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May abbercizers

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    May abbercizers

    Went to the Gym with Sweats, 30 mins cardio. Missed my Yoga today.
    Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



      May abbercizers

      Everyone is going great!
      I have 14 pounds of blubber to lose now..(I ventured onto the scales this morning)
      So I ran for a mile and a half and walked for 2 miles...I am going to walk another couple of miles in a moment.
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        May abbercizers

        Hatha Yoga class at 7pm, walked back - took an hour, won't do that route again, too much dark dark jungle by the road!

        Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



          May abbercizers

          Did my usual hr last night on the elpitcal, raised intensity level and sweat poured out of me! However, my heartrate is not going up as far or as fast as it did when I first started, so dr says keep pushing it.
          Won't get to go tonight, too much else to do, sad to say.
          War isn't working. Let's try Peace!


            May abbercizers

            Hi guys,

            Happy to report that I'm starting to see some results; I've lost 7 pounds of FAT and have more energy than I've had in years. No alcohol, Paleo (Caveman) diet, aerobic bike/spin and bow-flex for strength. It's all good! :H


              May abbercizers

              well done everyone, keep up the good work!

              I had a most bizarre workout today. beforehand I was really thirsty and was struck by some really bad "spur of the moment" judgement and sucked down an iced venti carmel machiatto at starbucks 20 min prior to workout. I felt pretty amazing until actually working out. I think caramel was oozing out of my pores. ugh. then I had a lapse of depth perception and accidentally kicked a hole in the wall of the gym while we were shadow boxing. d-oh! the whole class erupted in laughter with my foot stuck in the wall. how freaking embarrassing. now I have to remember how to do drywall repair and find some time to fix it.
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                May abbercizers

                Hello ABercisers, however you spell that. I am going to jump in here at the end of this month and hope to stay on this course. Today is another new day on this onion peeling journey. Since I have been AF, I have put my efforts at weight reduction on hold, giving priority to discovering what's been hiding in wine. Well, I let the carb cravings have their way and now its time to bump the body up on the priority list.

                Later this morning I am going to walk into a body building gym. How do you walk into a GYM full of youthful bodybuilders, as a middle-aged woman who looks like she has not been in a gym before? Courageously. I could pass up the offer of a free week trial and no one would know, but its time to stop hiding in these extra body layers. Maybe one week will be just the kick I need to get going. It seems the natural 'next step' on this AF journey of self discovery. I will check back in, which means I have to take that first step through the doors.

                Thanks for this thread.


                  May abbercizers

                  thanks for getting us back on track HiddenGoal. so where is everyone? at the gym?

                  got in a stellar workout last night. wooooo!

                  I'm making a concerted effort to NOT eat any crap from now on.
                  nosce te ipsum
                  (Know Thyself)


                    May abbercizers

                    Let's get pumped!

                    I went, I cardio-ed, I pumped, I walked, eliptical-ed, and rode the bike. Felt great! A nice young triner intern showed me a few things, but I know its up to me to go there, or somewhere, on most days. I will keep posting here for accountability.

                    Come on, everyone, lets get rocking!


                      May abbercizers

                      Anyone working out?

                      20 miles bicycle, 90 minutes, ave speed 13mph

                      Beautiful ride

