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AF Daily Sunday May 17

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    AF Daily Sunday May 17

    where the heck is everyone hiding? is this a parallel universe? how weeeeird.

    well, I hope you are all doing ab fab wherever you are hiding!

    beautiful hangover-free sunny day on the high desert happy to report. did some great shooting yesterday (Dill, I put three rounds into less than two inches at 400 yards! woooo!)
    and then a great workout despite the huge caramel coffee I swigged.

    Today Dx and I are doing projects around the house, watching movies and generally acting like newly weds also

    be well everyone
    nosce te ipsum
    (Know Thyself)

    AF Daily Sunday May 17

    sound like you had a great time... enjoy buddy
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


      AF Daily Sunday May 17

      Certaintly wouldn't want to be annoying Determinator with those shooting skills! Ever consider changing your name to just 'Terminator' ? Haha

      On a more personal note I am on day 7 of my second sober stint and am beginning to suspect somebody really wants me to do the whole two weeks I origianlly planned for after I was violently ill yesterday which I'd planned to drink on. Basically woke up in the morning and vomited, and was pretty ill all morning, still went to work but was too scared to drink and so have made it to seven days! Have been revising all day for an exam tomorrow, so wish me luck, and if anybody's interested I'll check in to let you know how it goes!

      More related to the thread itself I just wanted to say thank you to everybody here, when I was modding I felt like I was in limbo, I couldn 't come here so much because i had nothing to report and mores the point because of my age I felt uncomfortable giving advice, now I'm AF again I feel like I have a place here once more and nave more support in my aims. I wish eveyrbody the best of luck with their continuing goals,

      The way I change the past is by not repeating it
      -James Hetfield, Metallica


        AF Daily Sunday May 17

        Thanks, det, for starting the thread! It's a sunny and cool AF day here in Ohio. I'm glad you had such a great day at the range! Amazing! Way to go! We have too many projects underway here today for me to get any practice in.

        Hey, tlrgs! Hey, TG, good job on day 7!

        I hope everyone is having a great day!

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          AF Daily Sunday May 17


          I'd like to join you tomorrow if I may?

          I've had a lot of ups and downs. Been drinking way to much and I've done the sensible thing and decreased it gradually. I'm now at a point where I know I can go AF tomorrow without withdrawals (I've had doctors advice and I am seeing a counsellor who supports what I'm doing).

          I have a very challenging week next week with a lot of ill health in my immediate family which may require hospital time. I need to be and WILL be sober.

          Looking forward to getting to know you guys better and not being a lurker.

          F, x

          p.s. I should add that I've tried and failed before, I have the book and have read it. I really want to give it my all this time but I may be a bit needy. I know you are a supportive bunch.


            AF Daily Sunday May 17

            Hi everyone

            Just a quick check in before bed. Well done on the shooting Det and thanks for starting us off. Week-ends seem to be quite as most people have family around and its not easy posting.

            Good luck in your exam Thatgirl and well done on the 7 days. I really feel that the more AF you get under your belt the better. You weaken Al's hold on you.

            :welcome: Forever and good luck tomorrow. Lots of support here so let us know how you are getting on.

            Horrible wet day here and spent all day at daughters show. She is riding a Connemara pony and came 2nd in her class. She has a nasty cold which she has now passed on to me so I am off to bed with a hot lemon drink.

            Everyone else big hello. Will catch up on the boards later.j



              AF Daily Sunday May 17

              Forever, wonderful to have you with us. great to see you are taking your detoxing seriously and methodically.

              Thatgirl, looks like serendipity at it's finest! when I mod it's worse than limbo for me...I am horribly anxious and my subconscious is very upset (it really shows in my dreaming). so AF is my happy place for sure

              Rustop, your daughter riding a pony in a show is like a girls childhood fantasy come wonderful!

              Dill, sorry you didn't get any range time but you sound busy and happy.

              Roger, great to see you here man.

              xxxxx everyone
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                AF Daily Sunday May 17

                Hi all, just checking in as my pillows call me to dream sweet and sober dreams.

                Welcome Forever.

                TG, DT is full of good advice, moding can be a constant struggle. Hope the exam goes well tomorrow.

                Rusty hope you feel better soon. Your namesake has only been home a few days and is already showing me who is boss.

                Congrats all on a sober weekend.

                Sleep well.
                Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
                AF 8 June 2012


                  AF Daily Sunday May 17

                  Happy Sunday AFreedom Riders -

                  Sunny and COOL in the midwest. Went for a nice 20 mile bikeride this afternoon and working with some digital photos - a great distraction.

                  Welcome Forever and ThatGirl - You have come to the right place - keep posting! This is a very supportive group - we are here for ya!

                  I have a question about AF wine...I was looking at a bottle, thinking some day I might try it if I am doing a dinner with friends (friends all drink the good stuff - one friend is a wine salesman, so being around them will be difficult). While looking at the bottle, I thought, "Well, if I brought this home, I bet it wouldn't be too different. I would drink the whole thing even if it didn't have alcohol in it!" Those thoughts just underscored for me that I won't even drink AF wine until I know I will drink it without "USING" it. I don't want to replace my bad wine drinking habit with AF wine - that would defeat everything I have gained.

                  Back to my question - So, it says on the bottle of Ariel - de-alcoholized - what the heck is that? Do they take the alcohol out of regular wine? Is there any left? I think it said, "less that 1%". SO the question is, would less than 1% still trigger more craving? Would that little amount be enough to send one falling off the wagon? I mean, I know each person is different, but I wonder if that little bit in the AF wine means you are just drinking grape juice, or if that tiny amount would have some kind of alcohol impact - show up in blood?


                    AF Daily Sunday May 17

                    My outpatient therapist told me not to have the al free beer because it still had AL in it and it could set something off in our brains.
                    Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                      AF Daily Sunday May 17

                      hmmmmm. I like Ariel ok but don't find myself even remembering I have it in the cupboard very often. I guess that's a good sign because I'm a former red wine maniac. so for me it's ok but your not missing out on much if you don't want to chance it. I'd rather have a glass of POM cut with sparkling water in my glass.
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF Daily Sunday May 17

                        Gia I am so happy and proud of you....what a great day you had.
                        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


                          AF Daily Sunday May 17

                          Gia, that is just stellar!!!!!
                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            AF Daily Sunday May 17

                            Just wanted to post in my favorite AF thread that my last grandson presented himself today. Oliver Preston. 7 lbs 1 oz.

                            He came out crying and didn't quiet down until he figured out how to latch on to mama and nurse.

                            For those who don't understand that, it is awesome that a newborn can nurse right off the bat.

                            He did. He was happy.

                            I left mama and daddy alone as soon as all was known to be well.

                            Okay, I would have left sooner but wanted to see a happy grandson and happy mama. I did. Wow.

                            AF April 9, 2016


                              AF Daily Sunday May 17

                              Thanks, PP, that is exactly what I was wondering. I bet it is also something I can ersearch (when I find time). An, that makes senses Det, might not even be worth the effort. OR, if it does does good, it may make me crave...that Pom & Sparkles sounds fine.

                              I will be getting up at 4 AM to get my 14 yr old off on a 2 week backpacking/camping trip. Yikes! I should have been in bed long ago, but making oatmeal chocolate chip cookies for him to take along. Awe, gee. Nite all.

                              Oh, Cinders - CONGRATS!! "Babies are the Best of Life"

