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AF Daily - Wednesday April 8, 2009

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    AF Daily - Wednesday April 8, 2009

    Marking the daffodils and running like a Beagle!!!!

    Good morning everyone! I'm feeling good and up early today. I think maybe my body is FINALLY adjusting to daylight savings time! I'm glad to have my "me" time here this morning and be going at a leisurely pace, at least for a little while.

    AA I understand the frustration you experienced yesterday. Like you and others said, we all have to remember where we came from. I certainly denied my own alcoholism and the solution (abstinence!!) for a very long time. Many years before ever googling on the internet and finding MWO. While I do understand and remember what it was like to be caught in that rut - knowing I need to stop but not really wanting to (which is how I used the "this or that ain't for me..." line), I don't always have the energy these days to fight it (i.e. try to say enlightening or encouraging things. Some days I can, other days I can't. I've had to learn to choose my battles carefully here if that makes sense. I think we all do, or we will burn out and then have no capacity at all to help others here. I truly believe that just by posting here in AF Daily or the AA thread or in some other limited way, this place NEEDS active people who have more than a year of sobriety. New people NEED to see that this is possible for the long haul. And there are so few active posters here that are over a year. (although there are a few more all the time which is great progress). I think just having your posts here for people to see is a very positive thing, even if you don't post on a lot of threads in "Just Starting Out" etc. The people who REALLY want to get sober, I believe, do a lot of reading around the forum. I know I did. I looked for the people who had what I wanted even though it took me awhile to get there too.

    Another topic that came up on yesterdays thread was the "lubrication" that AL provides for socializing. You know what I think? I think way more than 1/2 the people on this planet are not particularly comfortable in many "social" settings. If not for discomfort in social settings and using ONE drink or maybe TWO at the most for "lubrication" most normal drinkers would never have any reason to drink at all. I've gotten OK with the notion that I'm not particularly crazy about many social type situations and that I'm OK avoiding them where I can. And I'm a grown adult who CAN get through them when I have to for business or family type purposes without drinking over it, even when I don't like it. I've come to realize that I'm no more of a Huge Social Misfit than most people are LOL. The difference between me and "most people" isn't that - it's that I'm an alcoholic drinker and most people are not. If this makes any sense.'s supposed to get into the 50's today so hopefully the last little bit of that snow still hanging on in the shady spots will melt, and we can get back to spring! What are everyone's plans for Easter? We're not doing any family things (that I know of, thank goodness bah humbug!) so I'm hoping for good weather Sunday so we can til up a garden spot. YEAH!!


    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Wednesday April 8, 2009

    Making more of an effort to come here every day....but have been so darned pressed for time. Happy day, all!


      AF Daily - Wednesday April 8, 2009

      Morning everyone

      I'm away for a few days with the kids at my Mum's over Easter, she doesn't have internet access, so I'll be without MWO for a while, however I'm feeling quite strong and I'm sure i'll be OK

      I'll "see" you all, end of next week

      Take care all

      Sausage xx


        AF Daily - Wednesday April 8, 2009

        Good Morning!

        Another full night's sleep. I don't think we had a freeze. I hope the local strawberries made it.

        Feeling better taking Kudzu and L-glut again, plus this week isn't as stressful. Tiredness brings out stabbiness, so glad to be sleeping so well.

        Have a great AF day.


          AF Daily - Wednesday April 8, 2009

          Good morning Kirova, Sausage and Speedster! Kirova it's good to check in even if it's quick. That always gets my day off to a good start anyway.

          Sausage, you sound good - sorry I didn't get a chance to respond to your concern over the lady drinking her wine. But Deter's advice sounded perfect I think. Sounds like it helped you as well as me LOL!!! Have a wonderful time with your family. We will look forward to hearing more about it when you get home and back to internet land.

          Speedster, YES on sleeping good staving off the stabbies. :H

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            AF Daily - Wednesday April 8, 2009

            Morning all

            Well, IF, IF, IF I hadn't guzzled a bottle of sherry that my parents gave me at Christmas, today would be one year AF for me. OK, so it's NOT an anniversary but one bottle of sherry in the last year - not bad!! I'm very pleased with that Only eight months to go to my ACTUAL one year AF. Haha.

            I understand the frustration when people ask for help and other people suggest a few ideas and they say, no, they can't do any of that. But I suppose they do keep coming back here if nothing else, and one day maybe something will click for them. It took me many years of knowing I had a problem before I took steps to do anything about it.

            Easter? I'm working! And it's all good!
            AF since December 22nd 2008
            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


              AF Daily - Wednesday April 8, 2009

              DG - what happened in court?
              AF since December 22nd 2008
              Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                AF Daily - Wednesday April 8, 2009

                DG - what happened in court?
                Marshy took the words right out of my mouth (or off of my post?). I was wondering if I somehow missed something.

                I was thinking yesterday about the al as a social lubricant, too. I guess I never thought of myself as particularly good in social situations, but that's not why I drank. I drank because it 'felt good'. It did for many years. Of course, then it didn't anymore. But that post about socializing struck me because I thought it is probably more the 'norm' to be nervous in social situations.

                Hello to all!

                Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                  AF Daily - Wednesday April 8, 2009

                  dill;588730 wrote: But that post about socializing struck me because I thought it is probably more the 'norm' to be nervous in social situations.
                  LOL when will I learn to make my point in one short sentence!!

                  LOL I was just pouring another cup of coffee and thought "geez I didn't update about court!"

                  Well...I chickened out and just plead guilty. A part of me really really really wanted to fight it (aka do the right thing!) but another part of me believes strongly that the system is rigged. I suppose it's not really fair for me to wander around with that belief if I'm not willing to test it. But for yesterday, I shuffled through the various lines like cattle in the stockyard, and paid the fine. At least I got something for my trouble - court supervision WITHOUT dummy driver school which saved me $40 and another day of my time. I guess that's something.

                  Marshy, one bottle of Sherry in a year is certainly progress. We have all come a long way around here.

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    AF Daily - Wednesday April 8, 2009

                    Yes, I too drank (in the beginning) to get into social situations a little more easily. Of course, that completely backfired. As an alcoholic, I found that as the social situation moved along, normal drinkers began to slow down. I had to have more, more, more which made the social situation all the more difficult.

                    I'm finding that as I go through a social situation completely sober (even ones in which others are drinking), I end up w/an incredible feeling of accomplishment. I feel like I've walked through the fear & come out the other side. Once that happens, the fear in the future is completely diminished. Lately, I've been looking at my fears. I see how they increased as my drinking escalated. There is a direct proportion to drinking & fear. The more I avoided, the more the fears loomed.

                    As far as doing anything: I'm at that point. I'm pretty convinced that if I hadn't had an awful, awful last drunken episode that went public, I'd still be drinking. Everyone meets his/her Waterloo differently. In the meantime, everything we do to try to stop drinking will hopefully work toward the final goal of permanent abstinence.

                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012


                      AF Daily - Wednesday April 8, 2009

                      mORNING aBBERS!

                      Haha oops caps lock - think I'll leave it.

                      DG, daffodils?? I thought that was crocus!

                      I wonder if we humans are more like pack animals and are more prone to be nervous outside our pack, since we can't really mark or sniff butts. :H Really... just a thought. Mary, I felt like that after going on the fishing outing with strangers. I'm not sure the fear is completely diminished but it sure was a high!

                      Marshy, that is a huge accomplishment! Congratulations!!

                      I did not do squat on the taxes so I gotta fasten the ball and chain and get to it.

                      Everybody have a good day!
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        AF Daily - Wednesday April 8, 2009

                        DG right on as usual!

                        I truly believe that just by posting here in AF Daily or the AA thread or in some other limited way, this place NEEDS active people who have more than a year of sobriety. New people NEED to see that this is possible for the long haul. And there are so few active posters here that are over a year. (although there are a few more all the time which is great progress).
                        DG interesting observation.

                        I hear AA and echo DG in sentiment in this point. I wonder how useful those who have a year plus can be. I am reluctant to say much as I am not one to lecture and I know it took me years of so called moderating (read nightly drinking to excess) to come to the conclusion to stop w/ MWO. I enjoy reading the posts here as a touchstone for what I experienced during my first 30 days AF. I would welcome the opportunity to help with perspective and encouragement.

                        In the end, as we all know, it is a personal decision that is difficult, hard work, painful at first but incredibly rewarding. During my first year AF I drew motivation and inspiration from those a little further down the AF road. Let's continue this discussion. AA, Satori, DG, Chief & others who have been down this road a bit

                        Good thoughts for Abbers.



                          AF Daily - Wednesday April 8, 2009

                          Good morning!

                          I am up and attem early. My head cold is almost completely gone in just 2 days! All of the V8, and raw foods I have been eating the last couple of weeks HAD to play in part of getting better so much sooner.

                          DG, I totally missed as to why you had to go to court. I assume from your post it has to do with driving? I am glad that it all worked out for you. My apologies as I have been guilty of not reading many posts lately when I plunk in my own.

                          Easter.... one of my all time fav. holidays! It's the spring fever combined with getting together with friends and family. Watching the kids find easter eggs at a community organized event. Then there is the Easter dinner someone puts on, on a Sunday evening. I have no idea as to who is doing it this year, LOL. I am thinking I may prepare a turkey seeing I have a bit more time on my hands. Must get going and invite people. Oh, and yes, to go and buy a turkey. (Although after seeing a couple of turkeys at the petting zoo this weekend; it kind of breaks my heart to eat one!)

                          That is all for me. Must have another coffee, and just get on with this day. Another beautiful day it is suppose to be.

                          Have a good one everybody!


                            AF Daily - Wednesday April 8, 2009

                            gOOD MORNING FRIENDS!

                            Oops--greeneyes and I both had our caps on!:H

                            I've been reading here and shaking my head up and down a lot, but no real time to post. Now I can't remember what I wanted to say--but I agree!:H

                            I have seen a few people comment that it helps them to read from the ab's threads. I used to respond to all the new ones here, but got discouraged when they didn't return or didn't seem to try very hard. Anyway, I still respond if I think my experience will help in a certain situation. I will say I don't spend NEAR the time here as I did in the beginning.

                            Had a beautiful day here yesterday which melted some of the big piles of snow. We did a little community service work and cleaned out some flower beds. That was nice.

                            I'm looking forward to my siblings and a niece and her husband, my in-laws all coming here for Easter. I will prepare Ham, cheesy potatoes, asparagus and more. There will be pie and angel food cake with strawberries for dessert. I think I will get some wine--just so they don't think I'm a total prude now--but I'll have sparkling grape juice with the kids. And then again I wonder--am I teaching them that there has to be alcohol or alcohol-looking drinks at EVERY celebration????

                            Busy day ahead--ta ta for now! :h
                            NF since June 1, 2008
                            AF since September 28, 2008
                            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                              AF Daily - Wednesday April 8, 2009

                              Good morning, Abberoonnies!

                              Quick check in today as I am off to work...

                              I used to think that AL was the shoes that made the whole outfit in social situations. Now I'm getting so comfortable in my skin that I don't need the lube.. I don't want to miss anything. I want to remember the laughs, the jokes, and now the little kisses from my new friend..

                              I will check in later, my precious friends!


                              Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.

