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AF Daily - Friday TGIF 4/24/09

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    AF Daily - Friday TGIF 4/24/09

    Marking mommy's pretty flowers and RUNNING!!

    I really must find the old pic of Buck (in my current avatar) peeing on my Day Lillies. Deter, I was snapping a few pics of him when on my way to out to take pics of the flowers. In one of the pics he turned around really fast and had his tongue out which resulted in the avatar pic. Of course it looks even funnier cropped like that to feature only the head.

    Mary I love how you can summarize things and really express your point succinctly. I like your summary of what you have gained from participation in MWO from yesterdays thread.

    HG - I am really happy for you from the way you described your session with the counselor! And good for you just going with your own vibe and taking a nap since you felt tired. For me anyway, a big part of my drinking involved feeling one way, but hiding that behind booze and presenting something false. Sometimes being more honest simply means taking a nap when we feel tired rather than trying to be Super Person. I can also say that for me, revealing things I have kept bottled up in side can be very exhausting, but in a really good way. Like dumping toxic waste out of my system or something. So good for you!! This really is a journey about more than just stopping the flow of booze.

    Peacenik - I hit a point at around 100 days sober (I think you are around that minus the blip, right?) where I was like...."OK. What now?" The "new" excitement of being sober was wearing off, and I had empty spots where booze used to be that were just....still empty. I still have not completely sorted all this out, but is this a point you might be reaching? It seems many of us go through it. For me, that signaled a time to really start exploring what it's going to take to LIVE....not just "not drink." I think that's what some people mean by "dry drunk" but I've heard that term used so many times and I think it means slightly different things to different people.

    Dill!!!! I need to be better about posting some in the Just Starting Out section. BALANCE is something I have yet to master. It has been easy for me to get TOO involved, and then get burned out. It is only natural that many people come here new - just like I did - who are not ready to acknowledge the true level of the problem. People come here like I did clinging to the hope that moderation will be possible (I know it IS possible for some - but was not for me but I sure liked the fantasy!) etc. In my "burn out" times I neglect to post there at all. I know it is important for all of us - at ALL stages of getting sober to participate for the new folks. I know I benefited from many different perspectives along the way. I need to find a happy medium!

    One of the business leads groups I belong to - the Friday morning group - is going through a bit of a sad thing. I've belonged to this group for 3+ years now, and Mr. Doggy participated before that. And the group was around for a few years before that. Always meeting at the same old restaurant at 7AM every Friday. As if the bad economy were not treacherous enough, about a month ago one of the local casino's burned down. Well, the actual casino part that is technically on the riverboat didn't go down, but all of the other stuff connected - the hotel, restaurants, shops, entrance to the casino, etc. burned to the ground. The casinos are huge to our local economy. The casino has been VERY good to their employees as they make plans to get re-opened, but there are so many other dependent businesses including this little restaurant. So today is our last meeting in that location and our waitress - we've had the same one all these years - is of course very worried about finding another job the way things are right now. (and with the added employment "competition" with so many casino workers out there looking...) So we have to find another place to meet - not easy since we need a private room and a fairly large group with separate checks. But it's a sad day in so many other ways. Hopefully we can get through the process of finding a new location without killing each other in the process. :b&d:

    The sun is up now and it is supposed to get up to 80 degrees today!!! WHEE!!! I have on a new pair of slide / sandals and my toe nail art is showing.

    Have a great sober day everyone!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Friday TGIF 4/24/09

    Hi DG & everyone to come: I'm still on the "pink cloud" of sobriety, but I know from past experience that it wears off & the "what's next?" feeling will hit. I think that for me, ongoing work on sobriety is a must (reading, sharing, meetings, etc.). I can't take time off from MWO or any other recovery program. That's when I'll get into trouble. It's essential for me to keep my sobriety first & foremost in my mind.

    That said: I am still on the pink cloud. I've been waking up early feeding & walking the dog & generally puttering around by myself. It's such a comfort to do that wo/a hangover. I hope I never take that for granted.

    Take care. I'll be back.

    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      AF Daily - Friday TGIF 4/24/09

      Hi DG, Mary and all to come.

      Just wanted to say that being able to read and share here keeps the hope alive.

      I would have given up a long time ago without MWO.

      AF April 9, 2016


        AF Daily - Friday TGIF 4/24/09

        Morning abbers!

        DG, that is a shame. Does it have to be indoors? Pot luck at a park? Like a picnic? Some have those pavillion things with lots of tables under a shelter.

        Still not much to say. I will make this observation though. When you are feeling not particularly "up", it is not very easy to do the things you know to help yourself. Why do they seem like a chore? I see now how it is so much easier to drink. I am not remotely tempted mind you. Just mindful of what we choose for relief. I will choose the good ones.

        What happens to people that come back because they needed to secure their place on their path and then bang, they're gone? MM, Satori...... I wish the goodbye was as big as the hello just so we knew. "I'm OK now, thanks for the support, good to see everybody, good luck, I'm back on my way now....." or something. It's what I call the French Goodbye. You slip away so no one notices.

        OK, well.... I shall get some exercise one way or another as I have never mowed the tundra (back yard) and now it is the jungle. I'll do me good! What an exciting Friday evening I shall have! :H

        Off to the hole. Oh, he solved the forclosure issue, but it's a long unfolding story.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily - Friday TGIF 4/24/09

          Morning all
          A quick check before work, don't really post much but do come here everyday, especially this thread.....MWO was my turning point, and although I am living my life as a non drinker, I know to well that I am just one drink away from disaster.....I always will be....I can never forget I am an alcoholic. By logging in everday I see the struggles, I see the successes...I see me in so many of the posts...we cannot take our sobriety for granted....
          Hope everyone has a great weekend......Looks like we will have a summer like weekend here in the Northeast!!!
          sobriety date 11-04-07


            AF Daily - Friday TGIF 4/24/09

            Greenie: I too wonder about the folks who leave. Did they slip? Did they feel they didn't need MWO anymore? What's up? Anyhow, if I ever leave, I'll let you all know...though I definitely have no plans to leave. I think the opposite of a French goodbye is an Italian goodbye. It takes an hour to say goodbye. I know this, because I'm Italian & have experienced it many times over. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              AF Daily - Friday TGIF 4/24/09

              Morning all,

              I haven't posted in a while, although I read this thread almost every day. I have 31/2 mouths AF. I normally post in the General and Starting Out section. But I have been feeling a bit fragil this last week and I'm not quite sure why. Hopefully posting here where others are also working on long term sobriety will round out my program a bit .

              As charlee said-we can't take our sobriety for granted.

              Thanks and I hope everyone has a great day.
              AF since 7/26/2009

              "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

              "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                AF Daily - Friday TGIF 4/24/09

                This is a good ready leading into the weekend. I will remain AF because I'm headed to an agility trial and will pack all my food for the weekend so there's no temptation to eat out or go to the store. It would be too EZ to grab a 6-pk and head to hotel room.

                DG -- I have applied the 'square-foot garden' concept to two 4x8 beds and I have planted mixed lettuce, green beans, lima beans, peas and spinach, and will experiment with carrots and beets too. I have some garlic, basil and whatever else I can fit in planned for a 6x10 bed -- bot hubby needs to paint right above that bed so I'm waiting for him to finish before I plant so things don't get trampled. Then I have 6 tomato plants to randomly plant where the spring flowers grow. I have good luck with a planter on the deck for cherry tomatoes. Basically I'm experimenting with whereever I get sunshine!

                I'm still new to agility but getting the swing of it setting up, checking in, walking the courses, etc. When I'm not nervous my pup does better. I'm also learning what to do when he worries. I'm hoping he's getting use to trials too and will be less worries. Sometimes he's amped up and then gets tired and can start to worry.

                I should have WiFi at the hotel and can check in.

                Have a fabulous AF Friday, folks!


                  AF Daily - Friday TGIF 4/24/09

                  I haven't had a pink cloud in years but certainly know the feeling of that gigantic void alcohol used to fill. I'm not particularly glad it's Friday. Weekends are always hard for me. Give me structure!!
                  Still, 42 days af and hangin in there.


                    AF Daily - Friday TGIF 4/24/09

                    WOW--so much to say, so little time. The very first post caught my attention:

                    ""For me anyway, a big part of my drinking involved feeling one way, but hiding that behind booze and presenting something false. Sometimes being more honest simply means taking a nap when we feel tired rather than trying to be Super Person.""

                    This says volumes about what I was doing. I'm always amazed at you all that can express these things in writing! With hubby working until 9 or 10:00 at night I sometimes feel guilty when I quit for the day--but do it anyway! So many, many evenings spent drinking and smoking to make the chores more "fun".

                    With spring here, I will have many tests coming up--including the big one the end of May which forced me to finally get real and do what I had to do to get sober and NF. I can't begin to tell you how much you all have and still are influencing my life. For example, I now use only mineral make up, I have a library of books recommended here, I have had my hormone levels checked, I have a Vitamix blender, I use a ton of garlic when I cook, and on and on. Thank you all so much.

                    I have another meeting today for our coalition to help prevent underage drinking and binge drinking--looking forward to that! With Proms and graduations coming up it is always a big concern.

                    Have a great weekend all! :h
                    NF since June 1, 2008
                    AF since September 28, 2008
                    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                      AF Daily - Friday TGIF 4/24/09

                      doggy, your words of wisdom truly helped me today...i need to figure out how to live now, instead of just existing alcohol free...

                      thank you!


                        AF Daily - Friday TGIF 4/24/09

                        Hello everyone AF Friday!!

                        It sunny and getting warm here in the Great Lakes region - finally! Just a quick note to wish everyone strength toward your efforts, whatever they may be. So many lives changing and seeking and working positive.

                        Thanks for letting this be a place to 'work things out" as I seem to have much 'on the mind' when I go AF - no more avoidance of what's really going on. DG, your words and thought continue to explore what many of us resemble - tackling what comes in life from a sober place is pretty hard and exhausting work sometimes...we need reminding of that and a little GRACE for ourselves as we go.

                        Back later - & here's to all good things!!


                          AF Daily - Friday TGIF 4/24/09

                          Aloha Friday ABerooooos!

                          my goodness your all so busy and insightful and my caffeine levels are still a bit low

                          Dx introduced me to a coworker friend of heres that has over 20 years of sobriety in AA. we are going to a meeting together tonight to discuss recovery and just shoot the breeze. should be fun! I haven't been to an AA meeting in quite some time.

                          Lilmea, welcome to a very nice place....we'll take good care of you.

                          Peacenik, is that underpants on your dogs head?

                          sober weekends rock!!!!

                          be well my friends
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            AF Daily - Friday TGIF 4/24/09

                            Hi everyone

                            Have had no computer the last two days and really missed it. As Charlee says it does help to read and check in every day. I hope that a lot of people who slip away are so secure in their new AF lifestyle that they dont need MWO but I know that when I stayed away it was so that I could continue to drink and not feel guilty about it.

                            Hope everyone has a great AF week-end. Am driving my daughter tonight and that really helps as Friday nights were my downfall too often in the past.



                              AF Daily - Friday TGIF 4/24/09

                              Hi all

                              Quick check in from me, been at work all day, first opportunity to catch up on MWO / get on line. It's Friday night, am sipping an AF beer, nothing profound to say, about to tackle the ironing, but I thought i'd better drop by and say hi to all, and have a great AF weekend everyone

                              Take care

                              Sausage xx

