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AF Daily - Thursday, May 14, 2009

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    AF Daily - Thursday, May 14, 2009

    Good Morning Ablanders!

    I haven’t posted in about a week. I went to an agility trial last weekend. Had a great time and earned two qualifying runs on Sat. Sunday, my pup had a mental meltdown. The stress of the trial got to him and he worried. So we had fun, made up our own courses and celebrated with treats.

    I loved reading Pamina’s 1-yr thread and Loppy’s comment yesterday about “recognizing the real emotions behind thoughts of drinking.” While at the dog trial I decided to have a couple lite beers with my agility buddies. That was okay, but one night this week I mowed the lawn and had thoughts of resentment towards my husband and towards volunteer work. I escaped to 4 beers instead of dealing with the resentment. Had a long talk with my husband who’s really tired of me whining about the volunteer work and me trying to change him. Conclusion was I need to deal with it. I need to step down as president at the September election and not feel badly about it. I’ve done my duty. I need to accept hubby for who he is and know he’ll talk about house projects but doing them is another matter.

    I have learned to deal with frustration, boredom, and emotional highs AF. But resentment is my weak spot.

    I’m actually excited that all of this happened. It’s now very clear that resentment is the root cause of my escaping to AL.

    I have to give credit to this thread for helping me come to this realization. I know I’ve read time and time again about dealing with emotions, especially resentment, on this thread. It’s easy to read about it and think “that makes sense” but then applying what I read in the heat of the emotion is another story.

    So I’m totally happy and perky to have had this lesson and look forward to meeting Resentment head on when it rears it’s ugly head again. Well, I don’t really look forward to it but I know what I need to do.

    Thank you for reading. Thank you for being there.

