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Wednesday 22 April AF Daily

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    Wednesday 22 April AF Daily

    Checking in ... 36 days AF
    It's grey and rainy and I could so easily get side tracked, but trying really hard to stay focused and face the huge pile of work building up in front of me. Not feeling so great, but still grateful to have made it this far.


      Wednesday 22 April AF Daily

      Hi Eveyone,
      Loppy- keep on coming back. Of course, you can do it again! Something didn't work for you last time, this time try and do things a bit differently like Exercise- that is a great idea.

      I am sober and unhungover today- makes me soo grateful.

      Talk soon,

      "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
      "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

      AF April 12, 2014


        Wednesday 22 April AF Daily

        Hello everybody!

        Indeed you CAN do it, Loppy. I know what you mean about getting stuck in a rut of feeling 'useless'. Time to start climbing out.

        About the cravings, for me it seems to be cyclical, emotional and sugar. I'm quite convinced that giving in to sugar cravings begets sugar/AL cravings.

        I'm very tired today but happy that I haven't thought about drinking in a long time. When I was invited to lunch the other day the hosts offered me wine multiple times and I had to keep saying no. It made me realise I hadn't even been in that situation in forever. I know that can change, but right now I'm grateful to be in an AF groove.


          Wednesday 22 April AF Daily

          Just back from a good swim - drinking an AF beer!

          Just wanted to say to Hiddengoal, how much I loved your post with those conversations in your head - that is exactly what has been going on in my mind these last 10 days or so - lots of conversations in my head arguing and trying to justify one glass of wine - you've really articulated for me how stupid it all is - thankyou.

          And thank you too Mary for your words of support - think I was in danger of isolating myself and being at risk - I will just share even if I haven't got much interesting to say - I know i'm currently in a bit of a "danger zone"

          Will be back later.


            Wednesday 22 April AF Daily

            Hi everyone!

            Welcome back Loppy and here's a :b&d::sofa: to help with the exercise motivation!!!

            Sausage, I SO know what you mean when you talk about the fear of drinking again. One of the reasons I decided to check out AA was that I had that little, nagging fear in the back of my head and I wanted to see if there was a way to get rid of that fear. I don't care for the thought of living in fear of AL the rest of my life, or even the next year of my life, or some smaller piece of that. I think I'm starting to learn that there is a big difference between maintaining a healthy respect for the fact that I can NEVER have "a" drink, and "fear" of drinking again / AL. Accepting as a fact that I can't drink is a whole lot more comfortable and less consuming than fear of it. If this makes any sense. It might just be useless babble LOL! It's something I'm really just in process of trying to sort out in my pea brain.

            I agree that isolation is NOT good. I think pulling back from whatever are the support resources you utilize can be a slippery slope. I think it's worth a HARD look at the motives. Am I just less active with my support system because I'm truly busy and getting on with life? Or am I really pulling away to get one step closer to "a" drink? Only you can know the answer for you. But I love when you post so I hope you will keep posting! I too have gotten away from posting on the abbercize thread even though I'm abbercizing away, at least the Curves part. I really need to get back to the yoga part too but I'm having trouble with time management at the moment for that!

            Pamina I'm with you in the belief that sugar and alcohol are very closely connected in the physiological sense. I don't think my body can tell much difference between AL and an oreo cookie so I have to be wary of both! (I can't have "just one" of either which is why I have to be so wary of sugar for myself...)

            Barola, congrats on 36 Days!! :yougo:

            Hi Narilly - love the gratitude!

            AFM I bet the flowers are lovely! And so nice to be able to smell them! (I know what you mean - ex smoker here!)

            Greenie, my hat is off to you for getting through all the crap you are having to get through right now with such a good attitude. And with BGP firmly on. And NOT thinking that Al would help you solve your problems. That ROCKS.

            Hi again Mary! Isolation is my enemy too. I'm so glad not to be in that horrid place day after day any more, and WANTING to be in that horrid place if I absolutely had something else I had to do other than drink!

            Hi Dill of the gorgeous flower avatars!

            HG - I love your sharing of how you were talking to yourself. My brain is like a friggin' committee in there sometimes! Glad to know I'm not the only one!! Congrats on getting through the moment and on 8 Days AF!

            Hi Kirova!

            Rustop, I recently started journaling. I haven't had any huge AL cravings since I've started it, but I now carry a small spiral notebook in my purse so any time I have something on my mind I want to jot down, I can just do it. It's interesting to go back and review. If I DO have Al cravings you bet I will be journaling about it! Your post is a good reminder to me though that I need to start writing down times when I strongly crave sugar. THAT has been happening a bit lately. I know there is a sugar/al connection for me.

            Hi BH, starting and Cy!

            Speedster, I vote for you taking 2 weeks off before your busy season!

            Well, it's 11 months of sobriety for me today. Boy that feels good. I'm looking forward to having a year under my belt. I realize these are just mind games and we have to do or not do what works for us individually. But for me, the more sobriety I have the more I view I would be "giving up" if I were to relapse now. I truly don't want that self imposed isolated "prisoner in my own home" life any more. Blah. And that is where one drink would lead me. And pronto. After 90 days of sobriety in 2007 and I had that "one drink" I was back to my old volumes and behaviors within 3 days. NOT WORTH IT.

            Well, the sun is finally out so I think I will go see what awaits me in the garden of experimentation!

            Have a great AF day all!

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Wednesday 22 April AF Daily

              Well done DG! I'm sure everybody here will agree with me that we are all so happy for yo, and so proud of your achievements, keep it up!

              Loppy: Welcome back, and as everybody else has said, best of luck
              The way I change the past is by not repeating it
              -James Hetfield, Metallica


                Wednesday 22 April AF Daily

                Congrats DG .... you're an inspiration.
                Loppy ..... welcome back and hope to see you here a lot


                  Wednesday 22 April AF Daily

                  I'm home! yeah!

                  exhausted but AF and happy.

                  I'll catch up soon with you loves,

                  be well
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)

