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AF Daily Thursday 22 May

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    AF Daily Thursday 22 May

    Good morning all,

    Another beautiful morning and I woke up full of the joys of spring.

    But now I am unreasonable angry. Have just discovered my MP (who lives a 5 minutes walk from me) has been claiming the second home allowance. Can't believe that a man who holds himself up as a paragon of virtue can do such a thing. Claims he needed it because of all the late night working!!!! No wonder we couldn't get him interested in the train service, he wasn't using it!!!!! Can't even have the satisfaction of voting him out next time as he long ago announced he was standing down next year.

    Sorry to bring politics onto the board but I am so angry I could throw something. Will go and cuddle a fluffy to put myself back into my wonderful morning mood.

    On the plus side when I get through today I will have completed my first 30 days.

    Have a good day everyone.
    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
    AF 8 June 2012

    AF Daily Thursday 22 May


    Can you explain the "second home allowance" for us in the US?

    Also, a fluffy pillow and a nap sounds so good!! I am unable to sleep these days.

    I guess I'll take a Trazodone tonight.

    AF April 9, 2016


      AF Daily Thursday 22 May

      I know what you mean Loppy, ours claimed for a trouser press, i guess i can live with that one!!! Cinders MP's here choose to buy a 2nd home near Parliament (London) and they are allowed 'help' with this but lately they've been abusing it totally - one MP was claiming for a mortgage/loan he no longer had to pay !!!! Anyway hope bunny helped Loppy XXX


        AF Daily Thursday 22 May

        morning all here , At least in the uk they are being held accountable,here its going on so long that its nearly part of the democratic process,its unbelievable that politicians think they live on different planet. maybe they are in denial

        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


          AF Daily Thursday 22 May

          Sorry folks got the date wrong again. If anyone knows how to fix it let me know. I'm technologically challenged.

          Really annoyed about the second home because according to them my MP is not covered by the new 20 mile rule. Would love to know where they are measuring from, because his primary residence is definately less than 20 mile from parliament. Must have measured from the furthest most point of the constituancy and then rounded up for good measure.

          Anyway nothing I can do about it so going to just let it go.
          Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
          AF 8 June 2012


            AF Daily Thursday 22 May

            Hey Loppy, well done on 30 days today/tomorrow !!!!!!!! :l you must be proud :yay:

            Have you a plan after your 30 days? are you gonna carry on or go for modding?


              AF Daily Thursday 22 May

              Morning all!

              It's another beautiful day here as well. I'm taking tomorrow off and Monday is a holiday. Looking forward to 4 days at home.

              My dog agility instructor has up and quit. I knew she'd leave this year but am disappointed that she left when we still had 3 classes left in this session AND it's 3 weeks before 3 of us attend regionals. Needless to say I won't follow her wherever she goes. Next week, we're going to try the only other advanced instructor in the area.

              Reading Emotional Alchemy and totally relate to the 'schemas' of deprivation and exclusion. Really enjoying the book, except it's not available for the Kindle so I'm having to read a real paperback again. I didn't realize how quickly I took to the ergonomics of a Kindle.

              PP and Loppy -- congrats on 30 days!!! Well done.

              TG - Congratulations on completing all your exams! Way to go! "What next" will come, be open-minded and listen to your heart. Try even small new things where you might get ideas or meet people who you wouldn't normally run into. Example from my experience, I attended a solar energy open house last year. Struck up a conversation with a guy who was the solar company's marketing manager. We've staying in touch about volunteer work and he's even asked me to help him with a task he will pay me for. When I tap into things I only have a minor interest in, I end up meeting the most interesting people.

              Have a great day, I need to get ready for work.


                AF Daily Thursday 22 May

                Loppy - (only) you can change by copying the thread to a new thread with correct date title, then deleteing the first one. I did the same things a few days back, but maybe it will go noticed and be fine....


                  AF Daily Thursday 22 May

                  Morning abbers!!

                  Cloudy here and might rain, but we always need it so that's fine. Birds are serenading.

                  Loopy, that's great on today being 30th day!

                  I thought politicians were on another planet.

                  Estranged one has been acting up and is a reminder to me that I have made the right decision as I wait for this process to end. I let him take my car to an emergency dentist visit when he discovered he had a flat at the last minute. 4 hours later, having giving up hope of the errand I was supposed to do for my dad (of time importance) I called and the dentist had not touched his tooth. Where had he been? Joy riding with the top down. Defense was that I should have told him I had something to do. And he thought he'd just keep it for the night and pick me up in the AM. I demanded the car immediately and it was returned on empty after he told me 3X he put gas in it. Here's the amazing part. I never once thought of a drink. Not once. I realized that this AM. That's pretty doggone good and I am feeling quite fluff about it!

                  When he talks about how different I am not drinking I believe it is because he left at the same time. I am probably more myself as much because of HIS absence as AL's. :H

                  OK, that was right self-centered but thanks for listening. Being THAT angry and not thinking of a drink was a big deal to me.

                  Hope everybody has a good one!
                  Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                    AF Daily Thursday 22 May

                    Hello AFreedom Riders -

                    Another beautiful morning in the Midwest USA! The trade off for harsh winters is the 3 other seasons.

                    Loppy - Huge congrats on the 30 days! It's not a small task. You must be feeling great and have a 'new view' on life.

                    I hope its just a great day for everyone and that being AF is making the difference.


                      AF Daily Thursday 22 May

                      Good morning all,

                      A hearty congratulations to all as they strive to accomplish their goals. And wishing success in their pursuits.

                      Congrats GEyes on staying the course when circumstances were pushing you around.
                      And you Loppy for the 30 days. I have 9 days to go to reach 30.

                      A lovely morning here without conflicts to speak of. Just the usual stuff that needs to be done.

                      I am so fortunate to have MYO on my side! :thanks:



                        AF Daily Thursday 22 May

                        Aloha All! Here I am Cinders! I guess I've been having "time management" issues. Lots of stress at school with unruly, disrespectful, unmotivated students. So I'm taking the week off. Actually, it is not as flaky as it sounds. I have a computer (Apple) workshop for two days Thursday and Friday, and had a math workshop for one day, Wednesday. I'll be teaching one section of remedial math next year. So I decided to take one more day off, Tuesday, because lesson plans are for two days on block schedule (I won't bore you with the details of that) and then because Monday was, well, just Monday and I had a very bad experience with a student on Friday so I took that day off too. And took a bike ride along the new coastal bike path which is still (and always will be) under construction and they just opened a new section, about 4 miles and it is so beautiful with gorgeous, absolutely breathtaking views of the coast. So I am still here, reading some but not all (remember..time) and really not wanting to drink through this stress. Now am I really going to have time to grade all the paperwork I have to return to? And the real question. Do I want to spend my time grading student papers?


                          AF Daily Thursday 22 May

                          Hi everyone

                          Just a quick check in as today is my daughters birthday so I have so much to do!!! Well done Loppy on your 30 days. You too Greenie on not even thinking of Al.

                          Hope everyone else is doing ok. Will catch up on the posts later.



                            AF Daily Thursday 22 May

                            Hi everyone, after letting myself down yesterday, I've felt very strong today and know I won't drink. Coming on here and reading all your posts, all your individual stories - its so inspiring so thank you. Loppy, you should be dead chuffed with yourself girl!!

                            I'm off out for a works meal tonight, about 15 women going for an italian. I won't be tempted, I know I won't, I really want this.

                            AF since 9 May 2012
                            Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                              AF Daily Thursday 22 May

                              Janice: I've been using the one day at a time approach. I try not to look too far into the future. Good luck. Mary
                              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                              October 3, 2012

