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day 11

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    day 11

    On day 11 af and i'm up and down. Taking campral and i think it may be helping a bit. Instead of feeling horrible all day i have periods where I feel ok and then energy level plummets. My goal is to try and make a month and then go from there. I think a big part of getting sober is to not put added pressure on yourself. For me I have to block out where I think my life should be and just be greatful that I am still breathing and appreciate the little things in life and look forward to hopefully getting my old self back. It's very hard to do but it is a good way to not give into picking up. Because if I let what could have been and what is I will drink myself to death. I know a few people that I think thought that way and there not here anymore.

    day 11

    Jack: You're absolutely correct in not putting pressure on yourself. Take your sobriety one day at a time. Your mood will level out as you go along. Good luck! Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      day 11

      Hey Jackson,
      I agree, don't put any extra pressure on yourself right now - it would serve no good purpose. We have enough to deal with right now, don't we? It's day 16 for me, I'm happy and normalizing just a little more each day and I'm satisfied with that. Every time a negative thought enters my head I stop what I'm doing and just push it out. Learning the art of distraction can be very useful in these circumstances.
      I too am grateful that I'm still breathing and have the chance to bring my old self back. This truly is a blessing!
      Hang in there, we're getting there
      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        day 11

        Jack, Your attitude sounds a positive, and realistic one from here. For me, it had to be bit by bit, and first things first, which was, getting ME together first, however long that took. Try to think of this as each minute, hour, day, you ARE moving forward toward your goals, which at the moment is to stop drinking. You are doing it! You've got to get your mind set right. Get your thinking positive. Find some hope here, even just a little ray of sunshine, somewhere. (check out 'toolbox thread' in 'monthly abstinence forums') Just look, and keep looking, right under your nose too, for you already have the tools. How about some inspiring quotes stuck up on a wall? List what you wish to become, what path you will tread, etc. Regret's are still there, whether drinking or not, so if you need to deal with anything there, do it. Above all, be gentle on you. Just some thought's...........G.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

