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AF Daily - Sunday April 26, 2009

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    AF Daily - Sunday April 26, 2009

    Good Morning! Where is everyone.

    We had a big day yesterday at the agility trial. Only 1 run was a qualifier, but we were oh-so-close in 3 others. We?re improving greatly for just our 3rd trial.

    I so wanted a beer after leaving the arena at 6:30. I then thought of tonic and lime and headed straight to the store for some. How great to relax with NO heartburn, no fuzzy brain. I can?t imagine why I?d even want a beer as a reward now.

    HG -- yes focus on 30 days one day at a time.

    Arial -- I love your quote about silencing the voices and getting on with life. WOW! So well stated. Thank you.

    Precious pinot -- good for you for turning down two unexpected AL offers. What a victory. Good for you!

    Gotta pack up the car and head to the trial. Hopefully my pup will have great focus and energy today. He?s very snoozy this morning.

    Enjoy an AF Sunday.

    AF Daily - Sunday April 26, 2009

    Morning to you Speedster and all to come.

    My kids had a sleepover last night so I was up untill midnight. I am going to mass and then to a birthday dinner for me at my Dad's house. I already called him yesterday and told him to please not serve any wine. I will probably have to go to a pretty late meeting tonight.

    Be well and be sober!
    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


      AF Daily - Sunday April 26, 2009

      Morning abbers!

      It is quiet today isn't it speedster? I shouldn't be here myself. I need to spread fertilizer before it gets hot.

      PP, I just bagan noticing that when I've been offered a beer and say no thanks, people don't seem to "remember" that I no longer drink. It's more like "OK" instead of an "oops" and an awkward moment. It's a relief.

      OK, I made steamed fresh beets last night and really liked them. They are really good for you and I swear the things in the can are something totally different. I posted two tasty healthy recipes last night. Give 'em a try. Quick and easy too.

      I looked in the coffee container and realized I forgot to get coffee yesterday. That never would have happened with AL. I feel like it shouldn't with coffee either. I don't like having a somewhat similar feeling about a substance though. It is unpleasantly familiar.

      The weeds are calling.

      Enjoy your day!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        AF Daily - Sunday April 26, 2009

        Good morning friends!

        Speedster--great job! With the dogs and the refreshments afterward. I like tonic and lime myself. A couple of times I got a funny look I said--"You know--A Virgin Gin and tonic" or a gin and tonic without the gin!:H

        Happy birthday Precious!

        I hate beets greenie, but I might give it a try. I have been drinking green smoothies in the mornings and they are quite good--and really nutritious. Yesterday I made one with apples, banana, grapes and Kale. I'm afraid I would be in a bit of a panic if I ran out of coffee. It's my only vice right now, except I swear a little too much. I managed to get off the diet pop during lent, however I still have one once in awhile.

        Our weather can't make up its mind--we went from 85 degrees to cool and drizzly for the weekend! I have meetings this week--"Communities mobilizing for change on Alcohol"
        My friends and family are going to think I've totally lost it! :H

        Have a great day everyone!:h
        NF since June 1, 2008
        AF since September 28, 2008
        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


          AF Daily - Sunday April 26, 2009

          LVT, you should try beet juice with your vitamix. My "Juicing For Life " book says it's a potent detoxifier, as do other sources.

          I found a hidden drink cup in the garage when I was looking for the fertilizer broadcaster instructions. How many times I outsmarted myself with my hiding. Never have found that purse. :H It was a wierd feeling finding it and standing there looking at it in my hand as memories drifted through my brain. Amusement, sadness, relief, regret, gratitude all in there together. I think I'll hold on to the gratitude one.

          Happy birthday precious!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily - Sunday April 26, 2009

            i'm so jealous of you people with real spring weather!!! we are at 37 degrees and rain right now...hopefully we'll get up to the 50's today!

            i love beets! have you tried the other colors? they are all wonderful roasted with a little olive oil and salt and pepper...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, craving beets now!

            i've been feeling better lately...must be the cycle of life that i am used to ignoring with al's help!

            have a peaceful day all!


              AF Daily - Sunday April 26, 2009

              Hello to all in AbLand! Speedster, thank you for starting us off today. It's GREAT to hear that you and the pooch had an improved experience on the trial field. While agility is a different sport than Schutzhund, it sounds like many of the dog / handler relationship and mental dynamics are the same. I watch Mr. D work to keep the same demeanor in all situations - his dog sure knows when something is different just in Mr. D's head. I hope you two have a great day today as well! And good for you being able to take on the challenge sans hangover.

              Happy Birthday Precious! You sound good and that's ....GREAT!

              Greenie the comment about your purse would be very funny if it wasn't so true!! I shudder to think of the drinking paraphanalia and other items in odd places that my cleaning person has probably come across in the last year. Mr. D found a big bottle of vodka in some odd place maybe six months ago. Yikes. It does make me wonder what is still "out there." ("in here?") I too have read about the detox and other values of beets. I will look for the recipe you mentioned. I did plant some in the garden - I hope they are busy sprouting up with all this rain over the weekend!

              LVT your youth and community work related to alcohol sounds very interesting. Who better to be part of the action than someone who knows the "truth" from the inside out? To me, that lends credibility even if the public doesn't know that. I'm loving my Vitamix smoothies. I keep tweaking what I put in there to try to make it healthier all the time. I'm hoping to get some Kale plants at the nursery as I was too late to go from seeds this year. Mr. D love it too so that makes it a particularly good choice for the Vitamix! They had a big sale going on at the health food store yesterday and I got one of those jars with the vented lid for bean sprouting. I'm sure I could have made my own jar for a fraction of the sale price, but what the heck.

              peacenik, there are other colors of beets???? Who knew!! I shall have to google that. I'm guessing they might specialize in different nutrients? Or maybe not. Worth googling in any case.

              I did not stay long at the dog show yesterday. I just don't seem to enjoy conformation events any more. Trials are a lot more exciting and are about the DOGS more than the breeders. It was warm but storms were brewing. When the wind got really strong, I decided to head home. LOL I had more fun at the health food store anyway.

              I have been having horrible sugar cravings lately. I have GOT to get my mind out of that particular gutter. I do believe what I've read that sugar and al are close cousins in terms of how they behave inside of some of us. I sure feel that way! I think I'm feeling a bit of stress just below the surface over this parathyroid tumor (surgical consultation is tomorrow). I think my pea brain knows it's not going to get any AL so might be crying "give me sugar! Think how much better we will feel!" Some days those guys in my head just don't want to shut up.

              Anyway, it is technically not raining this second so I should probably go out and see what's happening in the garden. But I can also hear the bed and a good book or movie calling my name. I might not get many more lazy Sunday afternoons for awhile so we shall see which option wins out for today! (I think I already know!)

              Have a good one everyone. From yesterday, Deter you sound fabulous!

              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

              One day at a time.


                AF Daily - Sunday April 26, 2009

                Hi Everyone: I can't stay but just wanted to check in. G-sons are coming for spagetti & meatballs. Take care of yourselves. Mary
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  AF Daily - Sunday April 26, 2009

                  Happy Sunday ABland!! Mary I bet you make a 'molto fantastico' spagetti and meatballs. I'll be there at 6:00

                  the dog sports sound like so much fun! I'm dogless here so I live vicariously through you all.

                  Speedster, well done on pushing beyond that thought of a beer and onto a healthy alternative. Drinking thoughts are just that: 'thoughts'. If you're anything like me you'll have passing thoughts of all kinds that you don't take's just our brains being playful. in this case we know that we MUST let drinking thoughts pass because the alternative is destruction.

                  Dx is out camping with friends so I'm doing some projects around the house and relaxing. Off to the gym at 1pm for a new class.

                  be well everyone
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    AF Daily - Sunday April 26, 2009

                    DG, I know what you mean about those jars! I want a couple more wide mouth jars, but I can only find them in a case. Grrr, I'm going to use my own jars and some cheese cloth and a rubberband and combine seeds that require similar sprout times.
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      AF Daily - Sunday April 26, 2009

                      Hi All,

                      Sounds like a chirpy mood today which is great! Good luck tomorrow DG, and congrats Speedster with the dog trials, and GreenEyes, good luck with growing things - I'm afraid I definitely wasn't born with green fingers, though I'd love to create a garden! - happy AF Sunday to all others!

                      I have to admit to a very slow day today - but great after a longish run yesterday and a late night out with the girls - no drink for me, thank you! - a lot of dancing and talking but great to be able to pick up daughter at 2am without fear of being stopped by police - yeh - it feels good to be a responsible parent!! Just watched some kayaking this afternoon - there's a white water area nearby where kayakers go to practise and it's fun to watch - I'm trying to find a club here so I can join in rather than watch, but we'll see...

                      Another very busy week at work ahead, so probably won't get on much, so wishing you all a great one - keep safe, keep sober and have a wonderful week! :l
                      :rays: Arial

                      Last first day - 15th April 2012
                      Days 1-7 DONE
                      Days 8-14 DONE
                      Days 15-21 DONE
                      30 days DONE
                      60 days
                      100 days


                        AF Daily - Sunday April 26, 2009

                        Deter: Yes I do. We call it "Italian Soul Food." We don't go for too long without it. Mary
                        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                        October 3, 2012


                          AF Daily - Sunday April 26, 2009

                          Quick check in from me, i'm really struggling tonight

                          I NEARLY DRANK ABOUT HALF AN HOUR AGO!!!!

                          I'm 1 week off celebrating 6 months AF as well

                          I've posted on the "I need help ASAP" board as well

                          Not sure what's triggered it, just had a really bad tiring day with the kids, really fed up for some reason, I know wine is not the answer but there's voices in my head saying, "you can moderate" "just a nice glass of wine at the weekend would be OK" yet I know if I cave i'll be back to daily drinking again. Why is it so hard now, when i've come so far??

                          I'll be back later - hope everyone else is doing better than me!


                            AF Daily - Sunday April 26, 2009

                            distract yourself through it sausage...can you get out and exercise or anything like that?
                            i hear you...i had been craving alot lately, it passes though.

                            stay close!!!


                              AF Daily - Sunday April 26, 2009

                              Hello again!

                              I'm safe for tonight, have had my evening meal and a bowl of icecream, and now no desire to drink whatsoever (except my cup of tea!!).

                              I'm really scared though, wondering what will happen tomorrow night.

                              I WAS SO CLOSE TO DRINKING TONIGHT - HONESTLY !!! Only the thought of not celebrating my 6 month sobriety mark next week, kept me going.

                              I'll stick close to this site I think - that's whats so scary about this - 6 months on and it's still so hard.

