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AF Daily Tuesday 26 May

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    AF Daily Tuesday 26 May

    Morning all and what a soggy one we have for making our way back to work.

    Just a quick post from me as I dash around taking down curtains before the window fitters get here. You won't be surprised to hear that I gave the work to the only one of the 4 companies who quoted, who did not use bullying or otherwise unethical tactics, despite them not being the cheapest.

    Anyway catch you all later.
    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
    AF 8 June 2012

    AF Daily Tuesday 26 May

    Hi Loppy and all to come

    Good luck with your window fitting job. Workmen ugh!!! although things have improved with the recession, a lot of the attitude seems to be disappearing but some of it is still there from what you say Loppy.

    The sun is trying to peep through here. Am trying to get the patio cleaned because a. daughter wants to have a bbq Sat night and b. if we do get some fine weather I want to be able to sit out in comfort and enjoy it.

    Taking the doggies for a walk and then meeting some friends for coffee. Have a great day everyone.



      AF Daily Tuesday 26 May

      Morning all,

      Soggy indeed! Back to reality...

      I'm testing the fruits of my labour this weekend when I was researching various health foods and supplements. A friend has prostate cancer, and apparently flaxseed oil might help. It's supposed to have numerous health benefits, so this morning I'm trying out flaxseed powder in my porridge.

      Gotta run, but have a great Tuesday everyone!


        AF Daily Tuesday 26 May

        Morning abbers!!

        GOOD on ya loopy!!! I'll bet the choice you made is worth it. Ethics speak for themselves and I'm sure are an indicator of the workmanship you will receive.

        Rustop, I'd be done with my patio in the time it took to shower! It's more appropriately called the concrete slab. Didn't you just power wash it? I'll be hoping for good weather for you. My grill is limping along and I hope it'll make it through the summer.

        Pamina, that's great you're looking for things for your friend. I also heard pumpkin seed and maybe sawgrass? Also, you might consider whole flaxseed and then grind fresh in a little coffee or spice grinder. Supposedly more bang for your buck relative to freshness and less processing.

        Little car back in the shop for the window upper-downer. $ Cha-ching $ That's after 2 new tires last Thursday. And the top has an issue that will cost me even though it's under the 3 year warranty. It's that "pro-rated" word. I don't get why I have to pay for having their defective top. Grrrr.

        DG, my dad's about the same. He's in good health, but bored a lot. But he won't get out of bed, so.... Animal planet is his favorite show. He continues to call me in the middle of the night, but I continue to have the bedroom ringer off.

        Hope everyone has a good AF day and learns something new.
        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


          AF Daily Tuesday 26 May

          Good morning friends!
          I've been up and at em for over an hour now! I have so much to do this week/month it's a little crazy. Hubby is in the same boat (except his "stuff" is more important) and makes it just a tad tense around here!
          My eldest son goes to church camp this week for leadership training, then gets confirmed on Sunday, then leaves for class trip to DC for 4 days, then goes to basketball when is he going to have time to mow all the lawns we've committed to this summer????? I had forgotten all about this church camp--really messed up my schedule! Oh, well, it's just grass--right? If I don't get my garden in this week I will really be pulling out my hair. Early days and late nights--baseball 2 nights a week for youngest......ARGGHH!!

          Just wanted to say hi and wish everyone an enjoyable and sober week! :h
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            AF Daily Tuesday 26 May

            Morning all! I just posted this in subs and copied and pasted. Talk about lazy, eh? LOL.

            It is raiiiiining here today. The sound of the rain makes me sleep better for some reason; so when I heard it late last night it was slumber time for AFM.

            I was doing a lot of reflecting on my life the last couple of days as well. I was reading stuff online on ways of learning how to let go of the past. To come to terms of what shitty things I have done, feel it and just say good bye. You can't change the past but one certainly can hang onto a lot of guilt for it; which paves for a not so pleasant future. My therapist is available next week; so we will be discussing 'letting go'. I think this will be extremely helpful in my success of ditching AL for good. I get these overwhelming feelings of how much time I have wasted due to AL. I am 37 now and feel I should be so much farther in my life and these feelings are actually holding me back.

            Anyhoo.... enough of my rambling.

            Mar, good luck at the doctors. Lots of positive vibes being sent your way.

            Have a great day everyone. I am cleaning carpets today. The walls all have been washed and now it is carpet time. Spring cleaning always feels so good.


              AF Daily Tuesday 26 May

              Happy hangover-free Monday ABenators far and wide!

              Loppy you never of the window fitters may be a chippendale dancer (gotta find the silver lining eh?).

              been a wonderfully relaxing weekend/holiday but they tell me this is a work day. sheeesh! I really do like working from home I must say. Although to do this when I was drinking would have been a total train wreck.

              ditto what Greeneyes said about milling your own flax seed just a few seconds prior to using it. the flavor is wonderful and nutty. I add that to my protein smoothies too.

              be well everyone!
              nosce te ipsum
              (Know Thyself)


                AF Daily Tuesday 26 May

                AFM, incidentally I was also 37 when I 'really' started to get some progress on my drinking issues. You do sound very resolved to be healthy.
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  AF Daily Tuesday 26 May

                  Hey all;

                  hearing alot of good stuff about flax seed, and I have to agree, works wonders for a variety of stuff it seems (I took it for eczma)

                  AFM: I'm glad to see you so resolved towards changing your life for the better, it's really inspirational to see somebody working so hard to better themselves. Even at 18, I can sympathise a great deal with the guilt and the feeling of havign wasted time on AL

                  Loppy: good decision, those other companies would probably have ended up more expensive anyway tacking on extra charges for this that and the other! Can never trust a bully.

                  As for me I've made a few plan for the next 3 months: once my exams are all out of the way I really want to focus on bettering myself physically and mentally. I've already started to indulge my creative passion more and am writing again, I'm also reading more often and generally makign more time for me. Other plans include returning to jogging and daily exercise and starting to live on a healthier diet
                  The way I change the past is by not repeating it
                  -James Hetfield, Metallica


                    AF Daily Tuesday 26 May

                    Sorry folks having a really odd day. For a number of reason was really stressful and by the end of the day I would have given anything not to feel .... that.... whatever that was. Following on from yesterdays Chateau neuf de pape craving I was beside myself. Kept telling myself that it wasn't a craving for red wine it was a desire not to feel bad. But bad head space was telling me that red wine would work for now.

                    Anyway I had to go out tonight, so I kept telling myself I couldn't drink in front of my friend... wait until you get home. Then when I got off the train I told myself I had to go home first before I could go to the off licence. Then I forced myself upstairs where one of my emergency stash of antabuse jumped down my throat! What a pallaver!!!! Sometimes positive thinking isn't enough to overcome years of drunk thinking and you have to just grit your teeth and get on with it.

                    TG you sound really positive. I'm back at weight watchers first thing tomorrow and then have a session with a personal trainer in the evening. I think I will feel better if I am fitter. I like the sound of creative writing, brilliant outlet for so many things.

                    DT positive thinking re the fitters and knowing my luck possibly true. Unfortunately I can't take any time of work so my retired neighbour is looking after things for me. It would be soooooo lost on him.

                    AFM 37 is a great age to get started, I am 47 now and wish I had started this journey years ago. You have time to achieve anything you decide to.

                    LVT does this mean you have to cut all the lawns your son is committed to? Motherly love and all that.

                    Greeneyes sounds like an expensive time for you. I have some sympathy with your Dad, I became addicted to animal planet for a while. Animal cops Houston in particular but it hasn't had the same attraction since Max Mixson left. Suspect that's not why your Dad watches it.

                    Pamina flax seed brilliant for many things. I make blueberry porridge in the morning and sprinkle the crushed seeds on top. I think it tastes delicious as well as being good for me.

                    Rusty your namesake is curious, mischievious, athletic and totally adorable. I woke up this morning to him sitting on the end of my bed chewing the bedpost. I can't get used to having a rabbit who can climb stairs none of my others have been able to. Actually Rusty is called after Rusty Egan the musician from Visage. Anyone remember them from the eighties? Anyway Rusty is called after him because he is red with dodgy dentals just like the musician.

                    Long post from me and time I got some shut eye. Feeling a lot less stressed now. Sleep tight.
                    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
                    AF 8 June 2012

