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AF Daily Wednesday 27 May

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    AF Daily Wednesday 27 May

    Morning all,

    Another brief post as I have to go and bunny proof the bathroom. Long story will tell you later.

    I am over last night's traumas for now. Hard to believe that it could hit me so powerfully when I felt as if I was sailing along with a plan for everything. Just goes to show that you can never let your guard down.

    Take care everyone.
    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
    AF 8 June 2012

    AF Daily Wednesday 27 May

    Hi Loppy and all to come

    Well done Loppy on fighting Al last night. Are you on antabuse all the time or just take it in emergencies like last night? We take whatever help we need and good for you for not letting Al win. The drinking thinking is amazing, I could so relate to all you said, I have had that same conversation in my head so many times. Unfortunately for me hubby drinks red wine so with the bottle open it has been all too easy to pour a glass.

    Bit wet here this am, hope everyone has a great day, will check in later.



      AF Daily Wednesday 27 May

      Happy Wednesday AFers! Loppy thanks for getting us started today. I'm glad you have made it through a couple of rough days here without giving in.

      The last couple of days have been crazy busy but in a really good way. Downside though - not much time for reading and posting. So...just wanted to make a quick check in and say that I hope are are making steps forward in your programs!

      There will be no drinking here today that's for sure. Might be baling water out of the basement, but no drinking.

      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

      One day at a time.


        AF Daily Wednesday 27 May

        Good Morning AFreedom Riders! The AF journey continues, in spite of struggles, I see. Loppy, you are a resilient one and thank you for failthfully waking us these recent days. Waking up to bunny tales is certainly a treat.

        The long weekend provided a retreat to the north country and quiet time reading, knitting, planting flowers, but NO INTERNET! Boy, I do spend so much time at this screen and keyboard. But I missed you all and have some catch up reading to do.

        Today is another new day on this onion peeling journey. Since I have been AF these 42 days, I have put my efforts at weight reduction on hold, giving priority to discovering my hidden self and working what comes up when I don't drown my feelings in wine. Well, I have been craving carbs and sweets and letting myself have those things when they appear - even seek them out at times. I only have so much effort in me, I guess. I have not worried about it, just let it be.

        Later this morning I am going to walk into a gym and get some advice from an intern working there to hopefully get this old bod moving more deliberately. I will think of it as just a few more layers of the onion I am peeling. Some layers just need discarding and the bat wings on these arms are a layer I can do without!! HA!

        How do you walk into a GYM full of youthful bodybuilders, as a middle-aged woman who looks like she has not been in a gym before? Courageously. I could pass up the offer of a free week trial and no one would know, but its time to stop hiding in these extra body layers. Maybe one week will be just the kick I need to get going. It seems the natural 'next step' on this AF journey of self discovery - self actualization. Yep, I am just talking about me here, and not feeling guilty because I know my journey is not so unique - many others have my life and can relate, I am certain of that.

        So I will hold myself accountable and return here to post after I make it to the GYM. See, now I have to go.......


          AF Daily Wednesday 27 May

          Good morning friends!

          I think you'll find as hard as you're trying to reprogram your brain Loppy, it will get easier with time! Just don't give up or in!
          Hidden, good for you for facing the studleys at the gym--you might be suprised at the clientele! Exercise is key to making this program work well, I can't talk much, I still don't have a good exercise routine00but I know it helps.
          Got eldest off to church camp leadership training, made him call his "clients" and offer my services while he's gone. I know I have one lawn to do today, but actually looking forward to it , it is so nice out. Hubby is still worried about getting the garden in, I reassured him it would happen, it's just going to be a little late. If I could just go out there and stick stuff in the ground, I would be done, but the way our weather is--wind, heat, hail--I have to put protective covers on all the plants. Usually I use milk jugs--but forgot to save very many. So need to get my tomato cages made and put plastic on them. Will use the ODAT philosophy here--just keep plugging away until I'm done.
          Had fun with youngest last night at his baseball game. He is pitching and does pretty well. I love the big grin on his face when he strikes one out!! Makes all the running around worthwhile. Another game tonight.
          We visited our puppy Sunday, I thought I'd share a recent pic. Have a great day all! :h
          Attached files [img]/converted_files/909737=4956-attachment.jpg[/img]
          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            AF Daily Wednesday 27 May

            Happy Wed ABerooooos!

            oh the puppy picture is insanely cute LVT!!!!

            Hidden, yeah for you getting going on some serious exercise. I cannot speak enough on how powerful exercise has been in my recovery. It's ability to transform our brain is perhaps even more important than the bodily transformations we receive from it.

            DG, that post was so short I'm thinking somebody kidnapped you and is typing in your place? LOL!

            be well everyone and all to come,
            nosce te ipsum
            (Know Thyself)


              AF Daily Wednesday 27 May

              Geesh, I cannot believe it is Wednesday already!

              Good morning to you all! Well, it is almost noon here; but I had some stuff I needed to get done before sitting at the computer for a couple of hours reading.

              Everything is going well for me in regards to no AL. I have been out walking twice a day and just enjoying feeling alive and good.

              Loppy, good for you for not giving in. Well done! Antabuse is certainly a powerful sobriety tool.

              Hidden, great stuff about the gym. You are just as welcome as anyone else! Just think how great you will feel!

              Doggy, it's good to be busy!

              LVT - the pup is adorable!

              Good morning, Det!

              Well I am off to the park with the little one. Now that preschool is out and I am not working much; it has been a huge undertaking to keep this active one busy. LOL. She never stops. Yesterday I almost put her up for adoption.

              Have a great day everyone!


                AF Daily Wednesday 27 May

                Hi all. Work is busy, new house is almost done and kids have last day of school next week. It has been hard to get to AA meetings but, I am dying to start an exercise program. My butt has gotten quite large over the past couple of months. I am not drinking but, eating like a horse. I have allowed myself but, we are in the ridiculous area now. The madness needs to stop. I will start after next week when kids are done with school and I don't have so many committments.
                Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                  AF Daily Wednesday 27 May

                  Hi all

                  It's wet weather, the kids are hard work on half term holiday - I really struggled tonight - I nearly had a glass of wine - I started another thread on General Abstinence, outlining my struggle.

                  Will be back later - I need to stay close

                  Take care all

                  Sausage xx


                    AF Daily Wednesday 27 May

                    Hey guys, been having a nice (if slightly soggy) wednesday. Found another interview with James Hetfield (Metallica) in which he talks about his own struggles with alcoholism, going through rehab etc. He's always been a major inspiration to me in my quest to control my AL intake and i think he's in a position alot of people here can relate to, ie; got sober after years of heavy drinking to block out negative emotions and also (this is the part that really sticks out for me) to help him be less shy. Shyness is something I myself have always struggled with and one of the many reasons I used to drink was to make being myself easier (of course I wasn't being myself, but it's easier to fool yourself and keep going than to stop and look at what you've done.) But anywho, just wanted to share a little of my inspiration w th you guys, and for anybody interested James is about 7-8 years sober now, and still makes some of the best damn metal ever anywho, love and respect to you all

                    The way I change the past is by not repeating it
                    -James Hetfield, Metallica


                      AF Daily Wednesday 27 May

                      ThatGirl, I am a fan of Metallica, especially James Hetfield. I watched his biography a few years ago about his battle with alcohol. He is definitely an inspiration for sure.

                      By the way; way to go for being so young and doing something about this. You have such a bright future ahead of you!


                        AF Daily Wednesday 27 May

                        AFM, way cool having another Metallica fan about! I'm seeing them for the second time -this year- in august. I haven't seen that biography, must have a look about on amazon for it.

                        And thanks AFM, alot of people on here comment on my age but way I see it, a problem is a problem no matter how old or young you are, I'm just glad I had the good sense to realise where my life was headed before it was too late.
                        The way I change the past is by not repeating it
                        -James Hetfield, Metallica

