Lou-Lou x x x
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Hello..anybody out there?!!!
Hello..anybody out there?!!!
Where is everybody today?? Lou-Lou's gettin lonely!!!! And Bambs please...just a little hello so i know your still alive an kickin, im so worried bout you babes. You dont have to have a big conversation or owt...just post Hi so i know your there...love ya chick x
Lou-Lou x x x"Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla SkyTags: None
Hello..anybody out there?!!!
I'm Here Lou!
I'm here, Lou, just getting back to sewing, which I have neglected dreadfully for the past two days! It HAS been AWFULLY QUIET here today, that's for sure!!! Even more so for you, over the pond there!
I'm worried about Bambs, too!!! I'll check back in later. Maybe another coconut bath would help, but don't get water logged!!! I'll be thinking of you as I sew, sweets!
Hugs and love!!!:l
KathyAF as of August 5th, 2012
Hello..anybody out there?!!!
Hiya Lou and Kathy,
I,m here but just havnt got 5 mins to myself at the moment....running up my own backside with the kids....How many times can 1 baby crap?
Will put a bigger post on later....Love Macks....
P.S.....Who said we would be alright without a leader???
Shoot em....I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009
Hello..anybody out there?!!!
lol...Mack, Maybe we should elect a new leader...any candidates?!!!
Kathy im gettin really worried bout bambs now and i just dont have the energy for a soak in the tub ....think it would kill me after 2 hrs in the gym 240 sit up's ans 30 lengths of the pool non stop...im really pooped today!!!! but i really need to know how Liz- Beth is doing, i feel kind of responsible for her as we live rather close together an weve shared quite a lot....LIZ-BETH WHERE ARE YOU...YOU ARE WORRYING ME SICK GIRL??!!!!!
Lou-Lou x x x x"Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky
Hello..anybody out there?!!!
Oh Lou-Lou! I do understand, and I know that you and Bambs are so close! We just can't feel responsible for anyone else, COMPLETELY, sweetheart!!! It's hard enough to just look after our own well-being!!! I know that you are sick at heart, so please stay close. I hope that Bambs will turn up soon. I have sensed that she has been slipping lately. But we are all still here for you--please don't let go of us!!!!
Sorry that the bathtub soak wasn't a great idea, but wow!! All those sit ups!! Keep it up, my dear! I'll check in a bit later.
I just had to re-thread my serger--a different kind of sewing machine, and a bit intimidating until you get the hang of it! As a reward, I let myself come back on MWO for a few minutes!
I'm thinking of you Bambs! But where is the Sunday Thread???
Hang in there Lou! Keep the faith! You're doing great! Remember that we all have our ups and downs! Stay strong! Yesterday, I was a mess, but today, I'm feeling so much better. It can all change in a New York Minute!
Lots of love!
Kathy:lAF as of August 5th, 2012
Hello..anybody out there?!!!
Thanks Kathy,
It's so nice to know theres people who are there for me and who genuinley care. Those sit ups have nearly killed me..my tummy muscles feel like there gonna explode..lol!! but its a good pain cause i know its doing me good.
You get back to your sewing lady. I'm off to read my new book, will check in later to see if bambs has been in touch.
Love as always
Lou-Lou x x x"Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky
Hello..anybody out there?!!!
Bloody Hell Lou...240 sit ups?....Did you see the episode of the simpsons the other day when marge got addicted to bodybuilding??? Be careful girl.
And BUBBA !!!
Where are you?
Hope your ok.
And Kathy i'm glad your feeling a bit more upbeat today, you've had a rough old time latley....Must be made of strong stuff eh
Macks...I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009
Hello..anybody out there?!!!
Hi guys, Just a quick check in. Man, no one is here today.
Had a busy day. Went to church, then shoppin now home and gonna help with dinner. Glad your doin good Kathy. And Mac.....babies have lots of poo poo. Ya mean ya didnt know that? Then they grow up into men and we all know what they are full of......lol. Couldnt resist that one....ya set yourself up for that one dude. soorrrryyyy. I sang that....could you hear me? And Lou....I know what ya mean about your worries about bambi. I do the same. Hopefully she is just busy and shows up soon. Have you tried callin her? Speakin of that....I'm bein paged. Gotta run gabbosGabby :flower:
Hello..anybody out there?!!!
Yep...your right Gabby i walked straight into that....You better keep your guard up now..Revenge
I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009
Hello..anybody out there?!!!
I found this on another site that I find quite interesting sometimes.... its a different approach... (and no, I didnt write it).
"I have eliminated peoples reasons and urges to drink without the 12 step programs. The reason it has worked because I reinforced their power over their behavior. The first step in the 12 step program takes power away and therefore they can never become not an alcoholic or addict. But whatever floats your boat.
This is just my way of looking at things. A person with drinking issues move from sober to drunk for a reason. The drinking is just a means to an end. So I work my way backwards. what does drinking do for them? negative an positives. what do they *think* drinking does for them? what happens when they are sober that they don't want to be sober? and, how would they rather be?
usually it takes about 5-15 minutes to get them to pop out of the idea of "being sober" to something they'd rather be. People get so stuck on their issues they fall in into an orbit around it and can't move their focus from the center to something external. maybe because they feel they can't be the way they really want to be.
Then I have them describe what they thought about drinking before they became a drinker. Then what they thought about drinking when they first became a drinker. next, how they think about drinking "now". sometimes they have beliefs about drinking in the future. this is where 12 steps totally screws things up. I fthey can't get past step 1 of 12 steps I don't even work with them. Anyhow, I blow out their logic about how they felt about drinking as they first became a drinker. Then blow out the logic about drinking *before* they were a drinker. and then if there are beliefs about drinking in the future I do the process again and blow out the reasons for drinking in the future.
Next I have them imagine alternative behavior for achieving how they want to feel and how they want to be. Next I have them imagine doing their alternative behavior before they became a drinker, replacing what would have been a history of drinking with a history of alternative healthy behavior, and imagining doing the healthy behavior in the future.
I also ask if they might drink in the future, and if it's a problem. If they are adamant there won't be any drinking in the future, they could be resisting the idea that in their future they are drinking. So I explore that a little. If it's in their future then it's going to happen, in which case I start over. But, if they drink in the future and it's no problem then I leave it. Drinking is not the problem, it's how they reach the feelings and behavior they actually want.
This requires ALOT of understanding of the other person and their issue. I make absolutely no presumptions as to why they drink. Every step of the way I'm talking to their subconscious. It just so happens that their conscious mind has some understanding. when I do the actual changes I am not focusing on alcohol or alcoholism. I'm focusing on choice in personal history and resourceful beliefs and feelings. I sometimes pose it in the form of an isomorphic metaphor, but my phrasing is always laced with binds, double binds, embedded commands, ambiguity and tonal anchoring.
It's kind of weird because aside from the questions only at the beginning I don't actually talk that much about alcohol. Like being lost in a maze. People want to be guided out. But I leave them there and change the maze."