Anyway, day 20 here for me. I made it through the weekend and all the family gathering events for my Mother-in-law's funeral. It was truly a great family time full of tears and laughter, but mostly a theme of Honor for a great lady. Days were long - an 8 hour visitation ending with a lovely prayer service, then resuming in the morning before the funeral and burial. I experienced a sense of community like a dream.
This is a family that drinks and plays cards in to the night, but not this weekend. There were beers shared by many, but absolutely no temptation for me, as I am a wine person. I could have, I would have, and did in prior events, get my own bottle and sip along with everyone. But I didn't.
There was an unexpected temptation when we arrived at our lodging for the weekend. There was one bottle of a nice Chardonnay (a fav) in the wine rack and it would be visible in that rack on the kitchen counter all weekend. I didn't remember leaving it there and it was the first bottle I have seen in the last 2.5 weeks. Would it be a temptation? - Not this weekend - it is still in the rack waiting for some other time.
Funny thing, when we got home after all the events and then the 5 hour drive, THAT is when I wanted to sit with a glass of wine - unwind after the long weekend. We were tired, but not from activity, but from why we gathered. Well, I took a bath, popped some popcorn and had a gingerale instead. Then I went to bed early. Pretty boring, but pretty sober.
I was really ready to rationalize that it 'wouldn't be a problem to drink this weekend because people do that when a loved one dies and you are gathered. And anyway, I have not declared I am quitting for good....yet"...BUT, I did say I WOULD do a 30 day AF. So that was it - I am sticking to my word. I will do the 30 - worry about the rest later.
Ok, need coffee. I hope all is well with all here
