Hope everyone's managing the weekend okay...it can be a little tough because so many of us associate the weekend with relaxing and having "fun"--which, for us, has been inseparable from drinking....it's amazing to me, though, that I actually am enjoying many things much more than if I were drinking!
Let's see, this evening (I'm posting before going to bed) I enjoyed the gorgeous sunset (which I may or may not have noticed when I was drinking), then I was able to really LOOK at the enormous almost full moon when it rose over the lake...I had an intense political conversation that I can clearly remember; I also remember the names of the new people I met; I rode around this wonderful picturesque lake on a paddle-boat and didn't spend the whole time wondering when I would be able to have a beer or a glass of wine; I was able to focus on the food at dinner and not the level of the wine bottle; I didn't even stumble while I was walking up a very steep path in the dark; I was able to drive home and chat coherently about the people we'd just met AND I am enjoying a wonderful cup of tea while checking in here.
It may not sound particularly exciting but I have to say that I REALLY enjoyed the whole evening--and I'm not either passed out or wondering what I said or did....
Okay, time to get to bed because we're getting up early for a "house burning"!! Yep, these people down the road are actually having their old house burned down at 5:30AM so that they can rebuild further off the road! I guess the whole town is going to show up for the excitement! Ah, life in Vermont...what a drag it will be to go back to the big city on Sunday!
Have a beautiful Saturday everyone--
"Don't give up what you really want for what you want right now." (Anon.)