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Thursday 23 April AF daily

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    Thursday 23 April AF daily

    I have had a bad couple of days, Your honesty is appreciated. I too started taking sobriety for granted- My shield of protection is back up. And tomorrow is a new day FOR ALL OF US
    Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
    And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

    • Yesterday is History
      Today is a Mystery
      Tomorrow is a GIFT


      Thursday 23 April AF daily

      R2C, very good material, thank you.

      DLW, welcome to your new day
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)


        Thursday 23 April AF daily

        dlw;599196 wrote: I have had a bad couple of days, Your honesty is appreciated. I too started taking sobriety for granted- My shield of protection is back up. And tomorrow is a new day FOR ALL OF US
        Hugs to you. I know you are feeling disappointed, but you came here and posted about it. That says 'determination' to me. Try not to get too down on your slip - you had 6 months!

        Stay close and get back on that horse! xoxo


          Thursday 23 April AF daily

          Hi Everyone,
          Sasuage- I went swimming this am too, sure feels good.
          LVT- I took that cortisol test too, the one where they test your spit. That is great that you are going to a hormone doctor and getting hormones. The compounding pharmacy is definitely the place to be- you don't want synthetic hormones that is for sure. I am taking DHEA and a thyroid hormone (just a little) and it has helped me to lose weight plus my hair isn't falling out anymore- BONUS!

          It is easy to take sobriety for granted- that is for sure. I too struggle with not having that first drink. I have to try and just not let those thoughts enter my mind. Last night my husband was watching the hockey game and having a beer, I was soooo close to having a 'sip' of his beer and then- well I know that is the beginning of 'just having one' (six).

          Everyone- DON'T HAVE THAT FIRST DRINK!!!


          "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
          "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

          AF April 12, 2014


            Thursday 23 April AF daily

            this is very confusing. in this area there is stuff on AA.. and here that is sort of chat. Then another place talks about sinclair. Does MWO work and where are the people who are doing the MYO program? Do most people on this site succeed.. or do most leave? or relapse.

            It seems like the odds are the wrong way here... from what I am reading.

            I just thought this area was fairly serious and wanted to ask.


              Thursday 23 April AF daily

              and on these threads is there an expert oversighting what is happening and guiding or is it the blind leading the blind?


                Thursday 23 April AF daily


                I don't think there is a MWO program per se. I think this is a bunch of forums of people who are sharing experience, strength, & hope. In my opinion, some of the threads are better than others, but you just have to read & find out what works for you. We do have an AA thread here on the 30 day abs forum, but sometimes AA talk creeps into this daily thread. This daily abs thread is for people who are trying to stop drinking (as opposed to moderate) for at least 30 days. As far as people overseeing this whole site: interference is kept at a minimum. There have been occasional spats between people, & the management has locked down that particular thread, but for the most part, they let us settle our own affairs. I'd suggest you read the FAQ's & perhaps that will answer some of your questions.

                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  Thursday 23 April AF daily

                  pistard: As far as people succeeding or relapsing: I have no idea of the numbers. I can speak for myself. I came here Apr. 07. I was drinking a big bottle of wine approximately 5X per week. I was dealing w/blackouts & hangovers. Since I came to MWO & began sharing:
                  -I had some very long stretches of alcohol free time.
                  -I relapsed.
                  -I admitted being an alcoholic.
                  -I committed to an alcohol free life.
                  -I began going to AA meetings & continue to come to MWO every day.
                  -I've made cyber-friends here whose progress I keep track of.
                  -I have encouraged others & gotten encouragement.
                  -I've received invaluable advice & guidance on how to stay sober.

                  That's what I've gained from MWO.

                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    Thursday 23 April AF daily

                    Hi pistard. Not much to add to what Mary has summarized so well! I'm not sure what other recovery sites you have investigated or participated in. In my own limited experience, this particular discussion forum is among the least moderated. As with all things in life, that comes with pluses and minuses and you have to decide what works for you.

                    The My Way Out program (which is treated in a flexible way) includes a nutritional supplementation program, hypnosis CD's, and Topomax which is a prescription drug to ease cravings. The program also includes diet and exercise recommendations. The program is designed to be helpful for both people who want to moderate their drinking as well as for those who want to abstain completely from drinking. The book can be ordered in hard copy or downloaded through the "Health Store" on this site.

                    Some people follow the program as outlined very closely. Others follow only pieces of it. And as you can see there is also discussion about other recovery programs - you have already mentioned the references to Sinclair and AA. You might also notice references to programs such as SMART Recovery.

                    There are a lot of options out there for sobriety. The important thing is to find what works for you. For me, I started with the supplements and hypnosis CD's available through this site. (and read the book of course) I also implemented the exercise and diet recommendations, which I still follow. I have more recently added AA meeting attendance and reading to my personal sobriety "tool kit." I have also used parts of the SMART Recovery program and those help too. (the Cost Benefit Analysis is one example)

                    R2C, that was the reading that really stood out for me today too. I have to really stay on my toes to even catch myself in "manipulation mode" I am so used to doing things that way. Life sure feels better and so much simpler when I can manage to just be myself instead of trying to twist the world around me into a prezel of my desire.

                    Narilly I'm with you - I can never take it for granted.

                    Welcome dlw. :b&d: back on the wagon you go.

                    Deter I can't even imagine how fast I would physically fall down the hill if I were to relapse at this stage. I'd rather stay sober thank you very much. And yes, please pour me a bowl. Believe it or not, there was no photoshopping involved in my new avatar woof woof. Beware my evil beagle who will stick his tongue out at you if you serve him garlic flakes for dinner.
                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      Thursday 23 April AF daily

                      Hello again all - just a quick check in from me.

                      Mary - I really liked your summary of what you've gained from MWO - think i'll write my own, and include it in my "my story" which I intend to post when I reach 6 months.

                      I haven't looked at the newbies section in ages - tend to stick totally to monthly moderation, however I did tonight for the first time for months, and it really affected me - reading out all those stories and pleas for support from people just starting out on their attempt at sobriety. It reminded me how far i've come and how i never want to be back there.


                        Thursday 23 April AF daily

                        Hello on AF Thursday to all

                        Pistard, I think RetTeacher & DG have done a super-fantastico job of explaining what is available here at MWO - much thanks to them for that. Please keep asking your questions so you get a good understanding and also to spare you having to assume or decipher all the postings. Just explore and ask just takes time sorting the threads to find things that ((ring)) for you.

                        Today is Day 9 for me and I interviewed a counselor - I had a horrible day Sunday, stayed in my room, and after time in chat, I decided some time 'discovering me' could be useful. It was over a work 'lunch break' and I think it went least I opened right up and the couselor seemed to herar what I was saying. I spilled a lot about so many things - surprised me how easy it was. I went back to work and felt was weird. Then picked up my son after school, stopped by the HF store to get him a snack and headed home - was planning a bike ride all day because weather finally nice enough. I walked in the door and I was tired again. I tried to catch up on email phone etc and I was there a theme here?

                        I went to change into cycle clothes and thought "I'm tired" and thought I'd just lay down for a few minutes and transition from work.......I was tired.....I fell asleep for over an hour. I don't do that. I don't nap - there is just too much to do.

                        Oh my, that nap was so good. Now I won't be riding, which is a disappointment, but I was so tired......SO, I am now wondering...WHY was I so tired? Did it have anything to do with all the stuff I got out of my head and into the air? Did acknowledging all my concerns/hurts make me that tired? Perhaps.

                        So, I am going back on Monday to the counselor and I hope I get to take another nap!!!!

                        I have to say, in these 9 days I have been reading many new threads I have not looked at before. There is so much great wisdom and experience, and encouragement...but I think this particular thread and the AA weekly are speaking to a lot of people. These are my first "go to(s)" because what is posted is thoughtful. I appreciate that. I have gotten into a few that are pages of chit chat about whatever which I suspect is a manner of community by 'checking in and keeping track', but the deeper stuff is speaking to me now and I thank you all for your contributions, openess, patience, and your ears.

                        On to the evening bath cocktail - so much more refreshing that the nightly wine bath habit I was getting in to.

                        Hasta the Pasta! HG


                          Thursday 23 April AF daily

                          It's a late check in for me. Thanks to all who posted here. There was lots of food for thought! I have been a member here since the first of January. I mostly go back and forth between this thread and the Just Starting Out Forum. I gain a lot of strength and insight from this thread. I like the sincerity and the thoughtful discussions and the depth. The Just Starting Out forum is a tricky place. I find lots of people with sincere desire to change, but who are struggling to get the tools and the strength. Some seem like they are not really trying at all, but are telling themselves they are. I think I have been there and done that, too. I always like it when I see one of the 'regulars' of the AF Daily posting elsewhere on the site, because you always seem to have wisdom and strength, support and guidance to offer to beginners. Thank you ALL for your friendship and support.

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                            Thursday 23 April AF daily

                            Dill, thank you too, and ditto.

                            Doggygirl, how did you get your beagle to stick out it's tongue like that? I thought you had found that avatar online somewhere.....talented woofer!
                            nosce te ipsum
                            (Know Thyself)


                              Thursday 23 April AF daily

                              hidden, i always feel like emotional "stuff" takes a hell of alot more out of me than physical stuff...maybe you were drained!

                              doggy, you inspired me to change my avatar to one of my beagles "puck"...

                              i'm all over the place lately...i feel very emotional and almost fragile...i haven't drank, and i don't want to, but it's funny my husband asked me if i had i'm acting the way i did when i drank (aloof and snippy)...i guess i'm a dry drunk, eh?

                              ahhhh, life...

                              i'm sure this thread is over and tomorrow's will come up for another new day!


