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AF Daily - Friday April 17, 2009

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    AF Daily - Friday April 17, 2009

    Mark and run as DG says!

    I'm so glad to have time to post. It's been days, I've barely had time to read.

    Greeneyes - congrats on 10 months! and thanks for the hummingbird reminder, I'll put my feeder out today.

    R2C - good deal on the gym, I loved working out with a trainer.

    Dg - be careful with those new hobbies! Just kidding, I love new hobbies, I just end up with more stuff in the basement.

    We have company this week and work has been busy. I'm not getting enough exercise and eating too much, but fun visiting with my friends. THey're normal drinkers and easy to be around.

    I'm taking today off, it will be sunny and 75! I plan to spend all of the day outside. So happy to wake up with an AF clear head.

    Have a great day.

    AF Daily - Friday April 17, 2009

    Morning abbers!

    Hi speedster & everybody to come!

    I have saved my peppermint ice cream for today so I can sit outside and bask in the sun late morning. Meeting a friend who is sooooo proud.

    Last night I watched a movie and I was all tense (war movie). I was very aware of the feeling and considered how I was spending my time and energy (shitty movie, really - it was on the independant film channel so I thought it might be good). I realize that I am now much more selective about what and who I allow in my space. With AL, I was barely aware of it, let alone selective. Yet another thing to be grateful for.

    How is it my yard needs mowing again? Lawns should be like haircuts. Once a month.

    Have a happy Friday!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily - Friday April 17, 2009

      Hi Everyone: I've been busy but must remember to take time to work on my sobriety program: read, meditate, call people, go to meetings, etc. I find that busy-ness & fatigue have thrown me into drinking, so I'm trying to avoid that syndrome. Have a great day everyone. Mary
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        AF Daily - Friday April 17, 2009

        Good morning!

        I have seen so many movies in my drunken past that had wonderful reviews. Do you think I remember any of them? It was quite embarrassing to go to the movie store with late hubby and ask him if we had seen it. His reply would be 'Don't you remember we rented this last weekend?' YIKES!

        Well, today it is cloudy and rainy. Kind of good in a way for little AFM. They were to have a field trip to Beacon Hill Park and the petting zoo today but apparently her diarrhea came back at school yesterday afternoon and she 'shouldn't' partake as she may have an accident. I am p'd off that the school didn't call me at home to come and get her. So, I guess as a safe guard, I am keeping her home and glad in many ways (not for the kids) that the trip will be postponed.

        So we may do a little bit of shopping and have a special meal of her choice tonight.

        I have nothing planned until Sunday so I must keep busy. My Nana is camping again and I do NOT want drink as a result of being on my own. Funny, nothing has changed in that department. If I am alone I get those crazy drinking thoughts. Like a teenager with the house to herself. Dumb.

        Have a great day everyone!


          AF Daily - Friday April 17, 2009

          Good rainy morning friends!

          We're having some much needed rain here, when the sun finally comes out things should start greening up. I started my garden seed/plant order last night, but not ready yet, so I need to see if they will delay shipping.

          Sausage, I can relate when you say you often think that maybe you can drink again. Those thoughts occur to me once in awhile. A friend asked me if I wanted just 1 beer after work last night--it really caught me off guard, but I just smiled and said no thanks. I have never stopped at 1 beer in my life! I just wanted to get home to my warm cozy home. I am so used to waking up feeling (and smelling) pretty good--I really don't have the desire to spoil that. Or to take the chance of waking the beast I guess.

          Which brings me to a question. I wonder how many here used the hypnotherapy cd's with this program? I can't help but think that they are (at least partially) responsible for my lack of desire to drink. When I hear those of you that struggle so much more than I ever did......I just feel like a switch has been turned off in me. Any thoughts??

          I have a busy morning ahead, so I better get with the program. My son is suppose to have a track meet today......I am not going to go sit in the cold rain...sorry!

          Have a good weekend all!:h
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            AF Daily - Friday April 17, 2009

            Hi all,
            That is true AFM, I have seen so many movies that are a vague memory or that I don't remember at all. How embarrasing! The kids will say- don't your remember mom?? We saw that. Glad that is over!

            LVT- you know I listened to those CD's and I can't say if they helped me one way or another. I haven't listened to them i 3 years now- hmmm....maybe I should try again.
            Sorry about the cold rain, we have sunny skies here and it is warm! Yippee!

            Well, here's to a sober weekend fellow aberoos! (as i say cheers with my coffee)

            Talk to you soon,

            "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
            "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

            AF April 12, 2014


              AF Daily - Friday April 17, 2009

              Greenie- I LOVE peppermint icecream!

              "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
              "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

              AF April 12, 2014


                AF Daily - Friday April 17, 2009

                Hi everyone! This is just a quick fly by as I have to get back out to the garden. BUT....I'm already over due for.....

                :yougo::yougo:GREENIE, ENJOY THAT 10th BIG BOWL OF PEPPERMINT ICE CREAM!!!:yougo::yougo:

                Have a great AF day all!

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  AF Daily - Friday April 17, 2009

                  Hi Everyone,

                  I want to say Congrat to you, too, Greenie! TEN MONTHS is awesome!:groupluv:

                  It's such a beautiful day outside! I had to work all day and just got home. I wanted to do a quick check in before I go out and enjoy the rest of the sunshine! It's Friday and I'm having a harder time than I thought I would. It's funny how those thoughts filter in when you least expect them. Especially with the season change. I was used to going home from work on cloudy/cold Friday's. But today is the first-warm/sunny-can-sit-on-my-back-patio-after-work Friday since I've been AF. I't taking some extra reserves, that's for sure.

                  I'll be OK. I will just get out and get a walk and enjoy.

                  Thanks for listening!

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    AF Daily - Friday April 17, 2009

                    Thank you!
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      AF Daily - Friday April 17, 2009

                      so cool greenie! how was the ice cream?

                      i have to whine a bit...i am craving alot lately and really struggling because i know i f i drink at home, it's all over! i am reading "quitting drinking the easy way", so i hope that flips the switch back to "OFF".
                      i am determined not to drink, but the feelings are strong for some reason. i am trying to figure out the trigger and it might be the weather (spring is sloooooow coming this year...dark and rainy, too cold to enjoy outside too much), and boredom. i try to keep busy, but i think i have a bit of depression as stuff!!!
                      i will get through it and i will not drink.

                      i'm off to the movies with my daughter.



                        AF Daily - Friday April 17, 2009

                        whew! is it still friday?

                        icecream cheers to you Greeneyes!

                        Peacenik, these are the times to pull out your 'anti-relapse arsenal'. do everything/anything to stop the beast in it's tracks! hit the gym, buy a new music Cd, call old friends, do whatever you need to do!

                        hey, movie is a good idea, hope you had fun

                        be well everyone!
                        nosce te ipsum
                        (Know Thyself)

