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Wed. - Apr. 15 - Daily Thread

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    Wed. - Apr. 15 - Daily Thread

    Happy tea party day ABerooooos!

    nice start Mary, yes hangovers put us under a dark cloud, and addictions thrive in the dark. vicious cycle indeed.

    Rustop! what a lovely surprise to have you here

    congrats to all on AF milestones and healthy fun activities like cycling. Dx and I went for our first mountain bike ride last week and it was so nice. Now it's stormy and cold but should be clearing this afternoon.

    be well friends
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)


      Wed. - Apr. 15 - Daily Thread

      oh just a quick note on al being cunning etc. yes but ONLY if we allow it in our bodies in any quantity. that's how it becomes such a powerful adversary by using our faculties against ourselves. when it's just sitting there in a bottle it's powerless. that's why it needs billboards and TV adds full of lies to sell it! to create the false fantasies of what it's supposed to 'do' for us.
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Wed. - Apr. 15 - Daily Thread

        Wow Deter - it's powerless in the bottle - what a simple idea but, for me, such a strong one! Thank you for that image - that's one that I will definitely add to my tool kit

        Glad to hear you're doing so well, Mary - and the determination is so strong! Happy Birthday, AFM, Glad to see the resolve - the bouncing back and forth is so true for me too - that's why it's down to a 'No Choice' situation - it's the only chance I have of winning - so wagons role!

        One thing I'm looking into (this is for ladies more than men I suppose, and maybe it's been discussed elsewhere) is a link between hormones and alcohol. Looking back I can see a pattern in that around the middle of the 'month' (ie periods month, not lunar month) the cravings get greater and the affect of alcohol increase. Even when I was drinking regularly, in hindsite there was a realisation that at certain times of the month I couldn't handle my drink (even more so than usual!) and I couldn't control the drink (again, even more so than usual). This hit me again today as I realise that my blowout at the weekend was again at about that time of the month. I did some very quick, initial research, and there does seem to be a correlation - some scientists say that the alcohol effect at that time of the month can be up to 3 times as great as usual, though they not sure why. There is the suggestion that it could be hormone-linked (would make sense), or something to do with hypoglycemic tendencies, which would make sense with increased cravings. Just a thought, and maybe others have similar experiences or it's been discussed/evaluated at other points on the site, but I'll certainly carry on researching, as forwarned is definitely for-armed in my case. Does anyone know anything about this, or experience anything similar - or is it something that is so obvious that it's a given and I'm just really slow on the uptake?! I'd be interested to hear ...

        Have a great end of Wednesday and see you all tomorrow!
        :rays: Arial

        Last first day - 15th April 2012
        Days 1-7 DONE
        Days 8-14 DONE
        Days 15-21 DONE
        30 days DONE
        60 days
        100 days


          Wed. - Apr. 15 - Daily Thread

          Arial, I, too, have the worse desires to drink a day before that time of the month. It is ALWAYS the day before. Over the last few months I have given into temptation. I need to find the resolve NOT to rule my life by my 'woman feelings' and do things like drinking.

          I have read quite a few woman's posts in regards to the same thing.


            Wed. - Apr. 15 - Daily Thread

            Hey guys, sorry i haven't been about in a while, seems I've been rushing all over the place the last couple of days! I'm glad to hear you guys continuing to be positive and I'd like to thank Mary expecially for her thoughts on gratitude as lately I've been focused far too much on the negative (eczma, family issues, upcoming exams) and not enough on the positive (lovely fiance, roof over my head, good friends). So thank you for that, also it's my mothers birthday today so there's been much celebrating going on

            hope everybody is well, and good luck to everyone in their continued AF-ness

            The way I change the past is by not repeating it
            -James Hetfield, Metallica


              Wed. - Apr. 15 - Daily Thread

              yes, I always found I got intoxicated quite easily around that time of the month. More than usual that is. I would blame it on my period- not my problem drinking!
              Have a great night fellow Abbers.


              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

              AF April 12, 2014


                Wed. - Apr. 15 - Daily Thread

                Hi Guys -- long time no post but I am back to provide support! Thanks to DG (DoggieGirl) and my innerstrength (??????) Somehow I took a correct turn! It is possible to change!!!!!!

                Mary -- you are an inspiration and for that reason alone, I would like to check in if that would be OK.

                Hope to reconnect and make new friends!




                  Wed. - Apr. 15 - Daily Thread

                  Tiny! good to see you again! what you been up to?
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)

