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AF Daily Thread - Thursday April 2/09

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    AF Daily Thread - Thursday April 2/09

    Goooooooooooooood morning!

    I am still up so I thought I would start us off today

    Well, I have a breakfast date this morning. With someone who I liked/liked me BUT we were both in shitty marriages back in 2006. I am so excited. I haven't seen him since I joined MWO actually!

    DG, I will give you an update - I promise. I am really excited! A breakfast date is totally neato in my books. Nothing too bad can go wrong with having breakfast - right?

    Other than that, just sipping on a coffee and plan on heading to bed to get 'some' beauty rest. (You wonder why I am still up... who drinks coffee at 12:30am?)

    Have a great day all! xoxo

    AF Daily Thread - Thursday April 2/09

    Oh I want to hear how the breakfast date goes too!!!

    I don't know why I haven't checked out this forum. I am usually in the just starting out and general discussion forum.

    I have to stay AF this month. I'm on day 65 AF. I am very proud of myself, but last April was bad for me and I want to make this April AF.
    RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

    "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


      AF Daily Thread - Thursday April 2/09

      hi accountable take it slow,dont want to make,a bad situation into,somethig worse,the pasture always looks greener on the other side ? survey the situation, gyco ps im just an old guy,lookin in hahha G L


        AF Daily Thread - Thursday April 2/09

        Good morning,

        Not much chance to post or read this week. Busy work week and had things like haircut, annual physical etc.

        Been lazy on the 'eating clean' front the last few months. I eat healthy but still snack. Reading a book about moods and foods. I'm worried it won't be indepth enough, but at a minimum get me to readjust.

        My sweet dog has taken to waking me a few minutes before 4:00am for no reason. He's almost 3, doesn't need to potty. He just thinks I should be up. I told him if he keeps this up, I'm selling him to gypsies! Would love to figure out what's going on his furry little brain. LOL

        If that's my only problem today, I have it made!

        Best for the day to all!


          AF Daily Thread - Thursday April 2/09

          Finished Day 3 AF for me yesterday, so today is the start of 4. I don't want to get hung up on numbers, but I am impressed that I have gone so far. I'm "stranded" on my sailboat with my husband in the Florida Keys and it is a good way to assure no alcohol, 'cause there's none onboard. Yesterday I was super irritable, though, and today I am hoping I'll be better. Taking it out on my husband itsn't fair and he, of course, doesn't understand. Oh well, another day...



            AF Daily Thread - Thursday April 2/09

            Good morning Ab-Landers!!! Thank you AFM for starting us off today. I can't wait to hear more about your breakfast date. How cool coming at a "date" from the other side of the clock. Instead of worrying about what will happen after dinner (yes, you are right about where my mind is...) it sounds like more fun to worry about the after breakfast possibilities AKA doing something actually fun outdoors if you are getting along (and my mind is out of the gutter with that!!!).

            From yesterday -

            Deter have your recent blood tests been better? Diabetes does scare me. But I am learning not to make things my problem that are outside my control. Not easy, but worth the effort. It's funny too...if I'm not "possessed by the devil" intense about getting Mr. D to change something, he's more likely to change on his own. Imagine that.

            Peacenik, have fun in Chi-town!!!

            Dill - it DOES get easier, at least it has for me. I will always always always have to be vigilent but to use your example, I no longer "worry" about booze when I drive past my old liquor stores or the liquor section at the grocery store, etc. Those daily "tortures" really do lighten up with time. I like your thinking using "courage" as your guide! I'm going to steal that idea!

            R2C Mary summed up in one sentence what I was trying to say. I think it's worth quoting here on today's thread too!
            I wanted everything my own way, & when I couldn't have it my own way, I got drunk. The problems went unsolved, & the vicious circle began.
            Mary - that's me too. Always wanting to have things turn out MY way and pissy when they don't. (and formerly drunk when they didn't) My spirit is FAR more peaceful when I can stop myself from doing that.

            Welcome Aprilmoon and :yougo: on Day 65! This is a great group of posters here on AF Daily. Look forward to having you with us.

            Gyco!! :l

            Speedster! Haircut Annual Physical :yukko: LOL on the "doggy talks." I line mine up on occassion and threaten to dump them in an alley and let them eat out of garbage cans for a week so they appreciate their home life a little more.

            Sante - Congratulations on Day 3 :yougo: and welcome! Wow - sailing in the Keys. Can I come too??? Day 3/4 can be really rough. Hang in there. Does hubby support what you are doing? If so, please let him know that the irritability does eventually pass, and a sober wife is well worth whatever short term "pain" this is for both of you. At least I think Mr. Doggy would say that "husband to husband." Keep posting here on Daily AF - it's a great support group!

            Well, I'm about out of time now but will be back later. I'm reading "Detoxify or Die" by Dr. Sherry Rogers and boy do we live in a toxic world. I'm anxious to get past the part where she talks about toxin after toxin and get to the part where she suggests what to do about it. And hopefully her recommendations will be at least somewhat practical and not over the top $$$$$$$$$$$. I swear when i'm done with this book I'm going to read a trashy novel just for fun. The trashier the better. I would love recommendations.


            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              AF Daily Thread - Thursday April 2/09

              Hi Everyone: I'm happy, sober, & going to a meeting tonight. That's a good thing. Yesterday, I had a "discussion" w/my husb (who can be an incredibly meddlesome backseat driver). Because I was sober & my emotions are returning to normal levels, it was a discussion NOT an argument. I got my point across w/dignity, no huffiness or hurt feelings on either side. Ah, clear thinking: one of the perks of sobriety! I have to run to:
              -call my sponsor
              -take my younger g-son to the older one's school cafe for a lunch date.

              These are the extras I get to do because I'm not hungover. I don't have to park him in front of TV, because I have a headache.

              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                AF Daily Thread - Thursday April 2/09

                Morning ABBERS!!

                I'm not liking the antibiotics. My tummy rumbles all day but I can breathe a little. I wondered why little doggie was sleeping on the couch at night VS the corner of the bed - I guess it was to remove herself from my horrendous snoring :H It must have been awful based on the fact that my throat was like the Sahara in the AM.

                I'm going on a weekend fishing trip with some fishing club members leaving tomorrow morning. I don't really know anybody yet so I feel sort of nervous. No AL crutch. But that's OK at least I KNOW I won't do anything stupid. Well, not AL induced stupid anyway. We won't rule out stupid in general. :H This is outside the box for me.

                Breakfast date! AFM, how cool is that! Can't wait to hear!

                April moon you'll love this thread!

                Hi gyco!

                Speedster me too. I need to treat the junk like AL. I just don't do all or nothing. I had to quit buying a certain snack thing because as many times as I tried to snack, I ATE THE WHOLE BAG!

                Welcome sante! Congrats on day 3 and good luck with today! Stuck on a sailboat in the Keys, boo-hoo! :H I agree with DG, don't keep hubby wondering.

                Mary it is nice to have normal emotional levels. It suprises me sometimes.

                DG - love mary's quote. Reminded me of resentment. I'd rather not know about the toxin exposure, it may rev up my OCD tendancy! Just share the cures, OK?

                Gotta go to the hole for a while and then pack. Antibiotic butt and waders.... :H: Greenie will NOT be farting! :H:
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  AF Daily Thread - Thursday April 2/09

                  Happy Thursday ABerooonies far and wide!!

                  AFM, coffee at 12:30am? ok that's beyond even my threshold for caffeine. remember mouthwash for your morning date! do tell how it goes.

                  DG, i have a question that's been nagging me for ages: todays environment is much more polluted (obviously) but people live twice as long as they did in the middle ages when there was virtually no man made pollution. ???? this stumps me.

                  regarding the blood test I must admit that I've not had a blood test in about 1 1/2 years now (I know.....get one now!).

                  Greeneyes, I hope you catch Moby! have fun.

                  the gathering last night was easy for me to maintain my sobriety at. it's not like they had any taste for good wine, it was a rum and coke and cheap beer kind of crowd. it repulsed me instead of enticing me.

         is calling, must go

                  be well my friends
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    AF Daily Thread - Thursday April 2/09

                    Morning everyone!
                    No hangover Thursday- I like the sound of that!
                    Sounds like things are going well for everyone.
                    Gotta take the kids to school so I will talk later. It is sooooo good I don't have to worry about driving hungover. Sometimes I could barely stay between the lanes and I was so happy to get back home to sleep it off. Ha! Not today!


                    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                    AF April 12, 2014


                      AF Daily Thread - Thursday April 2/09

                      My breakfast date has been postponed until lunch. My little one had a complete meltdown this morning and we were running late - yet again. That is ok; lunch is cool too

                      Deter... dear deter... whatcha saying? Bad breath isn't a good thing? LOL.

                      Later everyone!


                        AF Daily Thread - Thursday April 2/09

                        AFM: Lunch is great too! Good luck! Mary
                        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                        October 3, 2012


                          AF Daily Thread - Thursday April 2/09

                          Hello friends,

                          Not much to add today, I so totally agree everything is better without a hangover. The thought of one scares the hell outa me!

                          DG--I was reading over on you AA thread....could you maybe write your parents your thoughts in a letter? When my mom and dad were dying, that's what I did. We never, ever, ever, had any heart to heart talks (that I can remember anyway) but there were things I felt bad about and needed to share. Just a thought.

                          The sun is shining today, but the weatherman keeps talking another spring snowstorm!
                          NF since June 1, 2008
                          AF since September 28, 2008
                          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                            AF Daily Thread - Thursday April 2/09

                            Good luck on the date AFM

                            As for me, I am on day what, 26? man is that a big number to me, cannot wait for it to be 30 days, have arranged to have a couple of beers with my fiance to celebrate, and am already plannign what to limit my intake to

                            In other news tomorrow is the start of a 10 day trial for me on not eating or drinking any dairy products - alot of evidence suggests it can aggravate eczma and I've got it pretty bad on my face and arms so right now anythings worth a try... life without chocolate, cheese and pizza... cant wait xD
                            The way I change the past is by not repeating it
                            -James Hetfield, Metallica


                              AF Daily Thread - Thursday April 2/09

                              I like the community of this thread, and the day at a time theory is what seems to be working for me right now.
                              I'm new here ..... on day 15, feeling good. Last night was my first really close call. I was meeting friends for dinner and waiting at the bar with all these great wines and belgian beers. So I passed, drank club soda and logged on and read some forums here at MWO - it really helped.
                              Thanks to everyone who helped me through.

