesday, March 31, 2009

    Hannah Banana!!!!! :banana: :yougo: It is great to *see* you. Geez it's like old home week around here. You are going to love the *new faces* here too. Tell us what you've been up to?

    I have to run or I'll be late but just wanted to say good morning to all. I have a lot of catch up to do from yesterday! Hope everyone is sober and well.

    More later..

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily Thread, Tuesday, March 31, 2009

      Morning all - got to run also, lots to do, just thought I'd say hi as i've not had much time for MWO these last few days - Got to go now, but i'll be back later

      Have a great AF day

      Sausage x


        AF Daily Thread, Tuesday, March 31, 2009

        Good morning friends!

        I am curious with the recent talk about supplements...what does everyone take now, that you've been AF for awhile? I've kind of quit everything, except I did take some GABA the other day when I was feeling so stabby. I know I should be taking the AllOne--but I'm not very good about that. After several months, do we still need all the supps?

        And Hannah--I saw in another post you got your hubby to join you on the wagon. What's your secret?

        Have a great day all! :h
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          AF Daily Thread, Tuesday, March 31, 2009

          Hi All: I'm still down w/this stomach bug but better than yesterday. I'll be back tomorrow...hopefully my normal self again. Mary
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            AF Daily Thread, Tuesday, March 31, 2009

            Morning all...Mary glad your feeling a bit better. Take good care of yourself. Aren't you glad your not drinking, that would really make your tummy bug a whole lot worse!

            I have been feeling a bit "blah" lately. I'm not sure what it is. Perhaps the state of the economy, along with my fathers medical issues and the fact that my hubby has the beginnings of medical issues that he won't acknowledge (he keeps changing his doctors appts) are getting to me on a subconscious level?

            I know drinking won't help any of this. I've just been feeling this way for so long, I kind of feel trapped by it? Perhaps it's time for a doctors appt? I just don't think that anti d's are called for at this time. I found an anti aging/hormone doc, but I'm not very impressed with him, so I will need to start searching again.

            Well, enough whining from me, I have alot, for which I am grateful...just "blah". Happy Tuesday to all.

            Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


              AF Daily Thread, Tuesday, March 31, 2009

              Hi again guys. Mary, I hope you feel much better tomorrow. R2C--I don't feel so much blah as tired. I'm unmotivated. I should get my labs back to see if it is a medical/hormone issue, or if it is just lack of exercise and too much sugar. Maybe both. I already drank my Allone maybe I can get some stuff done around here today.

              I wanted to share a conversation from the supper table last night. My son (14) said they had a guy come talk to them at school about alcohol. He said he told them that a "good" drinker doesn't pressure anyone into drinking, that it is possible to have fun at parties and stuff without it. My son said "I thought of you mom." "You and dad go out, he drinks and you don't but you still have fun." OMG--maybe that idea of setting a good example is true. I thank God I got my shit together when I did so that I can hopefully help my kids to make better choices than I did.:h
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                AF Daily Thread, Tuesday, March 31, 2009

                Good morning!

                Hello to Hannah! Nice to see you again.

                LVT, as far as the supplements go, I have really toned it down. The first two years I was taking tons of them; now I am taking a multi vitamin/magnesium-calcium/vitamin D/Omega 3-6-9/Vitamin C. It still seems like a lot, but compared to before it is quite a bit less.

                Well, must run. Nothing exciting to report here. PLUS I need my second coffee to get this show on the road.

                Have a great day everyone!


                  AF Daily Thread, Tuesday, March 31, 2009

                  Hi Everyone!
                  Not hungover today, feeling good.

                  LVT- that is a great conversation you had with your son. My daughter is 14 too, I hope I am setting a good example for her- and my son (12).

                  The supplements- I take multi vitamins, calcium, magnesium, Omega 3, and Iron. I feel pretty good these days.

                  Off to workout now- even though I am still sore from Sunday!


                  "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                  "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                  AF April 12, 2014


                    AF Daily Thread, Tuesday, March 31, 2009

                    Morning ABBERS!!

                    Hannah! Hey there! People are popping up around here like tulips!

                    My supplements have become hit or miss. I need to pay closer attention and be more consistent. With more than just that, too.

                    I've been really tired, but I think I have a sinus infection. I've been pretending I don't for 2 months so I finally left a note with the MD's nurse. I just hate to take antibiotics but nothing else has worked. I don't get how hormone tests work since the levels fluctuate during the day. Isn't it sort of hit or miss?

                    Phone guy was supposed to come this afternoon but called early. I was in bathrobe, barefoot, hair sticking out, etc. I think to myself, well good, then I can just get this over with so I tell him to come on. I'm thinking just my luck he'll be my age and attractive. Then I think nahhhh and squirt water on my hair and answer door. Shite! Wouldn't you know.

                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      AF Daily Thread, Tuesday, March 31, 2009

                      hello abbers...i stopped taking the kudzu after a month and the l-glutes i still take about 3-4 times a week with an l-tryptophan. i also take a pre-natal vit (just in case,we are trying to have another) and sometimes i take melatonin before bed.

                      i understand about the blahs...i think it's the blizzard and winter ignoring the fact that it's spring's turn now.

                      have a great day all

                      peace out


                        AF Daily Thread, Tuesday, March 31, 2009

                        top of the morning ABerooooos!

                        thanks for the kickstart Hannah, great to have you back here in the treehouse

                        Satori, you still in martial arts? sure missed you bro.

                        LVT bless you for raising your son they way you are, awesome!

                        when I was detoxing I took different supps but now I'm taking per day:

                        2000mg C
                        800mg calcium/mag
                        4000mg omega 3
                        200MCG chromium picolinate
                        500 to 1000 mg L Carnitine
                        a 'whole foods' brand multi vit
                        a home-made protein smoothie fortified with 6 grams of L glutamine

                        additionally if I'm having trouble with anxiety and/or depression I'll take 1200mg of inositol powder in juice.

                        slept like a rock in my own bed last night. weeeeeee!

                        be well everyone
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          AF Daily Thread, Tuesday, March 31, 2009

                          Hi DG, oh yes, the old “Hannah Banana”……oddly fitting, since I eat a ton of them!
                          What we’ve been up to – moved TWICE (who, me?). Started and stopped drinking a few times, this time it seems to be sticking. Helps a lot that hubby is on board, sorry, LVT 25, this was a decision he made all by himself. He realized that it wasn’t just ME who had a problem, bless him.
                          Well, I am off and running – taking my dog to the vet, sadly she is not well.
                          Hi to Sausage, Mary, RTC, Accountable, Narilly, Greenie!!!, Peacenik and Det….some new faces mixed in with the old, looking forward to getting to know the new ones!
                          Have a super day, all!
                          The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                            AF Daily Thread, Tuesday, March 31, 2009

                            Hello again! Hannah I just now saw your other post and that is GREAT news about hubby. Of course I'm glad to hear that you stayed on the wagon!! Life is good.

                            Sausage - I hope you are busy in a good way - not that crazy way that "busy" sometimes feels. (in other words, hope you are having at least a little bit of fun!)

                            LVT - that is a GREAT story about your son and his observations on you and Mr. LVT. It's great that they have people coming into the school to talk about alcohol with the teens, but it's AWESOME when they can relate the school message to a good, real life example at home. (what did Mr. LVT think of what young LVT had to say??????)

                            Mary I hope you are feeling better soon!

                            R2C I'm sorry to hear about your Dad's continued medical problems and now hubby too. One thing I've had to learn going through my Dad's medical stuff (and all problems in life, really) is that it not only doesn't help if I drink over it, but it also doesn't help if I take it on as my own problem, which I tend to do. Often this takes the form of over dramatization in my own mind, and next thing you know I'm all worked up. I can only do what I can do and that's all. Not sure if that helps or not. I am actually absorbing some really good life skills out of AA believe it or not - even though I haven't quite nailed down the higher power business. At any rate, the other thing that came mind just on the "blah" issue is wondering whether you are exercising currently as Narilly also mentioned. And I think her sugar suggestion is good too. When I slip slide into sugar/processed food zone it really does negatively affect my moods. Have you read The Mood Cure by Julia Ross? I haven't read that one, but I personally got a lot out of The Diet Cure that she wrote. Just wondering if that might make an interesting read. At any rate, I hope your spirits lift soon!

                            AFM - Hello to you. I'm thinking it's time for a AFM Dating Scene Update! (hey - I live vicariously through you single people!)

                            Narilly - good for you giving up booze at a really critical time age wise for your kids. Have fun at your workout! Usually I get mine in during the AM but the schedule did not permit that today. So the minute Mr. Doggy gets home I need to get my butt out the door before I laze out and not go!

                            Greenie, I bet you look adoreable in your "just got out of the sack" look. We want to hear more about Hot Phone Dude. (well, I guess I should speak for myself. *I* want to hear all!!!! )

                            Peacenik - geez I would be in major blah mode if I was dealing with blizzard! BRING ON SPRING DANGIT!! :soapbox2:

                            Deter, I thought of you yesterday when I put lots of extra garlic in the barbeque sauce I made.

                            Mr. Doggy was on the radio today promoting our business. It was a 30 minute "infomercial" sort of thing. He was SO worked up and nervous about it. But he did a great job so now life can return to normal.

                            My current supplement list:

                            All-One is normally my "core" but I am off of anything with calcium until I get this parathyroid thing sorted out and my blood calcium back to normal. But I miss my All One and I swear I feel different when I don't take it. So that will be coming back as soon as possible.

                            CoQ10 Ubiquinol (the Ubiquinol part is very important per my doc! This is for heart health) 100Mg 1X per day. (I take Life Extensions brand that I buy from my doc's office)

                            D3 - also Life Extension brand. 1,000 IU 2X per day.

                            Amino Complete by Klaire Labs - this is temporary to get the Aminos I used to get with All one. I get this from doc too.

                            Pro 5 Probiotic by Klaire labs - from the doc. This probiotic is the "summer season one" that I just recently switched to. There is a different one we transition too once it gets to be fall/winter.

                            Omega 3 Fish Oil by Orthomega (also from the doc). 2 capsules daily.

                            GABA as needed - I sometimes take this before social events where AL will be present.

                            L-Glut - as needed for sugar cravings which includes cookies, AL, gummy bears, etc.

                            OK - this post sat awhile while I talked with Mr. Doggy about his radio rock star status. :band2: So now I have to see what other posts I missed!

                            Have a great AF day all!!


                            PS - I hate when I exceed the smilie ration quota! I do that all the time!
                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.


                              AF Daily Thread, Tuesday, March 31, 2009

                              Hannah, I'm very very sorry to read about your doggy being sick. :upset: There are no words ......

                              Sorry that you've had some ups and downs with AL but that it's all good now. I really admire everyone who manages to get sober with a drinker in the house. I also think it's true that nobody will give up AL just becuase you want them too if they have an AL problem. They have to decide for themselves. Not always easy on the spouses / significant others / families / friends / etc. Glad your story has a happy ending in that department.

                              So you have moved AGAIN????? After all the painting and decorating etc. in the condo??? Do tell.

                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

