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AF Daily - Sunday May 10

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    AF Daily - Sunday May 10

    Happy Mother's Day!

    This is going to be a stupid question. Is it Mother's Day only in the US? Canada? Europe? NZ? Austrailia? I should know that but I don' any rate, kudos to ALL mother's everywhere for loving your children through good times and bad.

    My Mom & Dad are coming over today just for a low key afternoon cook out. Burgers and cole slaw and cucumber salad and pineapple ice cream made with coconut milk in the vitamix for dessert! No real sugar either, of course. Erythritol and Stevia. Such a sugar nazi I am.

    Yesterday was a busy and CALM day. I didn't allow myself the sort of thinking that leads to pointless frustration, anger and drinking thoughts! (that was Friday LOL) I had a good first experience at the new gym. What a nice facility for a park district! Good to get in there since my tax dollars partly pay for it. I like the personal trainer who did my orientation and I think I'm going to work with her a little to help get me going. I think I got a good baseline fitness level at Curves but definitely can grow from there. I think this will turn out to be a good move. Anyone ever seen these exercise bikes? Expresso Fitness I'm doing cardio only today and am going to give it a full try. Geez there is some cool new fangled equipment out there!

    Yesterday I got everything thinned in the garden that needed to be - lettuces, spinach, radishes, beets, turnips. Then I transfered herbs and a type of strawberry that said "good for porch pots" adding to the porch garden collection - 12 more pots in all. I've still got the basil that I started from seeds in the basement under the lights - it is going to move to the great outdoors today. I hope my little basils survive!

    Cindi, I'm sorry to hear about the relapse. Good for you to be right back here.

    Dill, love the new avatar! I was hoping for some real magic on that picture filing question LOL!

    Deter, you sound like you are having a great weekend. Your mention of your new rifle success reminded me to tell you I just got my first ever FOID card. So now I'm offical. Look out world!

    Well, I'm gonna run but wanted to wish everyone Happy Mother's Day and say hello! Have a wonderful AF day one and all.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.

    AF Daily - Sunday May 10

    Hi Doggy and all to come

    Only Mothers Day in North America I'm afraid. We had our's in March. Happy Mothers Day to everyone regardless of continent. As a mother to two teenage daughters I'm finding the role very challenging at the moment!!!

    Your garden sounds wonderful Doggy. I spent yesterday afternoon outside but I'm afraid it was just the dreaded weeding. Going to do the nice stuff during the week.

    Cindi, hang in there. Glad you came back, I know from experience how tempting it is to stay away.

    Everyone else big hello. Driving duties call!!



      AF Daily - Sunday May 10

      Nooo, its mothers day in Singers and Oz too! Have had a fab day, including my oldest telling me he loves his Mum (in Mandarin). I knew that Mandarin tuition would be worth it! I'm sitting here with the Grand Prix on pause waiting for Mr Sweats to appear with the crispy duck pancakes - a truly memorable day!
      Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



        AF Daily - Sunday May 10

        That's right, the UK and Ireland are in a small minority. Most of Europe celebrate Mother's Day either on the second or the last Sunday in May.

        So Happy Mother's Day Rustop, Sweats, Cindi and other mums to come!

        Thanks all for your commiseration and lovely thoughts on the passing of my friend. I didn't feel very 'talkative' yesterday, but I've decided to attend another gathering tomorrow night of her friends and students where we'll try to figure out how best to support her children. I think I'd feel better having something hands-on and concrete to do.

        My singing group will be performing at an ecumenical service tonight, and I've decided to get all dressed up in honour of Mother's Day! I seem to have fallen into a rut of always wearing the same things because I can't fit into nicer slimmer clothes. So yesterday I tried on half my wardrobe, washed the things I can fit into (or almost fit into) and spent the evening ironing them all. Boy do they look nice! I have a lot more choice than I thought I did, and next week I'll be showing it off!

        Cindi and Dill, sending healing vibes your way.

        DG, thanks - we have indeed done good. That is SO worth remembering and being grateful for.


          AF Daily - Sunday May 10

          Hi Everyone: Well, the tag (garage, yard) sale is over. It was a lot of work, but my daughter did well. We took all the leftovers to the local women's shelter which gave us a huge spiritual pay-off.

          I'm going to enjoy a quiet Mother's Day feeling grateful for my sobriety.


          PS: I'll try to be back later. My house is a wreck from all the commotion.
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            AF Daily - Sunday May 10

            Hi all,

            DG - I love the look of those exercise bikes. They would certainly liven up a workout.
            I've only been able to get to the gym twice a week lately because I'm working long hours - which is good, and I'm taking the work while I can get it but I'm missing my gym routine. Never satisfied :H

            Right, time for ice cream. It's medicinal. For my sore throat
            AF since December 22nd 2008
            Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


              AF Daily - Sunday May 10

              Happy Mothers day AB-land!

              DoggyGirl, that vitamix dessert sound incredible! I might dump some protein powder in that and call it breakfast

              Dill and Cinders please check in....just want to make sure your ok XXXXXX. sorry, I'm just a worry wort.

              DG, what is a FOID card?

              Dx and I are off to see an elderly friend today and make him lunch. I better go get ready

              be well everyone and all to come
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                AF Daily - Sunday May 10

                Checking in and sober. Waiting to hear from daughter, she went in to see if she is in true labor or not.

                Fingers crossed.


                She just called. They are sending her home. She's not quite ready.
                AF April 9, 2016


                  AF Daily - Sunday May 10

                  Happy Mothers Day to All

                  And, I use the term "mother" in a very general sense. Most of us women are nurturers, tenders, and befrienders in some sense, be it with our children, friends, pets, or gardens.

                  I was reflecting on being a sober and grateful mom at church today and thinking about how horribly I felt about myself, particularly as a mom, when I was drinking. It really brings to home what a horrible, addictive substance that Al is. So many of us moms have carried the burden of shame over our drinking as well as feeling that we are "not good enough" because of it. Yet, I personally don't know any mom who would willingly hurt her children, or those she loves, or compromise her relationship with them.

                  So, to all of you "moms" out there today. I wish you a day of peace and freedom.

                  AF Since April 20, 2008
                  4 Years!!!


                    AF Daily - Sunday May 10

                    Hello again everybody, it's been a while but I've decided the time has come for a little more AF time, so startign today I'm planning 2 weeks AF. Previously (as most of you know) I've been moderating, however due to stress + other factors lately my limits have been tested and in cases broken. I've also found AL to be a major irritant of my eczma, so am going to have a nice break from all this itching (hopefully) and with any luck be sober enough to do some exam-revision. Hope everybodys been doign well since last i checked in

                    The way I change the past is by not repeating it
                    -James Hetfield, Metallica


                      AF Daily - Sunday May 10

                      Checking in and AF! Thanks for thinking of us, Deter. Stop your worrying now!

                      OK, now start it again. But not al related! Mr. Dill would like me to accompany him for some target practice. I've probably shot a gun twice about 10 years ago! Should be interesting. (There really is no need to worry. We'll be safe and I am sober, after all!).

                      Thanks Pamina, for the healing vibes! I hate this beast.

                      DG, What's an FOID card?

                      Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                      If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                        AF Daily - Sunday May 10

                        Hi guys,
                        Hang in there Cind. it is a tough road we are on for sure. I am having a little trouble myself.
                        I will keep lurking on this site though.


                        "Nothing in this World Can take the place of Persistence"
                        "You can have the life you want OR you can Drink"

                        AF April 12, 2014

