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Mon. April 20 - Daily Thread

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    Mon. April 20 - Daily Thread

    Can I start this? Day 6 here and up early to read and post before work. Thanks for all the comments yesterday after I posted my longface sadness. I am thinking about a little counseling as I go through this.

    Set some workout goals for today and I will just keep facing whatever feelings come along - the sad ones are just no fun. I'll be glad when some jollier ones come along. Work, workout, then LAX game to watch. Gonna put on the coffee and jump into this day.

    Hope everyone has a great Monday!

    Hidden Goal

    Mon. April 20 - Daily Thread

    HG: You are absolutely going through the worst of letting go of AL. That first week is very difficult. Hang in, & the workout goals sound like a good idea. Abs & healthy living just seem to go hand in hand. Good luck.

    I'm doing well. Last night we went to our Italian cultural group. The speaker was linking the areas of Italy w/the wines & the music. There was wine tasting throughout the talk. I did feel a little strange passing on all the wines, NOT because I wanted any. It was just because I was the only one doing so (in our group). It turned out fine though. There was plenty of wine flowing, but no one drank like I would have. That's one of my most important lessons. One sip & I'd be off & running.

    I'll check back later.

    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      Mon. April 20 - Daily Thread

      arg, I'm so sleepy! darn work. I'll check in properly when I'm in my hotel room tonight. Mary, darn good job! Hiddengoal, thanks for the kickstart, I've heard only great things about counselling BTW.

      be well sleepy heads
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Mon. April 20 - Daily Thread

        Hi, hidden, Mary and all to come. Hidden, Mary is right on. After the first week it does get easier. You feel physically good and mentally stronger. You actually start getting a begining of a new perspective. Of course, you are going to have drinking urges, but they are not as insistent. I remember for me, the first week was hard because time seemed to drag. But now, time is moving too fast!

        Mary, I would have had to skip that meeting! You must be doing very well.
        One sip & I'd be off & running.
        I think that would have been me.

        Whew! What was it about this past weekend? I was edgy and short tempered. I had lots of drinking thoughts and resentments about not drinking. Lots of posts I read reflected the same struggle. We ended the week end meeting friends at a favorite Indian restaurant where I have had many a meal with a couple of glasses of wine. It made me upset that I couldn't do that. But, if I had, I would either have been "off and running", or miserably fighting within myself to not order the next one ....and the next...and...etc. Well, instead, I ordered a Mango Lassi, which is a sweet mango/yougurt beverage. It helps cool the tongue while eating spicy food. It was delicious!

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          Mon. April 20 - Daily Thread

          Deter, Good morning, sleepy-head! (cross-posted)

          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


            Mon. April 20 - Daily Thread

            Morning All -- again, I am back after a long time of lurking and actually I realize that I need I daily reminder of why it feels good not to drink -- Mary and DG have alays been good inspiration!

            HG -- I know life is awful right now -- but hang in there it will get sooooo much better! It is worth it! Hi Dill & Det. & thosde to come...

            Yesterday -- two bags of clothes to Goodwill and tomorrow I get my carpets cleaned -- so today I have to move all the clutter from the carpets!!!

            Great day all ...

            Today I am thankful that I am not hung over -- I remember trying to function after drinking too much wine and it just was not worth it.


              Mon. April 20 - Daily Thread

              Hi everyone

              Kids back at school after the Easter holidays and it feels so good to be back in a routine again. I find that checking into MWO each morning keeps me focussed.

              Well done Mary and Dill. These social events are always challenging. I have always been able to moderate socially and even drinking with hubby, its the drinking alone that really got me into trouble. I think that because I could moderate in those situations and the drinking alone did not happen that often, I fooled myself for a long, long time into thinking I did not have a problem.

              Its a beautiful spring morning again with the sun shining and it feels great to be starting the day hangover free.



                Mon. April 20 - Daily Thread

                Good morning!

                Man, I am feeling so good today! It is beeeeeautiful outside too. I love it when it is light out at 6am! Makes me want to get up and get attem!

                I did horrendously the last couple of weekends with the drinking. BUT I am on day 2 now and that is IT! I have had enough of this roller coaster ride. A 'slippery slope' is really an understatement.

                Anyway, back on track and gonna just get on with it! Must run.

                Have a great day everyone!


                  Mon. April 20 - Daily Thread

                  Morning abbers!

                  Another spring week and everybody's looking good! Hidden, hold tight, you're doing good!

                  Had friends over for dinner (and estranged one) and board game on that dining room table I bought in Feb. (Took me a while to get to it :H) AF was simple. Estranged one told them he hoped I would ask him to come back home. Then when they left, he asked me how I felt about him dating as there was someone he wanted to go out with. I have to admit I felt a little twinge at first - then the absurdity of his timing hit me. He is some kinda guy!

                  Last night (late)there was a CNN special on that was extremely interesting. "ADDICTION - Life On The Edge". They discussed the brain, the disease model, treatment options including rehab only VS meds like nalexotrene and topa or a combo, relapse statistics, monetary issues, etc. and interviewed people on AL, pills, meth, and combos. It was a good show. It didn't argue points, just presented sides. I would have liked to see an expansion of options like MWO, Lenair, Depac Chopra's meditation book, etc.

                  Well, off into the day! Have a good one.
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    Mon. April 20 - Daily Thread

                    Hi everyone,
                    Dill- you meal sounds delicious, mango lassi...mmmmm.

                    I was at a friend's house on Friday and one of my friends was talking about drinking. Specifically my 'not drinking'. He basically was saying that everyone loses control sometimes and I shouldn't beat my self up about it. It doesn't mean I am a full blown alcoholic etc.
                    This did not help me. I started thinking that maybe I can drink one glass of wine and stop.
                    Then I thought about all the bottles that pile up during the week when I am drinking and how I fight with myself trying not to have another and then I usually cave. There is no stopping after 2 or 3 FOR SURE! Sometimes after 1 I can stop but that is NOT for sure. Like Mary said if I have one I am off and running.

                    I also was thinking about how much better I feel not having hangovers and not thinking about the crap I did last night. Tiny brought that up- we all have similar thoughts!

                    Anyway, I didn't drink and I will not drink. I have to go forward with my thinking.

                    Have a great Monday everyone- way to go Hidden!
                    Greenie- CNN show sounds interesting, I would have liked to watch. AFM stay on that wagon!


                    "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                    "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                    AF April 12, 2014


                      Mon. April 20 - Daily Thread

                      Narily, I distincly remember long ago planning to start a diet the next day. I ate all the things I could think of that I couldn't have.... in an obsessive manner. The night before I went to Lenair, I drank .... well, I ALREADY drank to excess, so you can imagine. I have seen that type of behavior in myself. I think if I had one drink I would binge before I got back to AF. How long I DON'T know, so I do not dare risk it. Not worth the risk.
                      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                        Mon. April 20 - Daily Thread

                        I just got back from Walmart where I found some l-glut. I am hoping it helps with cravings as many say it is very helpful on here. I hope it kicks the cravings for carbs and sugars as well.

                        When I quit smoking 6 days ago; I started to crave sugar like mad. I am hoping this will help. Little AFM and I had a hay day eating Easter Candy. UGH!

                        Anyway, have a great day all!


                          Mon. April 20 - Daily Thread

                          Greenie: I saw that CNN special. It was facinating. I don't think enough is said about the alternative treatments & would love to see some kind of follow-up. I thought it was interesting what was said about the medication that cut down on cravings & heightened impulse-control. That medication is something that is almost never brought up as a treatment (except here at MWO). I think the AA model of meetings, therapy, talking, buddy-system, etc. (w/NO medication intervention) is so strong that it's not even questioned. Anyhow, lots of food for thought.

                          My biggest problem has been my alone drinking, so the wine-tasting meeting wasn't too much of a challenge. I just know that if I had even a tiny taste, it would have triggered a huge binge. I KNOW THAT FOR SURE. The folks we went with were all at my awful debacle in Feb., & one of them said something about my abstaining. I said I was fine w/drinking selzer & eating the fabulous Italian food. Enough said. I'm almost glad now that everyone knows about my drinking problem. The truth is out & no questions are asked.

                          I had a very down-in-the-dumps couple of days Fri. & Sat. I'm realizing that feelings are to be dealt with. I got some extra exercise & went to a meeting. That helped.

                          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                          October 3, 2012


                            Mon. April 20 - Daily Thread

                            Hey guys, am having trouble getting on to catch up lately - as many of you know I'm taking alot of exams this year and ahve been doing nothing but coursework pretty much for the last week or so. Anyway, as is probablt to be expected under those cirsumstances I am feeling -extremely- stabby. Anyway, hope everybody is getting on well, and special good luck to AFM with your AF mission

                            The way I change the past is by not repeating it
                            -James Hetfield, Metallica


                              Mon. April 20 - Daily Thread

                              Hi Everyone, I had a normal day today and it was a Monday. YAY!

                              I'm not feeling stabby today, had a great night's sleep. The weather broke by the time I got home and I was able to walk and do a litte gardening. Just chopped up some fresh spinach and kale.

                              I so appreciate a normal day.

                              TG -- good luck with the exams. Get out for a walk and clear your head if you can. It can be tough to study, study study.

                              AFM - I rely a lot on L-glut and Kudzu. The kudzu is especially effective.

                              Mary, drinking alone was my problem. I look back and think how routine it became. I except it was a phase I went through and am fortunate to recognize it and move along.

                              Welcome to HG and Tiny. Keep at it. It will get easier.

                              Hello to everyone else and those that follow. I must check my pot of greens.

