Lou-Lou x x x
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Tues 22nd August
Tues 22nd August
Mornin guys...guess i beat you alll on this one!!!! went to bed quite early and have woken up at this ungodly hour wide awake!! gonna try readin my book an havin a nice mug of horlicks so hopefully ill be back in the land of nod quite soon...catch ya all later guys!!
Lou-Lou x x x"Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla SkyTags: None
Tues 22nd August
I'm here Lou-Lou- and my hour is more un-godly than yours. Woke up at three and cannot get back to sleep.. Have a small Jack Russell that has taken over my pillow. Haven't got the heart to move her - So have been watching Love Island and Emmerdale... Sophie Anderton right gets on my wick !!!! Me. Me. Me - strikes a chord. !!!!
Anyway Lovely Lady spk soon
Beth ( Liz )~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Bambs aka Hydrogen
:h XXX :h
Tues 22nd August
Morning All,
There must have been somthing in the air last night, i got up at stupid o'clock myself...Came downstairs and watched a film.
Must be excited about today,like christmas.
Minding a friends child today while she goes work and my nephew stopped over last night so there is seven kids in the house at the moment....Is it any wonder i drank.
Have a good day all.........MackeralI don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009
Tues 22nd August
Oh Mackers !!!!
You made me snort with lafter !!!!
Just imagining you with 7 kids there, doin your head in !!!!
Ship them out to me !!!! Doggies would have a field day !!!
Keep It Real.....
Liz-a-Beth~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Bambs aka Hydrogen
:h XXX :h
Tues 22nd August
Seven kidlets? Are you crazy?!?
I made it through 21 days! :woot: I'm thrilled! It is getting easier. And now I'm reading about moderation. Can I do it? I dunno. Abs seems easier. Got 10 more days on the abs wagon and then I'll re-evaluate. I think I want to go 41 days total because a friend of mine recently did 40 days and I'm competitive.Whatever it takes, right? Who knows, maybe I'll go all the way until September 29 when I head to San Francisco for a weekend of debauchery.
Diane M.
Tues 22nd August
Seven kids ...man, you are a saint! I can barely keep my head above water with 3 boys. Spent 7 hours in the Emergency Room last night with my 5 yo who had 105 fever. At first they thought it may be appendicitis, but after running a number of tests determined it was a good old strep infection. He didn't even cry once when they took his blood, gave him a whopping shot of antibiotics in the bum, cultured his throat, etc... That bravery sure didn't come from my blood. Back on day "3" AGAIN...yah, yah, yah...I know! My goal this time...be a sober woman during my 39th year which is rapidly approaching (Aug 28th). Getting a jump start now. Kim...I do so love how you see alcohol as a stalker, etc....can so relate! Wishing all the best of Tuesdays. School is almost starting! HIP HIP HOORAY!!!!
Tues 22nd August
quick stop
Well, its day 19 and things are definitely getting easier. One of the things my doctor said to me has really been sinking in. Its not my fault I have this thing--numerous studies show that it is inherited for the most part--BUT it is my responsibilty to take care of it. It is my responsibilty to take care of this before it ruins my life and those I love. And if it didn't manage to ruin everyone's life--I certainly would look back with huge amounts of regret. I don't want either.
The weather here has been fantastic--so we've been outside a lot and getting ready for school. My 5 year old had to get 2 shots today--poor little guy.
Great to see you Gina! Sorry about your little guy--hope he is feeling better.
Tues 22nd August
Hey Abbers,
Started off in chat today and forgot to post. Hope everyone is good.......
Belle and I are waiting on our Papa to get home, so thought I would check in.
It seems kinda lite here today. Where is everybody?
How are we doin on our abbs days? It is really hard here as there is wine everywhere, but "greater is He than I"....so I'm trusting in Him to get me through! He promised!
Can't believe August is almost over! Back to school for the kido's...yeah!!!!
"You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless till they rest in you"......St. Augustine
Nancy & Belle:l"Be still and know that I am God"
Psalm 46:10
Tues 22nd August
Good Evening All,
Just a quick post to checkin.
Kim, I loved that thought that we inherited (or have a predisposition for) our problem drinking but it is our responsibility to take care of the problem. Great way to put it. I know it helps some people to say they have a disease (and perhaps we do) but I do enjoy feeling responsible for my health and well being. If we have exceptionally fair skin and know we would burn few of us would go to the beach and lie in the sun without sunblock. I guess we all have to identify what health problems we are predisposed to and take care of ourselves.
Wayne, if i had seven kids in my house all day I would be flying around on my broom sreaming. God bless you.
Have a great night all,
Tues 22nd August
Hi All,
Can't believe it's almost 10pm and I'm just now getting around to posting. My life has suddenly exploded, but that's not necessarily a bad thing at all. The "fall rush" at work has taken off early, and I'm getting much busier much more quickly than I anticipated. Ultimately, that is a good thing, but it will mean some rearranging of my schedule in the short run, and I keep having to push back my sewing! Urrrgghhh! It's a good thing I have a sewing committee, or I'd be freaking out! I'm really happy about all the work though, because it does mean that the marketing groundwork that I've been doing in the last six months is paying off.
Because of things being hectic, though, if I do miss a day here or there, don't assume the worst, okay?? I'll be right back on. I've been doing okay. It was a rocky weekend, but I made it through. I even had a cancellation today, and I was able to listen to the whole abs hypnotherapy tape through to the end. I only fell asleep for part of it!:H I was awake to give myself suggestions, though!
Sorry that everyone across the pond seems to have insomnia!! Hope tonight is better for you! Hope you survived the kids, Wayne!
Hang in there Nancy!! Your faith WILL get you through! Dieann and Kim, you are doing great! And I'm with you, Janet! I'd be on a broom too! I'm a LITTLE sad that I only had one child, but I will say, I did get to concentrate my best efforts on her, and I'm not sorry about that! And Brigid, how are you??
Anyway, all, lotsa, lotsa!:h
AF as of August 5th, 2012