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Thursday 23 April AF daily

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    Thursday 23 April AF daily

    Morning all,

    What a lovely St George's day we are going to have.

    I fell off the wagon because I'd got so far that I took my sobriety for granted. Bypassing the fact that I had friends who were nagging me to "just have one", I'd gone to a ball without a plan for how not to drink. I would never have done that in the early days.

    After that the self loathing kicked in and a couple of weeks later it didn't seem so bad to have a drink because I'd ruined everything anyway. Then when my beloved pet had to be put to sleep because of complications of old age, well I couldn't possibly be expected to deal with that sober, could I?

    So that was how a slip became a full blown relapse. On the plus side I have learnt a lot over the last three months. Although I still don't much like all the feeling that flood in when I'm sober, I am ready to learn how to deal with them.

    Anyway, enough of me. Hope everyone has a brilliant day.

    Take care
    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
    AF 8 June 2012

    Thursday 23 April AF daily

    Hi Loppy-Lugs
    Well done for being honest about your relapse, i sometimes want to keep them quiet because of a 'Pride' thing going on. I too know what it feels like to lose a beloved pet the pain is so intense, alcohol seems the only way to take it away, and i guess that is our problem we use Alcohol to change our mood/feeling. Anyway glad to hear your back ! Wear your rose with pride, mines actually a daffodil, but hey we're all together in this. I'm on day 3 AF & got the book yesterday, will try the supps but not ready to see Dr about the craving buster!


      Thursday 23 April AF daily

      Being honest is a huge step in the right direction, as we all know what good liers us alkies are! That alcohohilic part of us will do anything to get us to accept our problem in one form or another for just this 'one last time' On day 81 today. Working my programme daily, and feeling happy that im an alcohol free welshman!
      To Infinity And Beyond!!


        Thursday 23 April AF daily

        Morning all - beautiful day here - just quick check in from me.

        Loppy, thanks for sharing your relapse story - and for being so honest. I had a relapse last year after 108 AF days, and then was drinking again for months , so I know exactly what you mean by you've already ruined everything , you might as well keep drinking. - that was exactly how I felt.

        Lots to do today (don't have my kids with me on a THurs) Have just been to the supermarket to stock up on lots of AF drinks, and have been swimming.

        Will check back later

        Have a good AF day everyone


          Thursday 23 April AF daily

          Good morning Ab Landers!!

          From yesterday...

          TG if you stop in again today, just wanted to say hello and it's good to see you. Best wishes with your exams! When will they be over? Do you then get a break for the summer or do you go to summer school too? Oh to be 18 again and looking forward to summer! I wish I had spent less time worrying about the next party and more time exploring the world around me to find passionate interests. Can't go back and change it - can only work on a better quality of life going forward. I am so proud of you TG for recognizing the potential problems alcohol can cause earlier rather than later in your life. :yougo:

          DETER!! Where did you get that avatar! That rocks. Welcome home! Will you be sharing the secret formula with us for Deter's Garlic Flakes? If the Deter Spice I planted grows, I might just have to make some of that. Breakfast of Champions and all.

          Hello Barola and thanks for you kind words about the milestone!

          Loppy it's good to see you again today. I too appreciate your honesty. Cy, I couldn't agree more that as alkies we are Big Fat Liars to ourselves and others. At least that was my modus operandi and I have to really watch it - that behavior pattern is still within me even after the alcohol is gone.

          Hi Vogue and congrats on Day 3. YOU CAN DO THIS! Lots of people are successful without using meds, so don't let that be a barrier.

          Hi Sausage! Wow I'm jealous you have already had your swim today! And got your shopping done! Well, it's still early here. I have lots to do today before I can get around to my workout and shopping so I'm just whining.

          The weather for the next few days is supposed to be glorious! After I get my work stuff and personal errands/workout done today, I need to spend some time updating my journal and planning my next garden steps. Yesterday when I looked out there, it seems some radishes and one of the lettuces might be starting to come up. :yougo: I hope hope hope some things will grow for me this year! I'm sure there will be lots of mistakes but that's how we learn. At least I will be sober to remember what I'm doing and to actually CARE about it. Boy in my drinking days all I cared about was drinking and that was about it.

          In AA they talk a lot about the FIRST DRINK being the only one we have to worry about. As long as we never touch the first one we don't have to worry about any others. I also have thought about this sort of in reverse. The addicted part of our brain that wants a fix is also only concerned about ONE DRINK - that first one. AL knows it's the only one he has to worry about because if he can get me to take the first one, then all the rest will follow naturally. Somehow I find this "battle" in my head a little easier to manage with the "visual" that this battle is not over all the liquor in the store. It's only over one drink. That's the only one AL is worried about, and therefore it's the only one I need to worry about.

          Now I'm trying to remember what St. George's Day is all about. I'm sure I asked this question last year but I was still in a drunken stupor last April. Can someone enlighten? Many thanks in advance!

          Have a great AF day everyone!

          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

          One day at a time.


            Thursday 23 April AF daily

            Morning abbers!

            Just a hello and a wish for a good day for all. Me little pea brain is swimming with pressures of life at the moment.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              Thursday 23 April AF daily

              Good Morning!

              I’m caught up with yesterday’s thread and I’m taking 2 days off work. I may have to check e-mail but nothing serious. I plan to transition a couple volunteer tasks to my husband who’s agreed to help as Treasurer, and I will plant my garden.

              HG -- really appreciate you sharing your 3-way conversation. I too relate. Yesterday I was headed home and thought how nice it would be to unwind with a beer on the deck. I chose to ride my bike instead and the desire for AL disappeared. After riding I read your post and it was fortifying.

              DG -- Congrats on 11 months Sister! Awesome, you’re transformation is truly what life is all about.

              Sausage -- good to hear from you. Just say hello once in a while so we know you’re out there and doing well. I admire you for your consistent swimming. As it warms up I will be on the bike more and more.

              Mary - I’m going to think of you if I start to cram my days off with busy-ness and tell myself NO. I need to exercise, plant the garden and transition tasks over the next 2 days. I have agility class tonight which is great fun. That’s all. No new projects. The garden and exercise need to be my focus for the next few months.

              Any sign of Mohun lately? I miss the puppy pics of ‘No’. If you’re out there Mo’, say hi!

              Greeneyes - I haven’t sprouted any legumes in a long time, I may have to do that this summer when I’m making a big salad. Such a nice way to make a salad interesting.

              TG, AFM, Hula, Dill, Det, Loppy and anyone I missed -- Thanks for posting and just being there. I’m grateful to read from everyone and stay on track.


                Thursday 23 April AF daily

                Good morning friends!

                Great to "see" some new "faces" here on the daily thread! (And some familiar ones--welcome back Loppy!) Thanks for sharing how that one drink can turn into a relapse. So far none of my friends have tried to talk me into just one--but hubby has made some comments lately.....not sure what he's really thinking, guess I'll have to ask! He saw one of our friends the other day that has quit smoking for 2 weeks now. SHE can still drink beer and not smoke--not sure about me--some sound advice from friends here suggest I don't take the chance!
                I'm loving my new job mowing the cemetery. I'm not used to being gone so much, so the housework, yardwork and meal situation is suffering. But I will get caught up again--I just need to get up a little earlier.
                I finally talked to the compounding pharmacist about my "spit" and blood test results. My hormone levels go right along with my symptoms of estrogen dominance, and my cortisol levels are messed up--low in the morning, higher in the evening. So, if my doctor will write the script I will be using Progesterone and DHEA, plus some other supplements. This guy seems very knowledgeable and he said since Dr. Phil had his wife on the show the other day women are coming in off the streets asking about BHRT! The good news is my thyroid levels are ok, even though I have symptoms of hypothyroidism--this is probably caused by the hormone imbalance. He is so confident that I can feel better and have my "MOJO" back that I am getting really excited.
                Ok, I better tackle that stack of dishes and mail before I head to work.

                Have a great sober day all!:h
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  Thursday 23 April AF daily

                  Happy Sober Thurs to all. Happy to report sobriety here and for hubby as well. After those last couple of scares with him being bloodied and bruised, I think it may have finally sunk in that this behavior can no longer be tolerated.

                  Everyone sounds good. Boot camp is moving along, not quite as sore this week as last. Hopefully that is a good sign and next week will be even better! I did a total of 90 pushups on Tues (not consecutively) and I personally can't believe it. Not that most would recognize it as a push up

                  Everyone have a great ever vigilant of al and his sneaky ways.

                  Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


                    Thursday 23 April AF daily

                    Good morning!

                    Feeling fab. Must run. Got a lot to do this morning and I am spending WAY too much time in the mornings reading posts. Which makes for a huge rush out the door!

                    I will post later if there is anything exciting to post about. LOL.

                    Have a great day!

                    ps. Greenie, hang in there, hon.


                      Thursday 23 April AF daily

                      Hi Everyone,

                      I'm going to join this daily thread if that's ok with everyone! I'm only on day 18, but am chugging along with no real problems at the moment. Today I have a slew of meetings after which I would typically reach for the wine, and lots of it, but today it will be diet tonic ONLY!! I feel good, am sleeping well, eating well and have better energy and focus. No way I could have done these meetings 3 weeks ago, I would have been terrified I'd throw up. Not a nice thing to do in front of one's only source of income!

                      Looking forward to all of your support and to adding my two cents as we go along!

                      My best to all of you.



                        Thursday 23 April AF daily

                        Welcome Ann and congratulations on 18 Days! You sound like you have a terrific attitude. You will love your sober and hangover free life. Yes, meetings sure are much easier sans hangover. Oy I remember some awful hungover meetings. Yikes.

                        Hi AFM - sounds like you have a busy one today.

                        R2C your boot camp sounds grueling. In the old days I would have felt nauseous (sp) just thinking about it. Now a workout like that makes me sort of wonder if I could do it. I bet you are feeling really good - especially when the workouts are over!

                        LVT, good that you like the new job! Actually mowing sounds appealing. Work with nobody bugging you (at least that's the way I imagine it LOL!) and see the results of your effort right away. Also, that is GREAT news about the hormones. Hopefully your doc will cooperate and write the scripts. Once you get going and get everything balanced (might take some adjusting along the way) I bet you will feel fabulous. Good that your thyroid is fine! :yougo:

                        Speedster, sounds like you have a good plan with some good limits for your 2 days off. Have FUN at agility! I'm also interested in hearing what all you plant in your garden.

                        Hang in there Greenie!!! This too shall pass. BGP all the way.

                        OK - I'm only back in the office for a quick stop, then off and running to deliver some things to various businesses. It's usually fun.


                        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                        One day at a time.


                          Thursday 23 April AF daily

                          Hi Everyone: I'm going to read this thread more thoroughly when I have more time. We had the g-sons overnight, & I'm just getting my house in some order. I'll be back. Mary

                          PS: Yes to the lying. I think that was the most soul-destroying part of my drinking!
                          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                          October 3, 2012


                            Thursday 23 April AF daily

                            Happy Thursday ABerooooos!

                            great to be home as usual

                            big welcomes to Voguefit and Crazyforwine!

                            seems that many AF'ers are having troubles lately but the warning is common among all involved: "don't touch that first drink"!!!!!! I'm definitely taking that advice to heart at all costs....I just don't think I have another detox left in me. My poor body has had enough and this sobriety thing is suiting me very nicely I'm happy to say.

                            DoggyGirl I made my avatar on photoshop, cool eh? I'll pour you a bowl.

                            be well my friends and all to come.....
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              Thursday 23 April AF daily

                              wanted to share this

                              I'm not sure how many of you visit the Daily Recoveries AA website, but I wanted to share this one with everyone today. It really hit home with me. I spend alot of useless time wishing to control others, when hell, I can't even control myself half the time:H

                              Anyways, hope you find this interesting as well:

                              Walk in Dry Places

                              When am I manipulative?
                              Personal relations.
                              Without understanding our motives, we can easily lapse into behavior aimed at manipulating others. Sulking is a means of letting others know we are displeased and forcing them to attempt to win our approval. Flattery is a false expression of approval that we don't really feel?. Giving others good strokes for our own purpose. Withholding deserved praise is a means of putting others down, something we're likely to do because of our jealousy.
                              Manipulative behavior is almost always selfish behavior. IT is usually a false means of trying to get our own way. It is certainly an immature way of dealing with people and situations.
                              The best way to avoid being manipulative is to be ourselves at all times. We have neither the right nor the responsibility to control or regulate other people. Our best approach, in trying to influence others' actions, is simply to state our own case with sincerity and honest. Others must be free to act, free to choose, and free to make their own decisions without manipulative interference on our part.
                              I will be myself at all times today. I will not assume false roles simply for the purpose of bending others to my own will. Manipulative behavior is controlling behavior, which I must avoid.
                              The door to the human heart can only be opened from the INSIDE.

                              note to DG: NO I don't find this physical activity reward I am hoping that will come in the next week or two. I'm WAY to old for the kind of excercise...but I will prevail

                              Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius

