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AF Daily Monday 27 April

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    AF Daily Monday 27 April

    Here's to UnHungMumDum today. Narilly, I like that even though I'm not a Mom. Of two-legged creatures anyway.

    Sausage, I'm glad to see you here. DO NOT GIVE IN. As Deter says, AL has absolutely no power at all while sitting in a bottle somewhere. Just don't touch the bottle. Reading your post made me automatically start playing a vodkapade in my head. Hopefully you have some bad episodes you can play to help remember why you don't want to drink. YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!

    Loppy, I am glad to read that you stood up for yourself with the aggressive sales person!

    Marshy, I was worse than your Mom. 9AM would have been a late start for me there at the end of things. Sad, eh?

    Rustop what type of showing does DD do? Hunter/Jumper stuff? She is lucky to have a Mom like you to spend the days supporting her hobby! Much easier as an unhungmum too I would imagine.

    Greenie your yard must be stunningly beautiful. What do you do with the sprouts you sprout? (in the jar(s))

    Mary - I'm like you with a mind that loves to race around - especially "worrying" about things in the future that probably won't even happen. Talk about a stupid way to ruin one's day. Thank you for the reminder of the importance of staying "in the now" for folks with brains like mine!

    LVT - I hope you will fill us in on the highlights from your coalition meetings. I thought of you today when I made a Vitmix concoction. I started out with the intent of making a green smoothie with some greens but then fruit. I ended up concocting with veggies instead as I kept finding veggies I wanted to use up. LOL it looked like runny dog poop but tasted like really good guacamole. I guess I'll have to invest in a blind fold.

    Cinders - I am sorry to read of your work troubles and also your SIL with a brain tumor. That is very scary. I'm glad you are hanging in there.

    Chief, it's good to see you! You know the drill. Like Nike, Just Do It.

    Deter - LOL on work getting in the way of your posting here. HEY!! We're more important than work, aren't we?????

    Well, I had my consultation with the surgeon today. The tumor is coming out July 9. Sometime in the next couple weeks I have to get another scan of it - this time a nuclear something or other scan that involves radiation - I'm not thrilled about that. Makes me even more determined to get on a good detox program in the long term. I was VERY grateful as we were going through the "how do you feel?" and medical history stuff. WOW I have come a long way in the last year in terms of how I feel. And hopefully headed some bad "future history" off at the pass with the big lifestyle changes. I told the doc I was an alkie and nickie in remission. How's that for some growing honesty. I wish the surgery was sooner just to get it over with, but onward and forward. I'm sure it worked out the way it did for a good reason.

    Doc was pretty cute. He can fondle my neck any time. Doc junior was pretty cute too (finishing general surgery residency) but oogling him would have been cradle robbing.

    Well, the thunder storms are coming and going again today but it's all good out there in the garden. The plants I planted (onions, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts) are ALL still alive and the seeds I planted are all up except for the carrots. (3 types of lettuce, spinach, BEETS, turnips, radishes, peas, I'm probably forgetting something)

    Time to stop by the plant place again to see what's new and to get some free advice for next steps.

    I'm taking a moment of silence to be grateful for all that is good in my life including AFness and to send good vibes to all of you and/or your loved ones who are suffering......

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      AF Daily Monday 27 April

      Hello All you AFabulous Folks,

      I got in late last night from the agility trial. My boy earned two Qs in Jumpers and got his P1 Jumpers title. YAY! We entered the Performance standard tournament just to get more ring time and had a nice run. Short story is we earned a Bye Voucher to go to Regionals! I was shocked. Granted we won it because the other dog in our height class pulled out and the trial had low turnout. But we still had to run the course with no faults. Luckily I was already planning on attending regionals. Now we look cool because we qualify for regionals.

      On the no AL front, it was so nice to not use a late drive home as an excuse to have 1-2 beers before bed. I'm grateful for being AF today.

      Sausage -- hang in there! This will pass. Re-read the tool box and go back through the posts about why we hate AL and why we love being AF. CLick the 'continue' button if those thoughts come back.

      Cindi - sorry for your troubles, I'm so impressed though, you're hangin' right in there.

      Mary, I thought of you as I carefully decided if I should stop and get my car washed after work. Was I cramming things into my day? Finally decided it was perfect time to read the local paper while someone washed all the bugs off the car. I've been having my car washed instead of DIY - heck a bottle of wine is as much as a car wash and vacuum. I had the cash for wine so why not use it for something better like supporting the local business and tipping the kid working hard on an 85-degree day. Not to mention the perk of a clean car and time spent taking the dog swimming instead.

      Plus I would have been drinking beer while washing the car. Not today!

      Det - thanks for the kudos on going for the Tonic. I think I'll put a bottle in the fridge to chill.



        AF Daily Monday 27 April

        DG, Not a stunningly beautiful yard. Just trying to reclaim the tundra from those years of neglect. This is harder than the black hole I conquered! :H I thought the same thing about marshy's mom. I couldn't decide if I'd call mine a late start or not. More like a continuation with no specific start or finish. Amazing how all of a sudden, there you are.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily Monday 27 April

          I've been working in my yard these last few beautiful days. And I realized I was starting to feel like the old "me" The me before AL took such total control of my life. I am so grateful for this AF spring and am so looking forward to an AF future.

          Have a good evening everyone.
          AF since 7/26/2009

          "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

          "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


            AF Daily Monday 27 April

            Gosh, you're right lilmea.... this is my first AF spring!
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              AF Daily Monday 27 April

              Speedster, congrats to you and your superdoggies! very cool. you get any good pictures?

              DoggyGirl, fondling with your surgeon? oh my that's too cute. I'm sure things will go perfectly in July.
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)

