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AF Daily Tues May 5th 09

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    AF Daily Tues May 5th 09


    Morning everyone - thought i'd start this off - nothing profound to say but I'm grateful to be into my next 6 months of sobriety and am feeling positive .

    Have a great day everyone

    Will check back later

    AF Daily Tues May 5th 09

    Hi Sausage and all to come

    Congratulations on the 6 months Sausage. I was away over the week-end so have a lot of catching up to do. It was a very emotional week-end. We had the anniversary mass for my cousin who died last year. Then on our way back I asked my girls if they would like to drive by their grandmothers house who died in August. They said yes but both got very upset. It would have been easier not to go anywhere near it but I think its better to confront things and grieve. Otherwise it stays locked up inside us. As alcoholics we are all too good at avoiding things that make us uncomfortable.

    Have a lot of catching up to do, have a great week everyone.



      AF Daily Tues May 5th 09

      Good Morning Hangover Avoiders,

      Yes, we DO like to avoid things that make us uncomfortable...problem is sometimes we don't even KNOW we are Uncomfortable OR Avoiding. In fact, we use alcohol to try to feel better about stuff we don't want to feel - ha! What a mix-up.

      Gotta get onto the day, so have a clear-headed day, all!


        AF Daily Tues May 5th 09

        Morning folks,

        Congrats on 6 months, Sausage - well done!!

        Ha, avoidance! I could write 5 books on the topic. It seems old habits die hard, and avoidance is a tough one to get over. I think I need a personal avoidance trainer to kick my butt at least once a week. The latest example from yesterday - it turns out I don't have cancer. I was one grateful puppy last night! But it's through no merit of my own. My latest smear test had come back with minor cell changes which I was supposed to follow up with another test last fall. Of course, at the time I felt I had my hands full with bereavement and wouldn't be able to cope with bad news about my own health. Brilliant reasoning, don't you think! Lets just wait for it to become potentially worse news!! So I didn't go for the follow-up until this spring, and luckily it's cleared up of its own accord. PHEW!

        Rustop, I agree about the confronting and grieving. It was the tenth anniversary of my mom's death yesterday. I had a nice lunch with my uncle, and though I'm very aware of the date, it no longer stings. I did have a fleeting drinking thought, though, for the first time in ages. I just watched it pass and sent it on its way.

        Have a good AF day all.


          AF Daily Tues May 5th 09

          Happy Cinco De Mayo!! Just wanted to update Dad is recovering from his surgery, so that is a relief!! And I was able to get a cancellation appt yesterday at the vets, and had my babies tumor aspirated, and it was just a fatty tumor!! Yippee!!! Yesterday was a decent and productive day at work...and back to boot camp I went last nite. So all in all, life is pretty darn good right now!

          Thanks again to everyone for the well wishes. It really helped. Have a super day and eat lots of spicy mexican food :-)

          Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius


            AF Daily Tues May 5th 09

            Sausage congratulations on 6 months !!!!

            Glad to hear everyone is happy and healthy.

            I am new in Abs but, not new to the boards. You can call me PP for short.

            Have a great day everyone!
            Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


              AF Daily Tues May 5th 09

              top of the Tueday ABerooooooos!

              Pamina I'll second that phew!! yeah for you!
              and Ready2Change you have great medical news too. so glad.

              PP (rhymes with oui oui) good to see you here hon. Great spot for sure.

              Just a busy work day here. on the road tomorrow.

              be well everyone
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                AF Daily Tues May 5th 09

                Well done sausage.ive been reading some of your earlier posts and think you truly are a great inspiration...

                "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
                Bring it on!


                  AF Daily Tues May 5th 09

                  Hi everyone! Only a quick check in today. It's gardening central around here and it's supposed to storm the next couple of days. I still have quite a few things to get into the ground somewhere! (I'm out of space again. I planted too many tomatoes!)

                  Anyway. Pamina and R2C so glad for the good health news all the way around.

                  PP, great to see you here on this thread too!

                  Welcome Anniemac and hello sausage, rustop, HG and all yet to come!

                  AF life is very good here. I am so grateful to be building a sober life. Mr. Doggy and I were laughing last night over dinner about the discussion we had here over the weekend re: drinking (or getting high) and chores. I had tears streaming down my face. It's so great for us to be able to talk HONESTLY about our using past and acknowledge the stupidity and wasted time, but also find some humor in it.

                  Life is good.

                  Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                  Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                  One day at a time.


                    AF Daily Tues May 5th 09

                    It is so refreshing to be honest. The hiding & subterfuge was literally killing me inside. And yes, it is great to laugh about some of the escapades.

                    Today I spent the whole day running around & b-sitting the g-sons (ages 4 & 5). I've actually done that under the influence. I honestly don't know how I did wasn't easy sober.

                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012


                      AF Daily Tues May 5th 09

                      Hi all,

                      Well done Sausage on the 6 months. I found that inbetweeny stage quite hard. The cravings don't hit all the time anymore, which seems to make it more difficult when they do.

                      I'm still in a good place following my eureka moment last week. Cravings come and I just let them wash over me. It is much easier now I genuinely believe I will come out the other side, as opposed to just hoping desparately that I would.

                      Well today is my birthday. The second sober one I have had. Last year I was on day 5 and it was all so difficult. This year I am on about day 13 and feeling good. I seem to be able to deal with things without dissolving into tears. Sick animals, pushy double glazing salesmen, blocked sinks, oversized washing machines, I can do it.

                      Anyway just wanted to check in and say hi, but now my pillows are calling me.

                      Take care
                      Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
                      AF 8 June 2012


                        AF Daily Tues May 5th 09

                        Happy Birthday Loppy!

                        Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                          AF Daily Tues May 5th 09

                          Good Evening Everyone,

                          Welcome PP-You'll find lots of valuable insights on this thread.

                          Pami and R2C-Glad to hear about the good health new. It must be a relief for both of you.

                          Loppy-Happy sober Bday! I'm looking forward to a sober Mother's Day.

                          Waving to Sausage, rusto, Hidden, Dets, and Retteach :wavin:

                          I spent the day working out in the yard. I usually spend as much time outside in the summer as I can. Today wasn't anything special but it was perfect. I enjoyed every moment instead of being in a drunken daze.

                          As DG said "Life is good"
                          AF since 7/26/2009

                          "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                          "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                            AF Daily Tues May 5th 09

                            Hi Sweaty-cross post!!
                            AF since 7/26/2009

                            "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                            "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                              AF Daily Tues May 5th 09

                              Hi all - I'm coming back to the MWO boards because I am finally ready to address my issues. Posted my new start story under the Antabuse thread - looking forward to checking in often to keep up my spirits. I am so happy with my decision, but reading the good, the bad, and the wish we hadn't done that's from you all are a wonderful asset! Looking forward to a long and wonderful journey!

