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AF Daily Monday 25 May

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    AF Daily Monday 25 May

    Good morning all,

    Nice to have another Monday off work, isn't it? Never sure why we get this one off, except that it is half term at the schools. I think it's memorial day in the sSates but not here. Wasn't it Oakapple day or something?

    Hope everyone who was unwell is feeling better, test results benign, broken bones mending well and anyone feeling low recognises that this too will pass.

    Anyway was thinking yesterday what a lot of animal lovers we have on this thread. Even those who don't have any, are suckers for a cute piccie. I am technologically challenged otherwise you would have seen the ginger ones curled up loving each other and looking incredibly cute. I am a dreadful commitment phobe and it is a family joke that I never would have got Suggs if I knew rabbits lived that long. The joke started when he got to be 5 so I certainly would have been terrified of committing to the 11.5 years he eventually lived. But getting up each day and making sure they were fed, watered and well, kept me going through some black times.

    And it is not just my own animals who help. When things are bad I am a magnet for the neighbourhood cats. When the ginger ones went back to the rescue for rebonding I was feeling pretty low and curled up on the sofa under a blanket, accidentally leaving the back door open. Woke up sometime later with one of the neighbours cats curled up on my chest and another on my feet. The night my mother died a different one came in for the first time and slept across my chest. Leaving the back door open is a really bad habit of mine even now I am not drinking. I am very lucky that the only visitors I have ever had are furry ones.

    Looks like rain here which is a pity but it was so lovely yesterday I don't mind.

    Take care everyone.
    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
    AF 8 June 2012

    AF Daily Monday 25 May

    Morning abbers!!

    Hi loopy, great start again. It is wonderful how animal can sense things. Sometimes I open my eyes and see the silouette of the cat in the window and he turns and looks at me. I wonder can he hear eyelids open? It must sound something similar to food.

    Rained here yesterday and too cloudy for a sunrise. The office is open so I'm going to the hole today. I'll make it a good day.

    Carry on!
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


      AF Daily Monday 25 May

      Morning Loppy thanks for starting us off today. Cats especially seem to have the ability to sense stress and be supportive. Dogs can be supportive too but sometimes they worry when they're human is stressed.

      AFM - keep pluggin, you'll figure out what triggers the cycles your going through. Keep a mini-list of reasons you don't drink in your pocket or purse, take supps, and come here when you're in conflict. You can do it!

      TG - when's the Dr appt about the eczema? Curious to see how that goes. How was x-men?

      LVT -camping without AF makes it what it's all about, getting away from things. Glad you're having a great time.

      Pam, Greenie, and DET - high fives on attending social events with AL and coming out stress free and happy.

      I need to look at the "What We're reading" forum, I forgot all about it. I'm still reading bits of Emotional Alchemy - just getting to good part of how to change behaviors once recognized. I lighten things up with the book about Dewey the library cat.

      DG - had the private doggie lesson last night. Hubby came along and listened and took notes. It was extremely helpful. I think it's all for the good that our instructor suddenly quit, then this experienced instructor, Kathy, happens through town. Synchronicity. Tomorrow, 3 of us start a class with a different instructor who has trained with Kathy. We're going to compare notes and work together and help one another. It's a lot like life, I need to take a bit more responsibility for at-home training and always be working on foundation skills. I also tend to let him wander around the yard when I'm setting up equipment & need to make him stay in a down while we train.

      I have a feeling Kathy sees our void of good instruction and will make more trips to our area. Once every two months would be great. I know we could get a small group together. I hope Mr DG's classes are going well. You and my hubby should get together and talk about what it's like to be the observer at a class. BTW, are you sore from working out with the trainer? I worked out with a trainer and loved it. Can't afford agility and personal trainer....


        AF Daily Monday 25 May

        Good morning to all and thank you Loppy for a wonderful topic to kick off the day. Animals occupy a FAR FAR softer spot in my heart than people do. I'm glad nothing bad ever happens with leaving your door open....that said, what a great story about the neighborhood kitties coming around to comfort you! I'm so glad that the rebonding thing worked out with your bunnies. I would love to see pictures of them.

        Greenie I love your attitude. I'll follow your lead and make it a good day here. Our office is always open but I'm sure nothing much will happen today due to the holiday. Rather than mope about a slow month, we will enjoy the non-busy time while we can. Thank you for a reminder to stay positive!

        From yesterday AFM it is good to see you back. This battle with AL can be so challenging. I hope you find some good ideas in the toolbox to help get you going again. You seemed so happy when you were on that AF stretch there. I know life happens...I just don't think AL is the big stress reliever / problem solver that we tend to think he is.

        TG congrats on your continued AFness.

        I know there were others who posted that I am missing but I have to get a move on now! Will be back later - hello to all I missed at yesterdays end and all yet to come today. Happy AF day wherever you are and whatever you are doing!

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          AF Daily Monday 25 May

          Yes DG, attitude is everything. It's slow at the hole - I suppose everyone is tending their smokers or shopping sales. But it IS overcast for the second day so that means the attic isn't too bad and I have some stuff to do up there. It'll be good to get that done. Considering it's late May, probably my last chance this summer!
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


            AF Daily Monday 25 May

            Hi Everyone. Mary
            Wisdom, Courage, Strength
            October 3, 2012


              AF Daily Monday 25 May

              Good morning!

              I am feeling much better and positive today. AL sucks and you are right, DG it isn't a stress reliever at all! It makes me feel worse actually. The feeling of doom and gloom, anxiety, and irritable are just no fun. All for what? An hours worth of a buzz and then the rest of the evening blottoed? UGH!

              I am WAY happier being AF. I need to stop sabotaging it. I need to find out why I think I don't deserve to be happy. I am phoning my therapist this AM and will book another appointment. I see him once a month now; instead of weekly.... I think a few extra sessions will really help me. I also think that I need more adult interaction. I am spending way too much time by myself and that is a HUGE trigger for me. I mean I have the kids but ...

              Anyway, sorry for the ramble. Today is day 2 of hopefully forever. I am so not doing this anymore. Yesterday I actually felt like ending it... this was the low I was at. Of course I wouldn't; but that is how crappy I felt.

              Well, off to shower. Taking the little one to the park today for some fresh air and sunshine. She has a bit of a cold and I hope this will help clear it up.

              Have a good day everyone.


                AF Daily Monday 25 May

                Hello friends!
                I am still all cozy in my bed in the camper! First lazy morning ice indulged in for a very long while. I guess I don't feel the need to sleep in so much without any hangovers to nurse!
                Hubby joined us for a bit say evening and it was great for awhile until it started raining and we all had to come inside. It just really irritates me when he starts complaining and being negative. I suppose it didn't help that he was of course drinking. He was celebrating getting a big project done. Luke drinking beer is a reward when he drinks while he's working on his farming time.
                Sorry just venting again.
                Better get up and make some coffee then finish my book.
                Glad you're back with us afm!
                NF since June 1, 2008
                AF since September 28, 2008
                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                  AF Daily Monday 25 May

                  Good morning!

                  Loppy's question about the reason for the day off today got me to googling. I don't know why UK has the day, but of course the US is commemorating the war dead. I came across several essays and poems and thought this link would be interesting to anyone that wants a moment's refection about Memorial Day and to those who like snippets of history. I believe I have heard you mention an interest in history, DG.

                  In Flanders Field, Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae

                  And of course to tie this in to our reasons for being on this site: it puts our 'battle' with al into perspective and gives us yet another reason for gratitude!

                  OK, I haven't really read the following link yet, but 'skimmed it'. It explains the reason for the holiday in the UK:

                  British Culture - British Customs and Traditions in May - Oak Apple Day

                  Well, time to get up and moving! Have a great day, all!

                  Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                  If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                    AF Daily Monday 25 May

                    Hi everyone,

                    I said just yesterday that I wouldn't be around because of work.... but you know what they say about a bad penny.

                    Forgot I had the day off work today :nutso: Not coz it's a holiday (I often work holidays), just coz my schedule is all over the place and changes from week to week.

                    Dill, I don't think I'd ever heard of Oak Apple day! It says on your link that it's traditional to drink beer. Sounds about right. Any excuse for us Brits :H

                    AFM - Glad you're feeling better. I remember that dragged-down feeling only too well and it's horrible, isn't it? Onwards and upwards!

                    Right, time to do something with all these extremely expensive vegetables and smelly French cheese I bought at a farmers' market...
                    AF since December 22nd 2008
                    Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                      AF Daily Monday 25 May

                      top of the Monday ABeroooooos!

                      well, not really a 'happy' holiday but a significant one. My dad is a viet nam vet and has some pretty horrific stories to tell.

                      anyhoo the subject of animals is dear to me even though we don't currently have any pets looking after us at the moment (who are we fooling thinking we take care of THEM? ) LOL.
                      sadly I'm allergic to dogs and cats both. waaaaaaaa! our neighbors ponys are fun to talk to though and thier cats play in our yard. we also have bunnies and quail that love our back yard so I can glance left from this computer and enjoy our nature friends.

                      Dx and I are cleaning up around the house today and may sneak out to the lake this afternoon.

                      great to see you all!

                      be well friends and all to come.
                      nosce te ipsum
                      (Know Thyself)


                        AF Daily Monday 25 May

                        The eczma appointments on Monday afternoon, though I don't know whether I'll be able to speak to you guys that evening as I'm having a little get together with my fiance, but I'll let you knwo how it goes. I found out from a friend of my mtohers that the hospital I'm going to is very good at supplying the much needed allergy tests so I shoudl find out soon enough if there's anythign I can do to stop the flair ups.

                        For anybody interested I advise you to go and watch X-men Origins: Wolverine as it is one of the best action movies ever made (in my humble opinion) and also has a fantastic plot and, of course for all the ladies, Hugh Jackman - frequently shirtless and briefly naked anyway...

                        sorry this post is very much centred around what I'm up to, with revision still going on (final exam is, it turns out, on the day of my eczma appointment) I only have time for a quick check in and simply had to ramble about x-men!

                        The way I change the past is by not repeating it
                        -James Hetfield, Metallica


                          AF Daily Monday 25 May

                          Hi everyone

                          Just a quick check in. Last few days of school so things are slowing down. Yes Loppy we have a lot to be thankful for with animals in our lives. They bring so much joy. How is my namesake getting on?

                          Everyone else big hello, will catch up on all the posts tomorrow.



                            AF Daily Monday 25 May

                            Thanks Dill for looking that up. I'd only really heard of Oak Apple day because it was my Grandfathers birthday and I used to love history.

                            TG I shall def be seeing X men origins. I thoroughly enjoyed Australia for much the reason you are recommending this film. Actually i thought Australia was a spoof and very funny. I was surprised to discover I should have been taking it seriously!

                            I have just had the ........ (can't find right word) experince / emotion / funny turn. I was watching the telly and the ads came on. It was one I had seen over and over again, the supermarket one where the couple are looking for a very special wine to celebrate a 60th birthday and it turns out it is their tortoise. Anyway for the first time I noticed that the wine they take is a Chateau neuf de pape. I experienced what can only be described as a sense of loss that I will never again experince the depth of such a good wine. Not for the alcohol but for the smell and the taste. A bit like a diabetic with a sweet tooth yearning for a chockie bickie.

                            But my head took over and I thought that although I had bought C N de pape or a good barolo whenever I deserved a treat. I probably only really enjoyed the first half glass the rest was quickly downed for its alcohol content. Might as well have been meths! I never want to go back to that. If I never take that first sip I will never have to.

                            Anyway sleep well everyone. Hope you all enjoyed the bank holiday whatever you did with it.
                            Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
                            AF 8 June 2012

