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Tuesday April 21 AF Daily

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    Tuesday April 21 AF Daily

    "Simmering resentment saps energy."
    --Nido Qubein
    Well, I mentioned feeling resentment yesterday in my post, and read this today on the Daily Readings. Timely message for me! I shall try to be more constructive in how I respond to situations, especially 'drinking/not drinking situations'!

    I decided I want to find a recipe for mango lassi to make it at home. It really can't be too difficult.

    Someone (deter?) mentioned sprouts on the AF daily and it prompted me to sprout some mung beans in a jar. They are coming along just great.

    Have a great day all!

    Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

    If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

    Tuesday April 21 AF Daily

    Dill: Yes, resentment is my #1 enemy. It has driven me to drink on many an occasion. As I'm delving more deeply into myself that I'm finding that underneath resentment is often fear. When I pinpoint the fear, it takes the power out of it.

    When I take the time to quiet my mind, there's really no need to drink. I think I drank to quell that constant stream of thinking I always had going on. I've been trying to let myself relax a little throughout the day.

    I hope all is well w/everyone.


    PS: I'm going to read yesterday's thread all the way through now.
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      Tuesday April 21 AF Daily

      Good morning Dill and Mary!

      Dill, I love your new flower avatar. I took some pics on Sunday and want to update mine too but haven't gotten to it yet. I love tulips but we haven't planted any of those here yet. Just the daffodils and crocuses so far. (oh the wasted years where we were drunk/high all the time and didn't get around to anything!) We also have some wild flowers that are really pretty this time of year. Funny you and Deter are talking about sprouting. That is something I want to learn more about. So I will be looking for your tips!!

      Mary, I am only now realizing JUST how much my mind tends to race race race around at high speed. I'm very sure that contributed to my drinking. Especially when my mind races into the future and events that I'm already working on how I will control, and what is going to go wrong if I'm NOT in control. Geez, I get exhausted just thinking about it!

      I too need to catch up on yesterdays thread, and also the day before that! Sorry I have been so absent lately - just busy, but with good stuff. Some of my seeds that I started in the basement are sprouted up and now I have to figure out what to do with them!! I think I will be transplanting some to bigger containers later today or tomorrow latest. It's raining again today so I have no idea what's going on out in the big garden. I hope some of the plantlets survive and that some of the seeds sprout! I'm sure the weeds will do just fine.

      Have a wonderful AF day everyone!

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        Tuesday April 21 AF Daily

        Hello Dill, Mary, DG and all to come,

        Lovely spring sunshine here, flowers out, smell of tree blossom in the air. Gorgeous!

        Have a good day everyone.
        AF since December 22nd 2008
        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


          Tuesday April 21 AF Daily

          Hi all, where is this Daily Readings located?
          Love and Peace,

          Sobriety Date 12.07.2009


            Tuesday April 21 AF Daily

            Hi everyone

            There is indeed a feeling of spring in the air and fresh life. I am looking out at beautiful red tulips as I type.

            Interesting what you said Mary about fear often causing the resentment, must give that more thought. I think though as alcoholics we use any excuse, feelings of resentment, celebrating, drowning our sorrows, reward at the end of a long day. Al comes at us from many angles, thats the nature of the beast. Over time I am learning how to reward myself with healthier options.

            I too must stop overthinking and worrying about things in the future. Off now to spend some time in the garden. Not my favourite, weeding but it needs to be done.



              Tuesday April 21 AF Daily

              Morning abbers!!

              Sprouts! I have been sprouting! Black, adzuki, garbanzo, mung, sunflower, a salad mix (lentil, alfalfa, radish, etc) and guess what? Quinoa! I tell you what though, my system had to adjust a bit and while it did I just farted away!!! Almost didn't have to put gas in the little red car! :H

              Resentment is a bad dog. I have to work on training it constantly. Among other things.

              Today I will try my best to live in today and today only. That's hard with a divorce settlement on the table. Feckin' impossible really. Divorce IS the past and future. Maybe that's why it's so gross. Oh well..... chin up, BGPs on!

              Everybody have a good day and start some sprouts.

              Cindi did you get those storms Sunday night? Everything OK?
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                Tuesday April 21 AF Daily

                Phil: I think the link is Daily Recovery Readings. Mary
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  Tuesday April 21 AF Daily

                  Hey guys, managing a secodn consecutive check in it's lovely to be hearign about eveyrbody's gardening exploits, I remember I loved gardening as a small child but somehow I lost interest... probably just part of growing up/having all my exams take up every second of my waking life xD Hope everything works out for you.

                  greeneyes: special good luck with your goal for today, thats something I need to work on too.

                  The way I change the past is by not repeating it
                  -James Hetfield, Metallica


                    Tuesday April 21 AF Daily

                    Hello all in abberland,

                    I had another normal work day, no crisis, left on time, came home and did yard work. Brief thoughts of rewarding a mowed lawn with a beer. I look forward to reward thoughts disappearing someday. But I had cheese and crackers instead. Taking the supplements has been most helpful lately.

                    Grateful to be alert and ready for bed.

                    Mary, I took struggle with the active brain and use to think AL was the only way to turn it off. I'm still struggling with doing less.

                    We can all put our heads on our pillows and feel real sleep take over. Good night all.


                      Tuesday April 21 AF Daily

                      DG, thank you for complimenting my avatar. I love tulips, crocuses, daffodils, hyacinth....all of them! I've been on wild flower walks this spring in our back woods on the nice days we had. I saw lots of dutchman's breeches and some red trillium.

                      Sprouting is fun. Make sure you buy your seeds for sprouting at a health food store, not a garden store. I use a quart jar (like for canning). I cut a little circle the size of a canning jar lid out of some window screen material and use the canning jar ring to screw down and hold it in place on top of the jare. It works great for the daily rinsing.

                      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

