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Daily AF Thread - Monday April 13, 2009

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    Daily AF Thread - Monday April 13, 2009

    Good morning Ab Landers!

    From later yesterday....

    LVT I'm so sorry about your big sis and Cushings. That is such a frightening disease. I will send a little extra hope your way for her to get some relief. Your Easter sounds like it was VERY nice - and much better than the earlier one you describe with the wine and nasty cigar. And nasty hangover. OH those "day time" hangovers after a "nap" were painful, but sadly plentiful around here in my past. No matter how pleasant the thought of a drink might seem sometimes, it's NOT pleasant. It is worth fighting each and every urge to enjoy freedom from that horrible life with AL.

    Kirova, happy Palm Sunday and Easter next weekend.

    Narilly, I like this:

    ...there is not gold at the end of that road/rainbow.
    about drinking thoughts!

    Deter, I don't know that I could handle the parties that you do. I stand in awe of your AFness. I bet I would stand in awe of those wings too if I had the chance!!!! I posted a few pictures of the gardening experience from yesterday on the Gardening thread in general. It was a fine gardening day. And gardening is really easy. If I had only known!! Next fall I need to remember to plant some garlic and see if that works. I'm also investigating sprouts and sprouting as part of my investigation into a slightly more "whole foods" type diet approach although I will not give up my meat!!

    Hello to anyone else I might have missed along the way yesterday!

    Business is not only slow but today Mr. Doggy has to go see a client who is very upset. There is another vendor involved who is trying to Cover Their Behinds at our expense and it's gotten ugly. We may have to end up taking a big write off in order to save the account if we CAN save the account. I'm so glad that me and Mr. Doggy are both clean and sober now. We would have had a horrid weekend of grumpiness, drunken/high-ness, blaming each other irrationally, etc. in the old days. As it was Mr. Doggy blew off steam Saturday with dog training and some metal detecting, we both got out in the yard yesterday and didn't even talk about it, and I STAYED CALM through the whole thing. Amazing. There was not a thing we could do about the situation over the weekend, and I am so thrilled with *us* for handling this like grown ups! Hopefully Mr. D will be able to smooth it out this morning but if not, we dust off the britches and go on. That's business.

    I'm getting ready to join the early crowd at Curves, then catch an AA meeting then back to the office. Mr. Doggy rigged up a grow light for me in the basement so I can start some seeds even though I'm a little late for some like tomatoes. I'm looking forward to trying! So I will be hitting the garden store at some point to buy some seeds and a few supplies. I also want to get some lettuce and a few seeds like that in the garden. WHEE!!!

    Have a great day everyone. AFness Rocks.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    Daily AF Thread - Monday April 13, 2009

    DG: Thanks for starting this thread. I'm doing fine & have a full day planned. I'm so glad I'm not hungover, because I've done that & been there...lots of stuff to do & a headache to go along w/it. My thought for the day is to try to stay in the life in the present. That's not my natural way to live. Either I'm reviewing past events or I'm planning for the future. Have a wonderful day everyone. I'll try to check back later. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      Daily AF Thread - Monday April 13, 2009

      DG, you sound so good and positive this morning it has lifted me up just reading your post! I'm sorry about the business stuff, but you seem to have been able to keep perspective, which is great. About gardening: My HB built a small greenhouse a few years back and likes to start plants early. He planted a flat of spring mix greens and a flat of onions about a month ago and they are at their peak right now. So, yesterday, our Easter sald was spring mix lettuce/spinach, green onion, craisins, almondsand shredded parmesean. What a treat! Maybe you should ask Mr. D to build you a cold frame for next spring for starting early plants?

      I like your crocus picture.

      Hello everyone! Hope you have a great day!

      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


        Daily AF Thread - Monday April 13, 2009

        Hello my little ABeroonies!

        LVT - I am also sorry to hear about your sister. I am sending love and light to you and your family right now. Stay strong and know that you are in our thoughts.

        DG - I'm sorry to hear about your business dealings. It is tough out there right now, and compounding that with anger/emotions from a client is a double whammy. I am glad you and Mr. DG had a clear weekend and I'm sure you had some good conversations because of your clarity.

        We are still a bit early to do any gardening. I have my outdoor furniture out, but for now it is just getting rained/snowed on. The snow is not sticking, and helping to melt away the other, but we are still freezing at night. Can't wait for this summer. I have a really good feeling about it!

        I had my second date this weekend. This is the first time I have dated anyone in town. I am not going to write too much yet because I kinda like this guy.. YIKES! I know it may not be Spring outside, but I defiantly have butterflies in my belly! BIG SMILE!

        Yesterday was beautiful! I went to an amazing service, then a two hour hike. The weather was fantastic! It was THE most spectacular weather this Spring. Maybe it had to do with my date, not being hungover, just happy, but I had more energy than I can ever remember having on a hike. I powered up the spine of this huge mountain like it was nothing and kept going, going, going. I actually caught myself dancing and singing to the music I was listening to..

        Well, gotta run. I'm off to see my trainer soon and then a TWO HOUR massage.. YUM! I have a new masseuse at the spa. He is one of the best I have ever experienced. I am lucky to have him. (doesn't hurt that he looks EXACTLY like Orlando Bloom..)

        Heard a great quote this weekend: :just because you had a nightmare shouldn't stop you from dreaming"



        Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


          Daily AF Thread - Monday April 13, 2009

          Cross posted... Good morning, retteacher and dill.. and all who follow!
          Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


            Daily AF Thread - Monday April 13, 2009

            Hi, Mary and MM, cross-posted. I like the reminder to live in the present. Also , the reminder to be grateful that it is another morning without a hangover!

            Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

            If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


              Daily AF Thread - Monday April 13, 2009

              Hi, MM!

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                Daily AF Thread - Monday April 13, 2009

                Good morning abbers!

                All I have to say at the moment is that the kabobs were...... FANTASTIC! The store didn't have feta so I made a different salad that I shall post in recipes.

                Cold and raing here after a glorious weekend. Glad I took little doggie to the barking lot both days.

                Ta ta!
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  Daily AF Thread - Monday April 13, 2009

                  hi, all.

                  we had a great day at my girl's house. lots of fun.

                  last night had straight line winds that blew apart my gazebo, not repairable, and several large trees. at least no one was injured.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    Daily AF Thread - Monday April 13, 2009

                    Good morning, friends!

                    Geez--what is it with this weather? We have a lot of wind here which can ruin a perfectly beautiful day. I have to wonder what kind of nasty storms mother nature has in store for us this spring.

                    Yesterday, I agreed to 2 more jobs??!??! I hope I don't regret it. One of them is helping the grounds keeper at the cemetary--mowing, weed eating, watering, etc. I think it will be kinda fun--I hope! Now I can tell people I'm working 5 jobs!!!!! (I leave out the part, that some of them only take me an hour or two a day)!

                    I was planning on a pretty big garden again, and will probably stick with the plan, but may sell more of the produce than usual. I would love a greenhouse, but I have never had very good luck starting plants from seeds. It certainly would save some money though!

                    My company left a partial bottle of wine here and I started to pour it out, but thought maybe I should save it to cook with. I won't be tempted to drink it, but don't really have room in my refrigerator. Any ideas?

                    I really over did it in the eating department. I am going to get off my butt and start a daily walking/biking routine like I did when I trained for the 5K last fall. I'll also have to find something to do with all these desserts we had left over! I finished off the caramel popcorn for breakfast!

                    Have a great day everyone--MM I am envious of yours!!
                    NF since June 1, 2008
                    AF since September 28, 2008
                    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                      Daily AF Thread - Monday April 13, 2009

                      Hey LVT - Freeze the wine - just put it in a ziploc baggie.

                      Hi to all before, am on an AF at the min so will be popping in regularly if that's ok?

                      Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                        Daily AF Thread - Monday April 13, 2009

                        Oy! Happy Hangover-Free Monday ABenators!!!!!!

                        thanks for the loverly start you green-thumbed person DoggyGirl. we've started our sprouts....well they are wet seeds at the moment but fingers crossed.

                        LVT I'd probably just toss the vino but the ziplock freezer idea sounds practical.

                        Dill your salad sounds amazing, now I'm really hungry. I made a great Thai peanut sauce for an asparagus/beef stir fry last night....yummo.

                        Cindi, sorry to hear your gazebo is someplace in orbit. wind can be an amazing force here as well.

                        MedMama I can feel you glowing! how wonderful

                        Sweaty Betty great to have you! please pop in anytime.

                        Mary, I agree so much with the thoughts....just the simple fact we are NOT hungover on a Monday is a shining badge to wear as far as I'm concerned.

                        I've been listening to my audio book "a new Earth" and the discussion on not just living in the now moment but making it your friend is very interesting. the ego will try to make the now moment an obstacle or an enemy if we are not aware enough. Making peace with our now moment is an amazingly powerful tool.

                        be well my friends!
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)


                          Daily AF Thread - Monday April 13, 2009

                          Hi Everyone
                          Thanks for the support Hulagirl and Determinator.
                          It was a long fun weekend with parties for my partner who is heading out to NZ a week from today. Made it through - taking the supplements and Campral and that helps. I can't go to NZ because I have my own business which is committed to projects through the year. I will visit though.
                          It's the evenings alone that worry me. If I can keep the depression at bay and myself busy (weathers nice now, so maybe time to bike and run) then I'll be okay. I may also check out some AA meetings for some support too.


                            Daily AF Thread - Monday April 13, 2009

                            Evenin' all

                            A leeeeetle bit too much chocolate this weekend. There are some things I don't have an off switch for... Easter eggs, alcohol (obviously!), crisps.... the list goes on.

                            Barola: Wow, a weekend of partying AF is a great achievement! Keeping busy when your partner leaves and maybe getting some face-to-face support sounds like a good plan.
                            AF since December 22nd 2008
                            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                              Daily AF Thread - Monday April 13, 2009

                              Hi Everyone,
                              Yes, Deter being NOT HUNGOVER on Monday is definitely worth celebrating. I am just happy to be here. Thanks for all your great posts.
                              We demolished a house today- my next project- now I am to build two in its place. (My new job)

                              It will be fun!


                              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                              AF April 12, 2014

