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AF Daily Thursday 7 May

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    AF Daily Thursday 7 May

    Good morning all,

    Don't have much to say today. Saw yesterday's thread about modding and can only say that for me it isn't an option. I immediately go back to drunk.

    Interested to know whether I am the only person who gets really tired when they are not drinking. I am exhausted a lot of the time and sleep a lot more. I wonder whether it is my body trying to heal itself after all these years of abuse?

    Take care everyone and enjoy the good weather.
    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
    AF 8 June 2012

    AF Daily Thursday 7 May

    Hiya Loppy,
    Your comment about sleep caught my eye.
    Yes, I too sleep much more now. I guess it is our bodies way of catching up and repairing themselves.
    I dont feel that continual exhaustion that I felt for months any more though, so that is a good thing.
    Have a wonderful day everyone.
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      AF Daily Thursday 7 May

      Morning Loppy & Starty
      I agree with you on both counts Loppy, I can't moderate (i'm a fully fledged alcoholic!) Im allergic to the stuff & the allergy manifests not by bringing me out in a rash, but when i have onw drink i can't stop like 'normal folk' i seek oblivion!!!! As for the sleep, yep me too am sleeping for England @ the mo1
      Hope everyone has a great AF day.


        AF Daily Thursday 7 May

        Good day to you, Loppy, Starty and VF, and everyone else to come. I'm waking up in a fog today. Fortunately, the fog is OUTSIDE my window...not in my head! I need to start a 'grateful list' and put that on it!

        Yes, that is the other of my two dogs. Meet Gypsy. She's an aussie mix. I had to post yet another tongue pic! What will we go with next, DG?

        Have a great day, all!

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          AF Daily Thursday 7 May

          Good Morning all! Thanks for getting us up & running, Loppy. This looks to be a nice spring day - the leaves :leaf:are popping, there is color here and there :lilflower:, and the early birds singing are a real treat to the ears :notes:

          Day 22, oops, 23 (see what happens?) and feeling pretty strong and not wanting to break this string of just seems right, for now.

          Good Day!


            AF Daily Thursday 7 May

            Good morning all,

            Haven't checked in the last few days, needed a break from the computer outside of work.

            Dog agility trial this weekend, YAY! My agility friends will be at this trial too. Looking forward to it.

            I bought "Emotional Alchemy" and am looking forward to reading it. Somewhere on another thread, it was recommended. Anyone here read it?

            Have a great AF day!


              AF Daily Thursday 7 May

              Good morning friends!

              Had a really long day yesterday, but got quite a bit accomplished. Today is shaping up quite the same, but the weather is beautiful so gotta love that!

              I think the fatigue (among other things) is part of the detox process. And it can go on for months. I also have some adrenal issues (everyone with stress does) and that doesn't help. I find if I keep busy, and take my supps and Allone it does help.

              I started taking all my Adrenal support supps--trying to anyway--4 times a day is a little difficult for me! And my Progesterone cream and he's also got me taking Florajen 3 to get my bowels working good and proper. I don't know how long it takes, but I will be so happy if I can get my mojo back!

              Thanks for sharing your beautiful dog, Dill--I had to chuckle when I saw the tongue sticking out. I'm pretty sure I don't have one of those of my dog. Which, speaking of, I really miss him and if hubby doesn't get himself a "good" dog soon, I will follow through with my threat and go get one from the Humane Society!!!

              Speedster--I bought Emotional Alchemy, but haven't started to read it yet--let me know what you think!
              Have a great day all!:h
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                AF Daily Thursday 7 May

                Hello to all,

                I am much more groggy in the evenings without AL and am waiting for the body and mind to heal a bit in hopes the grogginess will fade.

                But I am sleeping much deeper than before AF time. And the dreams now are just sooo weird. Dreams now are incorporating past work experiences and scifi stuff at times.

                Thanks to all for the sharing and support.



                  AF Daily Thursday 7 May

                  Hello all,

                  Saw yesterday's thread about modding and can only say that for me it isn't an option. I immediately go back to drunk.
                  Wow, that is me.

                  As for being tired. Hmm. Yes, I sleep now instead of pass out.

                  Could it be we are not used to the "normal" way of living and think that there is something wrong with us because we are so tired? (ie, that is the way life goes...;?)

                  Can't type much more, arm is killing me but new grandchild is due any day now. I am glad to be sober and able to help. Know what I mean? Yes you all do, which is why I love this site.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    AF Daily Thursday 7 May

                    Happy Thursday ABeroooooooos!!

                    loverly sunny morning in the high desert with no AL in sight.

                    interesting... I too have become a sleep monster! it could well be my new hobby. I used to dread sleeping when I was pounding down the vino but now it's just wonderful. zzzzzzzzz

                    had a lovely drive around part of lake Tahoe yesterday. So clear and bright blue at the same time.

                    Cindi sorry your still in so much pain...hope it passes soon.

                    be well everyone and all to come
                    nosce te ipsum
                    (Know Thyself)


                      AF Daily Thursday 7 May

                      Hello All,

                      just a quick pop in before bed. Am also tired - is it not a full moon?? Am so loving Yoga, have been getting to a class every day, different teachers, lots of different styles and experiences. I don't think I'm going to get to like running, but I'm still trying.

                      Com1 - I'm with you on the weird dreams! I've been blaming a painting we hung over the bed, (I love the painting but think its inthe wrong place) will move it and report back.

                      My Dogs have been confined to Barracks due to a bit of a tick problem - they're clear now, so we'll walk them tomorrow and see if they pick any up - Ugh.

                      Enjoy the rest of Thursday.

                      Betts. x
                      Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                        AF Daily Thursday 7 May

                        No modding for me either. I've tried & tried & tried. As soon as the first sip hits my system, I want it all. Mary
                        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                        October 3, 2012


                          AF Daily Thursday 7 May

                          Hi All,

                          I am finishing Day 32 and I am also tired. I'm going to bed at 9:30 pm and getting up around 6:30 am, and feel I could easily sleep for another couple of hours. My sleep is deep and dream filled-I really can't remember if this is "normal" sleep or not! But the fatigue during the day is intense. It comes and goes-I find if I eat something, I feel better for awhile. I really thought this would pass sooner, but it's nice to look forward to going to bed instead of dreading it, or just passing out from AL! I wouldn't trade this for how I felt a month ago, that's for sure!

                          So, Loppy, I'm with you and it sounds like many people feel this way!



                            AF Daily Thursday 7 May

                            Hi all! Sorry I have not been on much the last couple of days, and only have a few minutes now just to check in and get a very quick battery charge!

                            No modding for me. Somebody mentioned that trying to have just one or two unleashes the MORE MORE MORE beast. Yep. Been there done that. One drink was NEVER what I wanted, and never what I did. I wanted the full on buzz and beyond. Once I finally accepted that I am an alcoholic and moderation will never be an option, it was like a giant fog lifted from my brain and I realized, in a grand DUH!!!! moment, why the heck do I want to drink at all considering the problems it caused for me?????? If dropping a rock on my foot hurts, why on earth would I want to keep doing it over and over?????? Sick thinking I tell you! I've got an alkie mind that is for sure. I'm thrilled to be in remission.

                            Gotta acknowledge the doggies!!!! Dill, doggy 2 looks awesome as well! You are way faster with that camera than me as I do not have pictures of my other dogs sticking their tongues out.

                            Speedster good luck at the trial this weekend and keep us posted!

                            Deter, I've been meaning to mention a gardening comment my mom made when they were here on Sunday. I recall you mentioning that you can barely grow a weed. Well, when my Mom saw my garlic patch, she said "that stuff grows like weeds." So I think gardening some garlic would be right up your alley!!

                            All is well here. I am getting really excited about reaching the one year mark.

                            Other than that, I stimulated the economy just a little bit today at the mall. Wow - these days they print "how much money you saved" on your receipt. I saved quite a bit of money LOL. I shouldn't have, but oh well.

                            I had a bit of a problem again at Curves yesterday. Either I have to accept that the circuit will not be run "cleanly" or maybe I'm outgrowing Curves in terms of my goals for fitness. At any rate, the Park District along with one of the big hospitals here in town built an awesome Fitness facility not too many years ago. When I first started going to Curves it would have overwhelmed me and scared me. But I stopped by there today and found myself getting excited about the possibility of spreading my fitness wings a little bit. So I'm putting my Curves membership on hold for 2 months (they won't bill me for 2 months, and if I decide to start it back up I won't have to pay the up front fee again). And I can join the new place on a month to month basis. It's only a few dollars a month more (literally like $3) and they have free weights, weight machines, all manner of aerobic machines, a pool, sauna, jacuzzi, classes ranging from spinning to kick boxing to pilates to yoga and some stuff I have no idea what it is yet. So I think I'd be crazy to not at least give it a try, especially since it is funded in part with my tax dollars!

                            My garden is over flowing now and I still need to thin some stuff URGENTLY. Gotta get that done in the next couple of days the sooner the better. I had some extra pepper plants and leaf lettuce plants that I ran out of room in the garden for, so I put those in pots on the porch yesterday. Today I went to the garden center and got 1 little pot each of a bunch of herbs to put in clay pots on the porch. And a grape tomato plant. I eventually want to do flower pots too so the porch will be a lively looking place (hopefully!) this summer.

                            Well, that's all the news from here and now I'm going to go make some SALMON for dinner. I ordered it from a small outfit in Alaska and they ship it direct frozen. I hope it's good. I'm just not happy with the stuff I get around here - who knows how many times it's been thawed and re-frozen or whatever.

                            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                            One day at a time.

