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AF Daily Thread, Tuesday, March 31, 2009

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    AF Daily Thread, Tuesday, March 31, 2009

    Hi Hannah!!! Nice to have you back!

    And hi alround!

    We still don't have internet at home and it's still driving me bonkers. I've been in and out of IT stores and have finally decided which netbook I want. It won't solve the home connection but I will be able to traipse around wifi zones in town.

    I'm doing well. There's something about spring that seems to push things along. My bereavement counseling appears to have entered a new phase, and though it's tough going at times, I really feel we're moving right along. Resentment is high on the agenda, so once I have more net time I'll probably pop into the AA thread and see how you all are doing with step 4. Good thing I'm in counseling and not AA as I'd probably spend 6 months on step 4....

    If you don't hear from the Londoners for the next few days, that will be because we've been squeezed out of the city by the anti-globalisation protesters and attendant police cordons. Good luck on that bike, Marshy!


      AF Daily Thread, Tuesday, March 31, 2009

      i forgot to mention that i take a pro-biotic supp every other day...

      i try to get as many vit's and minerals as i can from the food i eat (omegas from flax seeds every am, vit c from fruit, vit d from mushrooms and sunshine (if we ever have any again! and calcium from broccolli, spinach, almonds, lots of berries and dark leafy salads etc...).

      i've always heard the best way to absorb and get a variety of "good stuff" is through a varied diet of fruits, veg, grains and legumes/beans occasional that's what i do.

      r2c, i hope everything turns out ok...has your husband had a physical lately, or is he a dr. phobe? that is hard to deal with, huh?

      doggie, i don't know how you keep track of everyone so well, you impress the heck out of me!!!

      off to the treadmill since there is 5 inches of snow on the ground that is rapidly melting into a slurry of mud and muck!!!



        AF Daily Thread, Tuesday, March 31, 2009

        Supplements and Diet

        Hello all! Just checking in to say hi, 3.5 months sober for me. Hope you all are still doing well.

        I still take the supplements but only once a day instead of 3x a day. I take them in the evening since that is when cravings are potentially worst for me:

        2 Kudzu
        1 L-Glutamine
        1 1000mg Super Evening Primrose (supposed to help with menopause, haha)
        1 1000mg Salmon Oil
        1 Resveratrol

        I have also been reading up on dietary methods to reduce cravings, since I became overwhelmed with sugar cravings when I quit drinking and suffered a recurrence of binge eating that I had as a young woman. Ew!

        I have now cut out all sugar and all wheat, eat 3 meals a day with protein and complex carbs (lots of oats and brown rice), and don't have any cravings, alcohol or sugar, which is a huge relief!!!! Alcohol craving is a form of sugar craving, researchers are finding. There's a good book out there on the subject, called "Sugar Shock."

        Love to all, stay strong!


        "My Happiness is Not Dependent on a Poisonous Chemical Depressant."


          AF Daily Thread, Tuesday, March 31, 2009

          Aloha All! I don't take supplements. Not because I don't "believe" in them (well maybe a little bit) but mostly because I don't spend money. Before I purchase something "new" I think, debate, chart, graph, consider, discuss, argue...all of this going on in my little mind. You do not want to take me shopping with you! Even if I don't say anything I have a look like "do you really need this?". I never shop and buy. I shop and look. Then maybe I'll go back and buy if I haven't talked myself out of it. I've gotten better at buying groceries because It is mostly the same stuff. But there was a time when choosing one loaf of bread when there were 8 different brands, and even more "formulas" was challenging.
          Hey LVT, good for you in having this discussion with your teen. I quit drinking when my first started 7th or 8th grade and didn't drink while she was in H.S. The day she left for college my father passed away. I started again. This time I had another child in H.S. but tried to "hide" the wine in coffee cups. Three years later here I am. Both kids out of the house and trying to define my life.


            AF Daily Thread, Tuesday, March 31, 2009

            hannah: Nice to meet you xD I'm sort of new here (been here about a month)

            Mary: Hope you feel better soon.

            LVT25: If my kids ever say that to me (when I have some xD) I will be so proud. Stuff like that must sure make not-drinking worthwhile

            and now to moi

            One week away from 30 days, am doing good, way fewer drinking thoughts today despite some pretty stressful stuff (I won't go into details, but I walked out of college half way through the morning, I couldn't take it). Am going to visit my sister tomorrow, she's been in a psychiatric unit for over 3 months. Also have a doctors appointment in the morning, but will as ever try and get on in the evening. Tomorrows goign to be dangerous for me, alot of stress for me comes from my sisters position. Anyway, have a nice day everyone

            The way I change the past is by not repeating it
            -James Hetfield, Metallica


              AF Daily Thread, Tuesday, March 31, 2009

              Shoot, my tai chi class is over. Tonight is the last class. The facility is moving and there's no room for a class at the new spot.

              DG, hot phone dude: slim, fit, S&P ponytail to mid back, nice face smile & eyes.
              me: "Hi, come in........ "well from now on I don't have to worry about you seeing me with wet hair and no clothes" :H:H:H

              Pamina, I think resentment was my biggest issue with drinking. It is a toughie. Still.

              I find that when I neglect eating and supps, I crave sugar. Especially breakfast. I ended up eating a whole bag of robin's eggs (those malted milk ball things) today. Ugh!

              Got an antibiotic for my 2 month old sinus crap. Crikey! It was $88!! I'm glad I dodged the face-to-face visit and saved myself another $75. I hate insurance co.s and big pharma. For $88, they should have thrown in a free suppository to get both their feet out my arse.
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                AF Daily Thread, Tuesday, March 31, 2009

                Thanks, guys for your input on the supps and comments about the family. I will say it is so nice to have good feelings about what my kids see in me, rather than guilt and shame and remorse and the list goes on and on........Hubby didn't say anything about the conversation, I think he even left the room. Sometimes he acts jealous or put out because the kids talk to me more than him, but I've told him that's just because they're around me more. I wish I had the nerve to ask him what he thought though.....

                I think I'll continue with the Allone for now, and start taking the 3-6-9 and EPO again in the evenings. I might add in some extra B+ and Magnesium since I have them. When I run out, I'll re-evaluate. The GABA and L-tryp are nice to have around also.

                Greenie--when I first quit smoking/drinking I had sinus issues. Like you I didn't want to take antibiotics so I went to my chiropractor who did accupuncture. It took a couple of treatments, but it did work. Fortunately my insurance paid for it. As far as the hormone testing goes---what I did was a "spit" test on day 21 of my cycle. Also did a blood test (on a card) to test thyroid. I am really curious--shouldn't be long until I have results.

                I resisted the urge to lay down for a nap today, and walked to the mailbox instead. I'm sure lack of exercise and sunlight are causing some of my fatigue.

                I'd like to add how much I love hearing about everyone here on our daily thread! :h
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  AF Daily Thread, Tuesday, March 31, 2009

                  Howdy once again?

                  Mary ? hope you are feeling much better soon. Doesn?t sound like fun?

                  There seem to be a lot of blahs around today too ? hope everyone feels a little more chipper soon ? hey ? think about the fact that winter is almost over, and that?s bound to make you a bit more cheery!

                  LVT ? You should be so proud of yourself! Yes, our kids really do pay attention when we are not noticing.:goodjob:

                  Greeneyes ? you should have just flashed him with an open robe ? he never would have even noticed the state of your hair??..:H

                  Hi Pamina ? It?s good to be back, thanks! I?m glad to hear that you are doing well. Bereavement can be a long and painful journey, but eventually it gets a bit better ? hang in there.:l

                  Nice to meet you too, Thatgirl, and also peacenik, doodlebug, and hulagirl.

                  I?m not taking much in the way of supps, except a multivitamin and calcium, but I do still have some Kudzu and L-glutamine that I will resort to if temptation comes calling. My biggest hurdle in giving up Al has been in getting to sleep at night, and I tried many different remedies, selenium, valerian, you name it, with not the best results. So I finally took the plunge and gave up caffeine, by gradually weaning myself down. For about two weeks I had absolutely zip energy, but my energy levels are returning to normal again. I still drink plenty of coffee, but it?s decaff. That, and my regular visits to Curves have me sleeping well most nights.

                  DG ? We moved TWICE. Yup, really. The only nice thing about the process was that it was only a temporary move, (hubby?s work) and we are back in our condo once again. And hoping to stay here for a while! Misty has an enlarged liver ? they have tested her for Cushings, and that?s not it. They?ve done ultrasound, and she has no tumors or anything. So they have decided that it?s enlarged due to the antibiotics she has been on for most of her life due to chronic bladder infections. Then they tested to see how well it?s functioning, and its functioning okay, even though her liver enzymes are very high. So now she is on three different pills each day for liver support/antibiotic as always/omega 3 to help her with some arthritis. She is our most expensive hobby!

                  Well, off to cook up some supper??
                  The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


                    AF Daily Thread, Tuesday, March 31, 2009

                    Well, hell, the gang's all here!!!

                    HELLO, HANNAH!!!!!!!!! What a nice surpise!

                    Man, there is no way I can comment on all you beautiful Abbers in this thread - so much action.. I LOVE IT!! How nice to see everyone!! My attention level is that if a knat today as I had to deal with my Phyco-Kitty landlordess for the Spa. Time to renew my lease and .. oh, nevermind, I just get too crazy when I talk about her... (visualizing choke-hold)

                    Other than that, I'm doing great! On day 8 and actually feeling fabulous

                    Sorry for the quickie.. I have to print out a bunch of flyers for a special we have going on. I will check in again when done.

                    Oh, my suppps..

                    AM: Multivitamin, L-Tryp, Protein Shake and Fiber
                    PM: L-Glut (disolved in water right when I get home to curb any cravings - hope not for much longer), L-Tryp an hour before bed with Fiber Drink, and Melatonin.

                    Talk to you in a bit, darlings!!!


                    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


                      AF Daily Thread, Tuesday, March 31, 2009

                      Hi Hannah, I'm glad you brought up the caffeine "issue". I had a medical condition (oh, alright...a bladder infection) and decided to stop drinking coffee. I had a head ache for six days. On the seventh day I decided to have a cup of coffee in the morning and am back to 1 or two cups in the morning. Head ache gone. Maybe another time, when I'm more patient, I'll give it up, but not now.


                        AF Daily Thread, Tuesday, March 31, 2009

                        give up coffee? never!!!!! they'll never take me alive!!!!


                        ............jitter jitter
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          AF Daily Thread, Tuesday, March 31, 2009

                          I am drinking WAY too much coffee!

                          ............. jitter jitter along with you, Det!


                            AF Daily Thread, Tuesday, March 31, 2009

                            Okay, guys, but do you sleep at night? Because if you sleep at night, it's a non issue.

                            But not me, nope, nadda, none of that - without a liter or two of wine, that for me the choice is easy, give up the caffiene and I can sleep at night, without the Al fix. For me, it's a no brainer.

                            And on that note, have a good sleep, all! Talk at ya tomorrow......
                            The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.

